![]() Author has written 5 stories for Danny Phantom, and Teen Titans. Hello! This is my first attempt at fanfiction. I have been reading it for years, and am a big supporter of this site. I thought I might try my hand, if for no other reason than to try to improve my writing by getting critiqued by the lovely people that frequent this site. I would like to apologize in advance for any gramatical errors. I do rely heavily on my spell checker, and unfortunatly, it can not tell the difference between to and too, for example. I am actually surprised that my first story was a Danny Phantom, considering I just got into the show. I have been obsessed with Ranma 1/2 and Inuyasha forever.(anime and manga) I am just getting into Danny Phantom and Teen Titans. (I hope this counts, in case I forget in any other stories) I own nothing! I don't own any of the characters, unless I add my own, or any of the shows. I do all this, without permission andwithout profit. Thank you. :) Parings I like and look for: Ranma/Akane Inuyasha/Kagome Danny/Sam Raven/BeastBoy Any story I write about these people, these are the parings you will see. I am a hopeless romantic, but I also have a dark side. I like to make my heros suffer before they are rewarded. :) Anyway, that's all for now. "Nothing fades as fast as the future, nothing clings like the past..." -'More Than This' -Peter Gabriel "Don't make me roll for inititive!" ~bumper sticker I saw the other day. Anyway, I have been having a bit of trouble writing the big battle between Trigon/Pariah Dark and our darling heros. Plus the fact that I am trying to fit some but not all of 'The End' episodes into this chapter. I am still working on it, and I will update very soon. I do have a tiny chapter ready to go, I just have to get my laptop to work with me, not against me. I will try to have chap 11 up within the next couple of days. I will warn you, it is short, and just a lead into the fight. Thank you for sticking with me and for all your fab reviews! I love you all:) That's it for now. "They come here, they all come here. How do they find me?" ~'The Producers' (SO FUNNY! Go watch it now!) :) Anyway, thanks for all the reviews! They are so good for my ego:) My dog still looks at me funny when I do the 'I-got-a-review-booty-dance', but I don't care. It's great exersize. 1-19-07 Wow, a new year, a new round of excuses. My laptop really did bite the big one. The funeral will be held next wednesday. I have another one coming soon, and my bro says he can transfer the hard drive. I really hope so, beacuse that is the only place I have WGC chap 12. I am trying to work off of what I remember, for now. I really do apologize for not even getting on here to explain in so long. Anyway, thank you all for reading and reviewing and hanging in there. I will try to have at least a little something soon. My new years resolution? Not to suck as much as last year! lol Later. 'Ya know what they say-If you can't beat them...They aren't tied down properly!' 5-28-07 Yikes! It has been almost a year since my last story update. I am so the difinition of 'you suck!' And for that, I apologise. As though anyone is even interested anymore. I don't even read stories that are unfinished and un-updated for so long! Lemme explain-I did get my hard drive transfered to my new computer, so that was great. I have a notebook that I had written part of the next chappy in, and I am currently looking for that, working off memory. Unfortunatly, my family has been going through a lot of 'stuff' lately. Health issues, financial issues, etc.. Also, between trying to keep up with my 5 kids, finding out I am pregnanat (we are THRILLED!) and dealing with custody issues with my a!le ex-husband, I have been terribly busy. On the upside, all is seeming to be calming down now. My Muse has started talking to me again, and being pregnant, I have a great excuse to sit and play on my laptop. So, for anyone still interested-Bless you!- lol, I AM working on When Goths Collide. I am gonna keep aspects of 'The End' episodes, but not all. I'm hoping that those who have seen them won't be mad, but Paraih Dark wasn't in the original anyway, so it's gotta be a little different. But I'm also hoping those who have not seen them, won't be totally lost. Anyway, I am woking on it. My life still is hectic, so I am not certian when I can get the next bit up, but I will try to get it posted as soon as possible. Thank you to all reading this, for your patience. I hope I don't dissapoint. Later! "All the world's a stage and the play is poorly cast" -Oscar Wilde 11-29-10 Holy crud muffins, that is a loooong time between updates! For anyone who may care, the baby was a boy (About to turn 3 this Decmber, lol). My brother-you know, the one who was supposed to transfer my hard drive?- well, he kinda, accidentally refomatted the hard drive and put in one of his buddies work computers. uh-huh, ya. The one that had all my WGC stuff on it. Honestly, I have been trying to re-write the ending, but apparently my muse hooked up with an elf and moved to Switzerland. (She sends me postcards now and then, but nothing terribly useful). I have been placing ads for a new muse, but I just haven't found any that seem to work out. I am impressed that some people still read this drivvel, and I thank you for it! I really will reapply myself and try to get it finished. Thank you for your support. I am going to go bang my head against the wall for a bit and see if that shakes anything loose. :) "It's like the chicken said, Launchpad, I knew the job was dangerous when I took it." -Darkwing Duck |