Author has written 10 stories for Harry Potter. Hey, there! After a year's hiatus, I finally posted a new fic - I've Got You Under My Skin, and as usual, it's an H/H fic. The main reason I wrote it was because I recently noticed an alarming number of depressing H/H fics out there even since book 5 was released. As a result, I made it as madcap as possible - Harry dances like there's something stuck on his shoe, Hermione tickles Harry with well-oiled machine fingers and Harry nips at Hermione's fingers with his teeth - and it's written to make you laugh for a change. More fics are hopefully on the way. I'm curently writing a PG-13 H/H fic called 'The Road to Reality', and I'm about seven chapters into it. It's a slow progress, but it'll get done and it'll be the best fic I've EVER written, and that says a lot, since I've written so many, most of which remain un-posted. But if you want to learn more about R2R (which I am prone to call it) please read this: It's based on the life of Hermione after Hogwarts. She works with Ron, Seamus andNevilleat the Ministry and fights Death Eaters every few nights. OnlyHermione and a small group of people know why the War was actually happening and how to end it - by finding Harry Potter, who disappeared on his last day at Hogwarts and hasn't been seen for four years. But it will be a battle for Hermione,as at every turn, there is a reminder of the boy she once loved. She is so fustrated that she devotes most of her time to her Auror duties. But eventually, her career will end and another will begin - finding and keeping Harry human will be a full-time job. All I can tell you is that it's a very good fic with lots of twists and turns and a generally awe-inspiring. It’s much more serious than Demontarity, with a few funny moments, but all of it is very well-written and brilliant. This is something I never dreamed I’d be able to write. When it's done, I will post a chapter every week-and-a-half, unlike Demontarity, where I updated every month. To anyone who wanted to know what the heck has happend to me, let me explain - I recently started college to become a Graphics Designer, and it's really taking up a lot of my time. I won't lie to you, I have plenty of time to write fics, and I have been doing just that. I have about 14 unfinnished ones. Yes. 14. And most of them are a no-go. So expect to see a little more of me over the next... year... or something. "Maybe he ate bad brocolli. That happened to me once." -Ron from Tournament of Demontarity, chapt 15. "... I wave my private parts at your aunties, you cheesy lot of second hand electric donkey-bottom biters!... I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!" -The French Soldier (John Cleese), from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. One of my favourite movies. SEE IT! CANADA IS THE BEST PLACE TO LIVE. END OF STORY. |