Reviews for Hunting You
Tiggy318 chapter 1 . 9/2/2019
Good story!
ShellSueD chapter 1 . 7/30/2019
I so enjoy your Ranger POV's. I also always enjoy the appearance of my second book boyfriend, Tank. But what a position Stephanie put him in. He couldn't win either way. I wonder if Stephanie suspects Ranger is saving Kipling for a later time? Something to think about. Great read, thank you!
honahlee chapter 1 . 7/14/2019
This above start of a tale is why I read so few stories that aren't complete. Patience is NOT my greatest personality trait. I am inpatient and detest reading a story in bits and pieces. I want IT ALL!, right from the first posting and not in pieces, without typos, and love stories that are worth my while to read. Not some 30,000 word, incomplete story that leaves the reader hanging with a speedy ending just because the author was tired of writing. Give me a solid 100,000 or words with thought of plot preparation, witty dialogue, the Merry Men even the bashing of Helen and Joe as worthy advisories add to the depth of the plot. Lily Ghost, you are one of the best writers on here- now get busy and let me know where this story is heading. -
Vulcan Rider chapter 1 . 7/13/2019
Why do people insist on torturing and punishing the people who send their relatives to their well-deserved jail cells, instead of blaming the relative who actually broke the law, requiring someone to return them to the system? That's like killing the messenger. I guess insanity doesn't make sense to those of us who are sane.

Great one-shot. I can see Ranger and Tank meting out delayed justice.
Maggie M.
Knox0606 chapter 1 . 7/12/2019
Wow...that first sentence is a throat grabber! You are such a good writer!
Lordel chapter 1 . 7/12/2019
Another great story. I'm glad that Stephanie was able to save herself before Ranger and the merry men got there. It's nice seeing a strong Stephanie. thanks for writing
Mumofpicklegirls chapter 1 . 7/11/2019
Ooh, scarey ending
Loved it but I would have made his ending more public - to put people off having a go at Steph in the future. The. Perhaps, maybe, he will...
MamaJoyce chapter 1 . 7/10/2019
I love when Ranger gets protective of Stephanie although the people who hurt don't appreciate his sense of justice as much as I do, lol! Great story!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/10/2019
Hmm, but can he keep this from her? And if so, should he? More soon?
Guest chapter 1 . 7/9/2019
Wow. Not often we get to see Ranger as a cold calculating murderer.
jules3677 chapter 1 . 7/9/2019
I wonder if Steph knows what Ranger has planned for the ‘soon to be no more’ Kipling? She does know him well. Liked the contained rage of your Ranger character. Particularly impressed that your Steph character is becoming more capable in defending herself and escaping from danger.
shellbell78 chapter 1 . 7/9/2019
Awesome story!
Barb4psu chapter 1 . 7/9/2019
Love it
Vicki Snyder1 chapter 1 . 7/9/2019
Wow! Great angsty one shot. I’m surprised that Ranger would still kill him after Steph asked him not to. Yikes! Be careful Ranger - you know she’ll find out. She always does!
Babelvr54 chapter 1 . 7/9/2019
Super intense but I can see it happening. Great work!
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