A/N Here is a PM I received for the contest!! Voting is about to begin in the Epic T-Rated Oneshot Contest hosted by Bronzehairedgirl620 and the late Daddy's Little Cannibal...Voting will be in the form of a poll on Bronzehairedgirl620's profile...I encourage you all read to go vote..there really were some great entries!!! So mark your calendars!


Voting is finally starting for the Epic T-Rated Contest; thanks for being patient. Here's how the process will work:

Round one: June 22nd-26th. All entries will be included here.

Round two: June 29th-July 3rd. The top half (30-40 entries) from the first round will be included here.

Round three: July 6th-10th. The top half (20-30 entries) from the second round will be included here, and the top three winners will be determined.

The prizes will be either a banner, signature or cover.

Thank you for participating! I loved your entry, and good luck. Be sure to let your readers know about the voting times. If you have any questions, PM me. I'll send you another message if you advance to the next round.