Mixtures. That was probably where it all began. The mixture of combinations. Ingredients meshed up to create something. A something that can lead to many conclusions. However, there were those that the effect was so specific, it leads to something inevitable.
Much like the act of love between two people. Such as her parents since eventually her father's sperm collided with her mother's egg cell. Thus this was then followed --
With great disgust she immediately stopped the train of thought. She recoiled inside the comfy comforter of her four-poster bed. The mark of revulsion was still masking her face.
Mentally she reprimanded herself. No one should ever think of his or her parents engaging in that act. It was like the unwritten rule of the offspring.
Perhaps this would teach her to stop reading that bloody biology book late at night.
She should have known that something unpleasant would result from that. Or at least the combination of trying to cram extra muggle knowledge to her already stressed brain, would cause a reaction.
The stress was starting to hamper her once fluid study manner. And little effects were starting to appear out of nowhere. Like how her eye twitched that one day the great git boasted about--
A sudden pang hit her abdomen again. Her body shirked even more and her hands clutched her stomach.
The pain reminded her of what awoke her from her once peaceful slumber.
Her feet then pushed her bed covers away. She forced her body to stand up.
She voiced out a painful groan as the pain became more intense. Her ice-cold fingers plucked her wand away from the nightstand.
Another great pang wrenched her insides.
She spit out the incantation that called her day planner to her. Immediately the bulging notebook landed in her lap.
Her fingers expertly turned to the marked date of today. A loud snort escaped her as she read the quote for the day, if you do it right, then you'll be alright!
They could have written down something better, she muttered to herself.
Her numb fingers then traced the ink engraved in the small page. Her pair of weary eyes before long widened slightly at the little star in the top right hand corner.
Oh no...
She tossed her notebook away. Right now she did not care to turn back, even as she heard a loud thunk and a slight groan from one of her roommates.
She tiptoed her way across the room to the small lobby that led to the loos. Instantly, the candles flickered to life as her presence was announced. The mirror of the bathroom greeted her warmly but with concern.
She paid no mind to the inanimate object because she was too busy rummaging through her shelf. Her furious stare scrutinized every potion bottle. Finally she came upon the small bottle she was searching for. Her throat produced a small squeal of relief, but was quickly quenched when she inspected it closely in her hand.
The bottle that would cure her from her current pain was empty! Empty!
Her eyes widened for the umpteenth time as realization hit her. If she did not drink the potion, then that meant she would have to use the muggle alternative...
Her breath quickly started to come out in large pants. Screaming started to sound lovely to her at the moment.
Dear is there something wrong? The mirror asked in worry at the shaking teenage girl.
Hermione settled her trembling body on the floor. She watched as the small glass bottle rolled on the stone floor. An empty glass bottle...
Oh bugger...
What do you mean you ran out!?! Her shout vibrated around the Hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey merely tutted at the action.
Hermione did not spend the last few hours awake with cramps to be told this. She waited until a decent hour to come upon the Hospital Wing to automatically solve her problem and cure her from the pain.
But it seemed that someone up there just did not like her. It was probably Pick on Hermione Granger' day.
The nurse turned her back to her and simply waved her wand as the potion bottles settled on a high shelf. The glass door then shut with a snap.
If you do not keep your voice down Miss Granger-- the healer glared slightly at the flustered girl -- then I am going to ask you to leave.
This only made an already annoyed Hermione bristle with more anger. Bad move.
What is my talking going to do, wake up the pillows? Hermione asked sarcastically.
The comment only served to make Madam Pomfrey purse her lips.
Miss Granger, this kind of behavior is not acceptable here! We have other patients housed in this wing that very well need their bloody rest! AND YOU ARE NOT HELPING MATTERS ANY!
Hermione stood there slack jawed for a few passing seconds. Though she then recovered enough to rebut against the now irritated nurse.
Oh, and I suppose your yelling is very suitable and does not make you a hypocrite at all...
Hermione had no idea what was taking over herself. Or who in the seven hells was coming up with these responses. Which, she thought, were quite witty. But that was not her point.
Never would she in a million years answer so coyly to an authoritative figure, much less one that she needed help from!
Yet, it was the nurse's fault for not having a spare potion bottle of what she desperately needed. It was not like she came here every time and demanded for every little thing.
Instead, she made her own potion to try not to burden the nurse. And the only bloody time she asked for a tiny favor, just one potion bottle with said potion, the nurse came empty handed.
Obviously, Hermione was not a happy camper.
The word made Hermione stare questionably at the nurse. What do you mean out?
Miss Granger, have you lost your comprehension of the English language? When I say out and am glaring at you, I mean for you to (this was said with some ridiculous hand movements) get out!
Hermione felt insulted and pouted her lips further. I came here to get a cure not some lecture.
Madam Pomfrey's hands were itching closer to the wand she dropped upon the nearest bed during their talk.
I already explained to you that someone beat you to the last bottle. I am in the middle of brewing some but they are not going to be ready until tomorrow.
The teenage girl did not relent from her furious glaring. She crossed her arms across her chest and winced slightly at another pang occurring deep in her belly.
Madam Pomfrey's gaze softened as she watched the girl in sympathy.
But tell you what, there might be something I can do for you.
Hermione's eyes lit up with hope. She was still crouched in a half bent position since the pain in her stomach was getting even worse. From an outsiders point of view, her position would appear to be very awkward.
Oh! Is it a spell? Hermione asked with excitement. Perhaps the situation would not turn out so bad after all.
Maybe, just maybe, the whole circumstance will rectify itself.
Madam Pomfrey said this slowly. What I have in mind is indeed a spell....
Hermione was getting quite impatient with the nurse. Why was she speaking with great circumspection?
Stop beating around the bush! What is the catch?
The nurse's nostrils flared out in indignation. Hermione's logical side silently admonished her behavior. Yet, she was irate enough to mentally push the voice away from her mind.
The pain was getting to be too much to bear.
Never would I ever imagine such attitude from you. Perhaps this is because the influence of today's youth. In my day -
Hermione growled in impatience. Madam Pomfrey tutted but stopped in mid rant.
The spell I am about to perform on you will only ease your pain slightly.
Hermione plopped down on the floor in surprise.
Slightly? You mean with all the magic in the world the only alternative to this hell every woman experiences each month; there is only a single cure!?! In a bloody potion bottle that neither you and I have?!?
Madam Pomfrey sneered down at her pitiful form. She almost cackled at the aggravated teenage girl. But she nodded her head at Hermione's questions.
The girl's eyes were now glittering with hopeless tears in response to the after mentioned nod.
Perhaps Madam Pomfrey was being unreasonable in taking pleasure at the girl's misfortune. But she deserved it! No one ever talked to her in that way and this girl at least was paying up for it.
Sure there might be another option to cure Hermione of this. Probably if she looked at the books in her office closely, she might find one. But like hell she was going to offer it to the girl.
No one ever talked to her that way and got away with it.
Now sweetie, Madam Pomfrey slipped into a concerned façade. Stand still or I might hit someone else if you don't. Oh and I have some muggle products out back that might help you with your situation. You look like a small...
Hermione found herself waddling to the Gryffindor house table. Yes, she was waddling.
Silently she cursed the female body function. What did the female ever do to God? Why did they have to endure this?
It was bloody uncomfortable settling down and using a pad. A pad that Madam Pomfrey kindly told her had wings!
She felt the need then to grab the illustrious box of pads and smack Madam Pomfrey with it when the nurse illustrated this detail. As if she gave a bleeding thought about it having wings!
She felt that the old nurse could no longer sympathize with her.
The nurse after all was the right age to no longer bear a child and therefore did not have this particular hateful friend visit her every month.
Hermione, where were you?
Her anger settled for a minute as she gazed at Harry. Harry, that had his brow furrowed in concern at her and had his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. Then there was the mess of jet-black hair she adored from him, that was creeping down to his eyes. It was everywhere and her hands itched to run her fingers through it.
Calm down, she had to remind herself. Quickly she plopped her body in the bench across from him.
She grimaced as she felt that pad squelch. It was like having a diaper on. Honestly, why was she so cursed!?!
Are you okay? Are you feeling alright?
Hermione took the piece of toast from his hand. Absently she smeared some jelly across it.
I am alright Harry. Thanks for asking.
Bless his heart for asking. She felt her heart quicken as he reached across the table and squeezed her hand for assurance.
Are you sure? You seem rather antsy at the moment.
She merely forced out a smile. Her throat could not seem to be able to produce a single sound at the moment, at least one that wasn't something like a cross between a gurgle and sigh.
Harry's hand retreated and he stared at her questionably. Hermione blushed furiously at his reaction.
What was happening to her? Usually she was in control of her emotions and did not voice out incoherent sounds at Harry's touch. Well... at least not out loud.
Suddenly Ron, who she did not notice until right now, whipped his head around. He was still chuckling from a conversation he had a few seconds ago with Seamus and Dean.
Slowly but eventually he acknowledged her.
Oy! Where did you appear from?
Hermione frowned at the greeting. A good morning to you too...
Harry watched his friends in concern. He felt that Hermione was not being fairly tolerant today.
Call it instinct or the fact that Hermione's eye twitched for a second.
He was not very keen on hearing both of them go at it way early in the morning. Their bickering, although entertaining the first few seconds, really stressed his position as their best friend.
Anyway, Harry did I tell of this dream I had last night? Ron absurdly questioned Harry. He completely focused on the other boy and practically ignored Hermione that was glaring across the table.
Harry shook his head no, which prompted Ron to launch into a full detailed analysis of the dream.
Hermione hummed under her breath to block the loud exclamations from Ron. That way she could not hear about what a girl did with her tongue with Ron in the dream. Really, the nerve of the boy! For Merlin's sake they were eating!
The humming did not seem to be working. Her vocal cords tried to keep up with her mental command to hum as loudly as possible.
A third year glanced in uncertainty at her. Though she paid no mind for her attention was elsewhere.
Out of the corner of her eye she watched as Harry inched further away from Ron. His eyes gleamed with amusement yet the blush in his cheeks indicated that he was embarrassed by what Ron was practically broadcasting.
...And then the girl said to me in this rather sensual voice. Ron! I have never seen someone with such a big--
At this part, Hermione slammed her plate against the wooden table. Her right eye started twitching and she tried her best to glare at Ron.
Ron watched her in worry. Hermione I think you have something in your eye. You see it is twitching--
For the second time Hermione interrupted Ron. She slammed her goblet of pumpkin juice, spilling it on the table and spraying Ron in the face.
He merely blinked back astonished and too shocked to say anything.
As you can see she abandoned her let us hum and ignore Ron' mantra.
Ron had the decency to blush as every head in the Great Hall turned to them. Hermione was practically shaking when she finished. She nodded good-bye to Harry and stomped her way out of the Great Hall in a dramatic exit, complete with the hair toss. Yet, part of the effect was ruined by some sort of waddling she did.
As soon as she left, the shock wore off and an incessant string of laughter followed.
Ron then turned to Harry. Whom was trying his best to not laugh along.
Harry is what she said true? Do you not care about what I say?
The towering boy had a small pout that made him look like a little boy all over again.
Harry, instead of replying, coughed in his hand and said they were going to be late to class if they did not hurry.
She had no idea what was getting to her. Usually it was Ron who exploded first with his bottled anger.
Then she followed and spit back what she thought. Though, usually her comments were less harsh and vulgar.
Oh, she started to feel so ashamed. Humiliation was creeping down her spine as she remembered that she yelled out wet dreams' in front of McGonagall.
Someone kill her now.
She glanced down at her watch. Instantly she groaned and picked up her pace as she dashed past corridor after corridor.
She was going to be late to her class if she did not hurry. Regularly she was the first to arrive. She mostly did this to claim the front spot and to read ahead for those precious few minutes before class. After all, the NEWTS were just months away!
And the clock kept ticking. That meant every possible moment she could find, she would use to prop open a book. Time could either be her friend or enemy.
And she desperately wanted it to be her ally.
However, today it seemed to harbor some resentment to her. Since things were most certainly not going her way.
After her exit from the Great Hall, she automatically went to the owlry to owl her mum for advice and some painkillers.
She feared that her previous altercation with the nurse meant that they weren't on good terms right now.
Therefore, she could not go to her for some potions to get rid of the lingering pain. Because the spell that was cast upon her was going to wear off soon and like it did a fat load of help.
The situation was getting worse since her back started to ache the second she sent Hedwig off.
She needed pain killers now. Some Midol or whatever it was...
She discreetly entered her History of Magic classroom. Her entrance was mostly not noted since most of the classmates were rather drowsy. Even though this was a NEWT class, most were not attentive to what the professor lectured.
But this was understandable since after all it was Professor Binn's class. And the same people that shared her pain of being in the classroom since first year stayed, even if the majority of them bombed the OWL test.
It turned out that the class was still required to the misfortune of her peers, because the need for some class credits —credits that were necessary to be present in job applications.
Yet, she would be surprised if more than two people besides her actually got full credit in this class at the end of the year.
She then sat in a desk next to Harry's. Who watched her appear and mouthed what is going on' to her.
A lot of damn things were going on.
She shook her bushy mane and got out a sheet of parchment. Rapidly, she got out her favorite quill as well and dipped it in the shiny black ink that reminded her so very much of Harry's mop of hair...
The quill scratched against the rough parchment. Quickly, she folded the tough parchment and threw it at Harry.
An unsuspecting Harry got plowed with it. He frowned as he unfolded it. His fingertips traced the words produced there, which made him even more confused then before.
Why would Hermione want some painkillers?
The trio marched past the hallways and tried to squeeze themselves past the constant crowd. Hermione felt Ron's glare as a passing group muttered an altered version of Weasley is our King' with some added lyrics— lyrics that included the public revelation of what occurred during breakfast.
Harry merely walked against her and managed to look at her with a dubious expression. The pain was starting to intensify once again and her temper left much to be desired.
She was practically growling when they reached the dungeon floors that lead to Snape's class. It appeared that her brisk manner of cutting through the crowd won them a few minutes of free time.
She clutched her stomach as one huge cramp hit her. Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes. Harry dashed to her side and held her up.
She clenched her eyes closed, as the pain did not go away.
She then felt Harry's cool fingertips brush her fringe back from her eyes. The feeling sent a trill down her spine. This feeling helped her pain subside somewhat.
Do you need to go to the Hospital Wing Hermione?
All she could do was gaze endlessly at Harry's emerald green eyes. How can someone have such green eyes?
No. I think I am fine. She said this breathlessly as she was still in his embrace.
He nodded and awkwardly let her go. A mask of a blush colored his cheeks. He did not dare meet her eye. Hermione kindly mimicked him.
Ron tutted and ruined the rather promising moment.
Hermione what possessed you to shout that to the whole damn Great Hall!?! It was not a wet dream!
Hermione simply bit her lip and looked down in shame.
Now they have this new verse to that cursed song! That I thought was forgotten and you come up and bring it up! You know how much I hate it!
Ron's constant shouting was making her anger surface once again. Sure she knew that what she did was out of hand. But it was one thing to know when to let go of something.
It was not like she can go back and change time. Well at least not without a time turner...
And plus, Ron was practically telling the whole Great Hall anyway. She only added her own commentary to it.
Now Ron, calm yourself. I am sure Hermione did not mean it. Harry smiled at her as he said this.
Hermione returned the smile. Ron gazed in aghast. He soon turned red in the face.
What in the bloody hell is this?!? Why are you taking her side now?!? Why all of a sudden do we have you two getting so close together like she is your lap dog or--
He was cut off as Hermione's hand slapped him across the cheek. Her cheeks were flushed with anger and her eyes glinted dangerously.
Ron rubbed his cheek and suddenly knew how Malfoy felt in third year.
Hermione's fists were clenched so tightly he could see her knuckles turning a whitish hue. Harry came from behind her and laid a hand on her small back.
This caused Hermione to get herself in order for a few seconds. Her trembling lessened slightly. Ron only gulped some more.
Hermione was practically breathing fire out.
But what was more to add to this scene, then the appearance of Draco Malfoy and his goons.
Aw. Are Potty, Mudblood and Weasel having some relationship problems? Are you both bickering on who will part the Mudblood's legs first?
Harry broke of his shock and sneered at Malfoy. His long graceful fingers curled into manly fists. Fists that Hermione would not mind taking into her grasp...
Harry was in the middle of launching himself on Draco. But Hermione came to her senses and stopped him with a glare. He stared at her addled and she only winked in response.
She pivoted around and gazed at Draco with an indifferent look that made her look lethal.
Her steps towards the pale boy were slow enough that Draco had enough time to look her over.
Her voice sounded stony like and with a hint of a seductive tone. This made Draco just stare at her baffled with a mixture of distaste and interest.
Like what you see? Hermione deliberately swished her hips in a sensual way. Draco simply pulled at his collar.
Hermione then tugged on his tie and grinned at the hint of lust in his eyes. Pansy seethed in anger and the rest of the classmates gazed at the pair with curiosity and confusion.
Before Draco could produce a sound; Hermione jabbed her knee against his groin. Malfoy kneeled on the floor and gasped for air.
Don't you dare speak to me or my friends that way, Ferret! Or else you would think that what I have just done is a little prick once I am through with you.
Malfoy crawled backwards from her and produced a rather girlish scream. Seamus snorted out loud.
All the males in the room winced in sympathy as Hermione pulled her leg back, in preparation of another blow. Dean could be heard in the background saying something about needing a bucket of popcorn.
Pansy then rushed to her darling Draco. She crouched next to him for a few minutes. She glowered in rage as she marched her way to Hermione.
You little bitch! How dare you do that to Draco!
Pansy stretched her claws and they were in great danger of being near Hermione's face. It was at this time that Harry stepped forward and grabbed Pansy's wrist.
Harry spoke carefully, I would not do that if I were you.
Pansy pouted but let go unwillingly. She sneered at Hermione who was trying her best not to show the pain her cramps were bringing her.
But as soon as Pansy stepped away from Harry, a loud incantation was heard. Hermione was pushed to the right hand side by Harry to avoid a stream of some yellow light.
Parvati shrieked as the beam landed on Lavender. Everyone watched as she cried out as her body morphed around and shrunk into a...
Bird! Lavender is a bird!
And quite a pretty bird as well. Lavender had some maroon feathers that ruffled in indignation at Malfoy. Slowly Lavender lifted her wings and flew straight at Malfoy,who was still holding on to his wand. Lavender the bird pecked him repeatedly in punishment of being turned to a rather luminous bird.
Oh! Lavender we need to get you to the Hospital Wing! Parvati continued to cry out.
Lavender the bird scowled as best as a bird could at the frightened Malfoy. But she ultimately followed Parvati.
And the pretty bird went bye-bye, Dean commented.
Malfoy soon gathered what was left of his dignity and leaned against the wall. He stared at Hermione with a light of fear.
What is it with you woman! Is it your time of the month or something?
Hermione would then later admire how gigantic and influential her anger was. Right now her composure was shaking once again with this grand emotion. It only grew larger once Ron nodded in agreement.
For once Malfoy, I agree with you. Ron continued to rub his cheek. Hermione noticed with glee that her handprint was marked across his once pale cheeks.
Draco observed this as well. He shook his head in disbelief. That is why we mates need to stick together. To try to prevent this female aggression.
He aristocratically wrinkled his nose in disdain.
A woman should stay at home to serve their betters.
Ron frowned and disagreed with an imperceptibly kind of headshake. No, but they should appreciate us.
This was Hermione's breaking point. She marched her way to both of them who seem to have inched closer in their male bondage talk. Her index finger poked each of them in the chest with each point she made.
Do you realize that I am still here along with some female classmates! If you are going to insult the whole female race, then I suggest you do it properly!
The rest of the girls continued to cheer on Hermione and glare at the two boys.
I feel sorry for whoever decides to stand close to your stench! You repulse me! Both of you wouldn't know the meaning of a relationship if it was naked and dancing the can-can on your head while wearing a feathered boa hat! And I wouldn't be surprised since your ignorant and opinionated minds are obvious!
Hermione took in a deep breath and was going to continue her tirade if it was not for a soft cough.
Everyone turned to see their Potion's Professor gliding his way to them. About bloody time too!
Miss Granger are you finished?
Snape curled his lip at her. His coal black eyes eyed the corridor in aversion.
Well if you interrupted me then I can hardly be finished, can I?
Hermione's logical side just whimpered in despair. But she had had enough of all this unfair treatment she had to endure. The gleam in her eye strengthened; she was taking a stand and it was worth whatever consequences were thrown her way.
Snape had a smirk on his face. 20 points from Gryffindor for molesting two classmates.
Hermione started to chuckle in disbelief. What? I did not molest anyone.
I care to debate that. From what I see, the possibilities of there being Draco Jr.'s running around have decreased.
Harry stood next to her and voiced out in a loud whisper. Thank Merlin for that.
If possible, Snape's smirk grew bigger. Mr. Potter, you will be joining Miss Granger in visiting the Headmaster for your punishment.
Harry gaped in disbelief at the Professor. Why? What did I do?
For sitting there and looking pretty.
Hermione squirmed for the billionth time in the comfy chair. But at the moment it was very much acting like some hard metal chair.
Harry continued to stare at some odd bird's perch. But every once in a while, when he thought she was not looking, he would stare at her. Ah, there he went at it again.
Harry, stop doing that.
He crinkled his brow at her. Stop doing what?
If you want to stare at me, go ahead. I don't mind
Oh, she had never seen someone turn red so fast. She took great pleasure at his sudden squirming.
I was not staring... He mumbled this so low that she just caught it.
She then experienced a churning in her stomach that had nothing to do with her cramps. What was going on with her?
But she knew deep down why her reaction was what it was. Her attraction to her best friend started out subtly but it became more pronounced to her as the years passed by. Especially last year, when she thought she lost him in the last battle.
Her doubts about these kinds of feeling for him disappeared, when she rushed to his side the day he fell.
She remembered that night, detail by detail. How could one not? After all that night was a turning point to her, a realization point of her love for him.
She slouched further in her seat as tears started to run down her face. Her hormones were going haywire, the combination of the pain her period was bringing her and Harry's lack of reaction, brought her to the point of tears.
She heard a chair scrape back, but she was too into her own pity to pay it mind. Only when someone joined her in sitting in the same seat did she acknowledge him.
He pulled her into his lap as he settled in the same arm chair.
Hermione what's wrong? Don't cry, please don't cry.
His pleading just made her tears run faster down her face. Harry looked at her with an odd expression before he brought his hands up to her cheek and wiped away the random tears.
She sniffled a little.
Now, I am not going anywhere. So you might as well tell me what has been troubling you all day.
She had to fight the strong urge to grab his chin and kiss him senseless. Her heart fluttered at his touch when he ran his hands over her tense back.
Alarm bells were going off in her head as he continued to slowly rub her back. Her body relaxed under his lingering massage. She did not notice his hands trembling as he did this.
Go on Hermione...
At Harry's inquiring look she started to launch into a full on explanation. She told him of how the cramps started in the morning. How Madam Pomfrey failed to deliver and how the pain was ever going. She gestured with her hands the full analysis. At parts Harry would choke out and cough. She would then blush at his blush, yet she continued explaining and Harry did not stop her.
Once she finished, he gazed at her, not with a sympathetic look but an empathetic one. She had also come to love how his graceful hands worked out the knots over her aching back.
She had to hold back a moan of pleasure when he dug his finger tips in the right place.
I never knew you could purr Hermione.
Damn it, it was impossible not to voice out her pleasure when he did that. She set her head downcast.
Where does it still hurt? He asked her.
She pointed at her abdomen and said nothing. His hands then left her back. For a moment a mask of disappointment covered her face.
But he brought those wonderful hands of his to her belly. Slowly, just like he had done to her back, he rubbed it in lazy circles.
Hermione met his shy gaze as he continued to stroke her. He bit his lip as his hands started to retreat, but her hand latched on his. Therefore causing him to halt.
Hermione choked out --continue. It feels better than those dratted potions.
He flashed her a small boyish grin that made her completely forget about her previous pain. He continued on with their display but both of them jumped apart when the door opened.
An unsuspecting Dumbledore gazed at the two teenagers that were tangled in a rather compromising position.
The twinkle in his eyes grew as he said, I was not interrupting anything, was I?
A/N: This fiction took me a load of time to write. Mostly because I wanted to fit in every idea I had about it. This fiction was prompted by a challenge at Portkey. The that time of the month one. I really wanted to do this since I just wanted to write a carefree fiction for once. One that was not as serious as my previous works. I hope you liked it. Anyway I am not done. I promised to tie in this challenge with another. So I am going to be working on the second chapter. On a last note I want to thank my betas: MD and Teena. Thank you guys and thanks for reading.