Oh dear, I'm too far along to be helped. Somebody STOP ME! . First fic posted up here, I used to post somewhere else, but the site died and took all my work with it! Sitting in class for finals and this just popped into my head, if it's been done already OMG SORRY! Send me a link so I can read it too! ;)

Chapter 1: Mutual Dream

Hands running along her body, tender and hesitant.

Roxanne opened her eyes to see the shadow figure above her again. For the past several weeks each night he had come to her, and delighted in naughty intimate moments with her body, whether she allowed him to or not. He came just the same. Eager each time, but tonight was different.

He was slow.

This was new. He'd never gone slowly before. Not in any of the nights he had come to her dreams. It was always a rush to quickly reach some goal.

Tonight it was like he would forget her if he went too fast. As if he was trying to memorize her every curve.

She could feel his breathe get heavier as his fingers dipped lower towards her thighs. She shivered, excited by the feel of his smoothness. He leaned down to kiss her, and she opened her lips in welcome.

Rising towards him eagerly she smothered his tenderness with her pleasure. Tonight she welcomed this release and did not want slow; she wanted heated passion and excitement. If only she could see her dream lover. It might push her over the edge into bliss.

Roxanne reached up to hold his slender shoulders, as he positioned himself between her legs.

Just one look, just one- before it's too late, before he goes too far. She didn't want to wonder anymore. Pulling him closer she tried to make her dream self concentrate.

And suddenly, she saw something- green. Bright green eyes looking lustfully back at her, half drowsed with hunger. They blinked, and then she felt him with swiftness enter her.

Roxanne's eyes flew open.

Green eyes.

They were the most brilliant green she had ever seen in her life. But they weren't the only pair she'd ever seen. These specific eyes could only belong to one person. Finally after weeks of this shadow lover she knew, she knew without a doubt, it was him.


Hands reaching for him.

More tests.

More needles.

More pain.

He didn't want to feel the pain anymore, he just wanted one night were he could close his eyes and sleep peacefully without dreaming of the pain, without remembering how the knives felt pushing into his skin so hard he thought he'd go mad from the pain.

Relief soon came, where after they were done with him he could sometimes pass out. After they took him into the white room, and laid him down on the gurney he closed his eyes in the dream as tight as he could, but he knew when he opened them- the doctors would still be there.

But this time was different, his eyes were still closed tight, but he felt something under him. No not something- someone. Moving with him, moaning out loud, saying his name.

Megamind opened his eyes to look down, there was nothing but a shadow beneath him, it reached up to grab his shoulders, and began to pull him down, he thought it was going to devour him- but this feeling.

It felt like- need.

A strong surge of need.

He tried to look closer, closing his eyes once again; he leaned in towards the darkness, and was met with-

Lips. Soft and wet on his own.

His eyes flew open, and he looked back into a pair of very familiar blue eyes.

It was her! He'd never had a dream so vivid with her in it!

She reached down to pull him between her legs, and he smoothly agreed, hearing her satisfied groan.


Megamind shot up in bed, a cold sweat running down his body.

"Sir, breakfast. It's getting rather late; I don't want your food to get cold."

There was a pause for what seemed like forever before Megamind shook himself.

"Alright, I'm coming." Megamind called to him.

He looked around his room quickly to make sure he wasn't still dreaming. He grabbed a pillow and hugged it to himself in wonder.

"She was so real- I felt-Roxanne."

So, wow first chapter- I am writing more as we speak and may have more up today, reviews and critiques welcome. Please be gentle! :D I am more of an artist than a writer, but I thought that this would be fun. Review if you'd like me to keep posting!