Rules of the Games – Level 3 Advanced

Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They belong to the wonderful Rumiko Takahashi and her licensees (Viz Communications in North America). This work is strictly for the non-profit enjoyment of fans. No copyright infringement is intended.

'Rules of the Games' is based upon a story idea by Tom Wrensch.

Last Updated: 19/12/05

The two teenage boys looked at the film poster, standing in an uncomfortable silence as they waited for the girls to return from the toilets. Both had spend an hour watching the film they had no real interest in, as the male half in an uncomfortable group of teens.

"So what does the lolly-pop have to do with it?" Ranma ventured, looking at the image in the poster.

"Er, I don't know. It had something to do with the mute girl I think, was there a lolly-pop in the beginning?" Daisuki said uncomfortably.

Ranma shrugged, his face growing hot. "I wasn't watching either."

The other boy turned on him. "So what happened to, 'Akane's a dorky tomboy', 'I'd nev…'" His quoting fell silent as Ranma's hand snapped in front of his lips fast enough to send a brush of wind passed his hair.


The opening of the door to the ladies toilets in the corner of their eyes sent both boys into motion, facing the door, side by side, just two friends standing together, waiting for their other friends.

Both girls had red faces as they emerged from the bathroom, though each wore a sly smile as they walked up to the boys. Another uncomfortable moment of silence passed before Akane spoke, "Well, let's head home?"

Soon enough, the four of them were walking back towards the Furinkan area of Nerima ward, the boys trailing the girls as they began whispered conversation including much giggling.

With a hum, Ranma looked sideways at his classmate. "I think you got off light, Akane was not happy about you trying to force ya hands on Yuka like that. Yuka must of made her promise not ta hit ya."

"Nah, it wasn't like that. Yuka and I, we… She can't let me just do what I want, especially in a cinema, but she didn't really want me to stop. Trust me, when she wants to stop, Yuka, she'll shout it. Heck, couple weeks ago she caught me looking at some of Hiroshi's porn, hit me so hard I nearly blacked out."

The school boy looked at the distrustful face of the pigtailed boy. "It's like, its just like that dancing class we had to do for PE last month, you know how the guy had to lead but… some of the girls resisted?"

Frowning Ranma nodded, as between rain, no hot water, and Nabiki's meddling, he had been the most resistant of the girls to the leading of the boys.

"Er, it's like that, she wants me to lead, but only were she wants to go. Yuka's turned it into a game almost. If anything, I think she likes it just cause you and Akane do the same."

"Yeah," Ranma nodded slowly, thinking of Akane, his eyes glancing ahead to the girls as the short haired girl glanced back with a smirk and a giggle.

-1. The FEMALE always makes THE RULES, THE RULES are subject to change without prior notice.-

And each girl had their own rules.

"It ain't good when they giggle like that. Two girl's planning something…" Diasuki let his voice trail off as another thought crossed his mind, but the pigtailed boy murmured an agreement. He glanced at his friend, noting Ranma's inattention.

"So you kissed Akane in your girl form yet?"

That Ranma heard.



The couple approached the gates of the Tendo home slowly, neither really eager to go inside. The whole day both relaxing, yet underlying with something very tense.

The pigtailed boy looked at his date as they passed under a streetlamp, his eyes tracing the skin of her bare arms in the cooling night air, the large pink pig toy he had won her in a plastic bag hanging from her wrist. His face and jaw tingled, from where she had grabbed him in the dark of the cinema, another failed try to kiss. Looking up, he saw the gates ahead, and beyond them could feel the ever present eyes of their families.

Time was up, and the end of the date was here. As she reached for the gate, he put his hand out to stop her, his confidence spiking as he caught a faint smile cross her pink lips. He stepped in, letting her face him so he could whisper down to her.

"I, I had a really good, great time today, Akane…-chan"

"That embarrassing mime stunt, ripping off some carnival workers, and seeing a bad movie? That's your idea of a great date, Ranma...?"

"You didn't like it?" Frowning, he began to move back, but her warm hand grabbed his, her fingers interlacing with his.

She smiled gently, her other hand taking his, linking fingers again as she stepped in close, looking up at him as he looked down. As he began to lower his face to hers, she leant back. "I had a great time pervert, but I'm not one of those girls who kisses on the first date."

Pushing his hands back onto himself, she turned and pushed on the gate, glancing back to wink and blow a kiss, her face shifting cold as she turned towards the house.

"Oh hello Akane, how was your date?"

His fiancés enraged voice rang out, "Who said anything about a date? That was not a date. In dates do you get in fights? Invite your dumb friends and then fight with them?" Capped with an indelicate and angry snort, he heard her feet pounding up the stairs.

Looking around the street, Ranma frowned at the empty street. "Great, am I supposed to go in now?"

Sneaking in, Ranma looked over the porch for the fathers, but the Go board was packed away. The shoji was closed but the blues of the TV lit the paper screens. Stepping up onto the wood, he moved for the kitchen when the voice came through from the main room.

"You're in luck Ranma-kun, Daddy has gone to bed and your parents have gone overnight," Nabiki called in a board voice. "You have time to work out the details of your little date."

"It wasn't a date," Ranma said automatically, opening the door to look at the older girl, sitting against the wall, her blue silk pyjamas clashing with the hot pink bunny slippers, watching the TV. Akane spoke up, entering the room from the hall.

"Aunty wanted to know if the Carnival would be fun, and it was, the end."


"The only thing that should interest you, is that Uncle knows a lot of tricks to get the best prizes at the side show games."

Her eyebrows rose, "So what did you win?"

"Ranma won a big pink piglet, which is really cute."

Nabiki glanced at the boy and smirked, "And you gave it to Akane so she has something to snuggle at night?"

Stomping her feet as she moved to her sister, Akane dropped to sit beside her. "So where did Uncle and Aunty go?"

With a shrug, Nabiki let Akane change the subject, but kept her eyes on Ranma. "Poor Aunty got a bit muddy this afternoon, but when she went for a bath, a pervert was in there."

"Happosai?" Ranma growled.

"Nope, sorry Ranma, some boy around our age, bare as the day he was born in our furo. She didn't get a good look at his face, but she's been crying 'Sex fiend peeped on me' most of the afternoon."

Ranma frowned, but Akane was faster, "Wait, it's the height of manliness for her hentai son to peep on me and every other girl, but it happens to her and its 'Sex fiend'?"

"That's right Akane, she's been telling everyone she can about it. All the while her summer kimono was loose and her hair was let down."

The older girl looked from Akane's confused face to Ranma, her eyes searching his. She looked back at Akane. "He's got no clue, have you worked it out? You don't think your fiancé gets all his pride from his spineless father do you?"

Akane blinked, then blushed, then looked at Ranma, and blushed again.

The boy shook his head in confusion, "So where are my parents?"

"Pervert," Akane said as she got up and stormed out of the room.

Still confused about what happened, Ranma just looked to Nabiki, who shook her head, "Here, a present from your Mom's sex fiend," she said, tossing him a tiger print bandanna.

Yawning, Ranma stepped into the bathroom, tossing his gi top away. Without his Pop to train with this morning, he didn't feel like he had gotten much of a work out at all.

The splash of water got Ranma's attention, his eyes on the closed door to the furo, looking down to see the sign was not out, and the shoes not beside the door.

Slowly, he swallowed. IF Akane was in there, and IF she had purposefully forgotten to leave her slippers or the sign beside the door, and IF this was another game...

He looked at the door for a moment, than turned slightly to look at the door out of here. Open the door to the furo, and become the pervert she always claimed him to be. If this wasn't one of these weird rules/games, she would be furious. If it was, then, then… and she'd fake her anger to chase him off. And if it was and he didn't peek, oh that would get her angry, too. Blinking, he visualised an Akane at each closed doorway, one in her gi, the other in soap suds, both holding mallets. The Akane in the gi mouthed the word coward.

Years of martial arts training began to shift the problem to personal combat, his eyes studying the doorway intently. Entering the furo was declaring himself a pervert, every time she said it would be true now, so either he had to make it not about being a pervert, or make her not say it. Like taking a blow to get past a defence...

Turning to the mirror, he took off his pyjama top and raked his hair into neatness, posing a few times, tensing his muscles. Walking for the door, he started pulling off his black muscle shirt, freeing one hand to open the furo door and enter. Timing it so his shirt over his face as he entered, he slowly pulled the material all the way off, holding back any smirk that she was too busy watching him to react.

"Let's start with a thousand yen for this interruption, ne Runma-kun?"

His head snapped around to her, his blue eyes wide as he stepped back seeing Nabiki in the furo, her head on her hands on the edge of the tub, her shoulders barely out of the water.

"Oh, now see, you looked at me in the bath, that's peeking. And this after what happened with your Mother? That's another five thousand… but I'll drop it to four for some beefcake shots of you later?"

"Sorry Nabiki!" he said, bolting out, slamming the door behind him. In a flash he was through the bathroom door and in the hall where his path was blocked.

Akane looked up at her fiancé as he almost bowled her over. "Are you done in the furo?"

His eyes opened wide at the slight pouty expression on her face, in her bathrobe with a towel on her shoulder. His ears twitched as he heard the furo door opening behind him, and he grabbed his fiancée with one hand, and the door to the linen closet with the other.

Suddenly in a dark closet with her fiancé, Akane opened her mouth when he put his hand over it, giving a quiet shush sound.

Outside in the hall, foot steps past, accompanied by a voice humming an old ABBA song.

Pulling his hand from her face, she whispered in the dark, "What did you do to Nabiki?" He heard the cogs even as he tried to phrase a reply. "In the bathroom… You pervert!"

"Hey, she didn't put out the sign. I didn't see anything, I swear!" he hissed back. "Thank the Kami I didn't, she charged me enough for it as it was."

Her hand touched his cheek even as she opened the door, letting in the light, eyes locking on eyes. Finally she pushed him back gently against the shelves. "I'm putting out the sign, pervert. At this rate, we're already going to be late."

The closet door shut on him leaving him, as ever, in the dark.

"Students, today we have the honour of hosting the St Bachas Boys High School Soccer team," the coach had been smiling gleefully since he had herded the boys from Ranma's class in with the soccer team. "Coach Hasegawa, who has trained the St Bachas team to four years of victories in the Nerima A grade and city championships, has heard about the great performance of our grade C team, and has honoured us with coming to train with us today and learn our unconventional tactics."

Most of the boys looked at Ranma, recalling the Soccer team hiring him through Nabiki. The unconventional tactics that had won them the Grade C cup was pretty much making sure they had an audience, giving him the ball and then returning to starting positions while he showed off. Still forty to nil in the finals had given them the chance to play against the weakest team of B grades to move up the grades. Fifty to nil in that game was also impressive, but without Ranma at that game they went in knowing they couldn't win against a B grade team.

The oblivious boy in question yawned while watching one girl among the others warming up over near the sports equipment shed.

A gleaming and shiny private school private bus pulled in the ground, Coach Myagi straightening his tie and sucking in his stomach as he waved the boys into orderly lines. The bus stopped, and immediately a tall Japanese man in a neat suit with a St Bachas High baseball cap on stepped out, looked around slowly and distastefully, before nodding sharply, and marching towards Coach Myagi. Behind him, rank and file like soldiers, the St Bachas Grade A soccer team marched off the bus and lined up. Even the smallest of the boys, each in his spotless blue and white soccer outfit, was larger than their biggest player, and the intimidating glare they gave drove the Furinkan players back a step, all except for one boy still watching the girls, now frowning as the girls took to looking at the new comers.

Glancing back to the coach when more than one of the girls saw he was looking at them, Ranma rolled his eyes as Coach Myagi began his team spirit speech and how they had to do their best for the sake of the school. The growling voice of the visitors coach talking to his team carried easily over, his words not unlike Ranma's father when trying to psych him for a fight or learning a new technique, but it held his attention.

"…to lose to a class C team? Unacceptable. You are the best, these children are not your equal, you must crush them. They may have a super player, but you are a team of super players. This is a training match, but for your honour it is not a game, or for fun. This is war, you must crush them like you did all opposition in this years competition…"

Frowning, Ranma glanced back up towards Akane. '…not a game… This is war…'

Sayuri sighed as she looked over the boys from the new school. Somehow she knew that they wouldn't be as lecherous as those at this school, and definitely cuter, and from wealthy families, and sick of stuck up rich girls…

Sighing at her little fantasy, Sayuri's eyes narrowed as she saw Yuka rushing to catch up to the girl's class, exchanging a nod and smile with Akane. She considered approaching her short haired friend and asking what they were up to when the coach called them around.

Rushing, Ranma heaved the last mat onto the pile, and casually tossed the sack of soccer balls into the corner. Entering after him, Diasuki smirked and tossed the next sack at the pigtailed boy, kicking a pile of score board plates along towards his feet. "You know, you're really lucky, man."

"How do you figure? Those sore-losers try to triple team me and I get to sit on the side lines for half the match cause I defended myself? Or is it how I get to pack this junk up? Now its five minutes into lunch, so which part of that is lucky?"

Shaking his head, Daisuki put his hands on the door. "Sure, like you didn't want this?"

Before Ranma could get out a 'Huh', the other boy slapped the light switch and stepped out, shutting the door on the boy, the room darkening but for a weak shaft of light from the one window barely illuminating the chamber. The pigtailed boy reached the door just as he heard the doors locks being worked, when the voice came from behind him.


The soft feminine voice made him swing around, backing against the door. Kami, if Akane found him in here trapped with one of his other fiancées she'd… He frowned suddenly realising that only one girl called him idiot.

Shifted away from the door, he tried to be casual but as his body language changed from terror to the Saotome swagger, a giggle rose from the shadows. Her silhouette stepped out of the darkness, his minds eye filling in the details to the shadow, the tinge of blue to her hair, the yellow of her shirt, the pale cream of her thighs left bare by the dark boomers of her sports outfit.

The movement of a cloud from the sun brightened the light entering the window, illuminating half her face as she stepped in front of him, showing her slight smile as she looked up at him. The sound of the school friends talking, eating lunch or playing on the school grounds outside a world away from the pair of teens.

Swallowing, he leaned towards her, his hands extending as hers did, hers coming up to lay on his arms as his fingers rested on her hips. When he saw the movement of her throat, he felt the same nervousness in her as in himself. "Ya know, if my uncute fiancée caught us in here, she'd hit me thr…"

"Baka," she hissed to shut him up, a smirk reaching her cheek in the light, her hands moving up to his face, pulling him down, even as he stepped closer into her.

Lips met softly, brushing each other, parting, and brushing again. Slow movements became more firm, lips stretching, pushing, shaping, as they met and parted over and over. Hands gently shaped movements of heads, fingers sliding through hair, hot breath caressing cheeks or gasped over lips in brief partings of mouths.

Tiny steps, backwards for her giving to his advance, crossed back to the vault horse, the hard material holding her as he pressed on her, both breathing heavier as her hands caressed his back, one grabbing over his shoulder, pulling him down and her up as they continued to kiss over and over.


The room flashed with light, followed by a slight electronic winding sound. Ranma's eyes snapped open in time to make out the hand and camera darting out of sight from where it had been in the window.

"Camera!" he hissed, his face growing scared.

"Get it!" Akane growled, starting to straiten her hair and clothes even as he jumped for the window. She looked at the again empty window for a moment before giving a huff, "always the hard way."

Stepping up she yanked the door open, the old lock snapping.

The window for the equipment shed was well over the head of the average student, but without effort Ranma landed, glancing around for a suspect. His eyes narrowing on the one figure running away from the building, the short weedy build familiar despite the fact most times one overlooked Hikaru Gosenkugi. That he held a camera didn't plead his innocence either.

Hikaru looked up, gulping for air as he ran for the corner of the math building. If that cad Ranma or his loose girlfriend hadn't spotted him by then he would be able to wait for the precious polaroid in his hand to develop, then he could show it to Kuno to beat up Saotome while he then showed it to Akane Tendo, and they would be able to talk, together, about why she should dump such a two timing fool! His cheeks red, his legs began to buckle weak kneed at the thought of comforting her, as he reached the building and cover.

Turning the corner was surprisingly easy, as Ranma's hand grabbed his shoulder and dragged him around to pin the smaller boy to the building. "What is your problem!"

Ranma blinked as much as Hikaru did, surprised by the anger in his voice. His mind quickly reminded him that this boy had interrupted what felt like the first private moment he had had with Akane. And it had been good…

The short boy's face showed his fear, the eyes with heavy bags looking around the martial artist for any help around those now watching, his mouth working to find the words to placate this monster who had come into his life to steal his previously potentially available beloved, but no words made it out before the childish voice of authority intervened.

"Happo-go-en satsu!"

Ki flowed out from both boys, funnelling down into the small five yen coin held by the little girl nearby, the dark haired teacher growing tall and voluptuous, her dress stretching to contain her. She glared down at both drained boys lying on the ground.

"Mr Saotome, I will not tolerate delinquents abusing their school classmates."

Groaning on the ground, Ranma was still trying to recoup as the teacher stepped near, but failed again to sense the danger when she reached down, her lithe fingers deftly taking the polaroid from his hand. With a casual flick of her luxurious long hair, the beautiful and statuesque teacher looked at the picture.

"And what is this?"

Closing his eyes, Ranma's mind raced for something to tell her, some excuse to make her not show anyone else, or worse, show it to Akane's father who she had a major crush on. Old man Tendo would likely frame it, label it 'the marriage ceremony' and file the no doubt filled in paperwork of their marriage with the government. A croak from the incapacitated Gosenkugi laying near spurred him into action, his hand covering the other boy's mouth as he looked up at the teacher, his blue eyes opening, and his own voice croaked when the polaroid was showing him was grey, the chemicals still developing.

"Hikaru's a delinquent peeping tom. Look, here's his camera."

An experience teacher, Ms Hinako Nyomia's first instinct when faced with the claim by the schools most notorious delinquent, holding closed the mouth of the boy he was accusing, was not to trust him, but when she looked at the camera she had seen the boy with before she knew that Ranma hadn't taken this grey picture, especially since Ranma was far from the most technologically literate students. Then the pigtailed boy hit the button on the camera.


Snatching the developing polaroid from his teachers hand, he left the camera in its place as it spat out a new photo, the pigtailed boy stumbling up and away, leaping a bush and dodging around student spectators of his detainment by his teacher, tumbling over some junior students still eating, he cart-wheeling between a bench and a tree, bouncing over a boken…

"Halt, Saotome!" cried Tatewaki Kuno, swiping with his wooden blade. "Yonder Underclassman may be a shallow and worthless soul, but he has claimed to have proof for me this meal time of your philandering on the spirited Akane Tendo and fiery Pig-tailed girl. Deny it not that proof be in your hand, but give it forth so the world may know your lechery and evil."

Dodging another swipe, Ranma leapt back, landing on his feet in a low stance balanced by his free hand, holding the picture protected against his shirt. "Will not, is not, and won't do that neither! Kuno, it ain't your business, and this picture don't show nothin, least of all me cheatin, on Akane."

Charging, the kendo master swiped again with his blade, "You think your lies would find worth in mine ears or that of others. Surrender scoundrel, and accept your punishment, enemy of women!"

"I ain't the enemy of women!" Ranma cried in vain as he dodged under another series of strikes. Suddenly his blue eyes narrowed and he blocked the older boy hard, stepping with speed into his face. "Listen Upperclassman Kuno, I'm trying to protect the reputation of a friend of Akane's. If you keep trying to fight you are ruining her reputation, you are the enemy of women. What would Akane think of you then?"

Kuno held his blade in position, half way through the strike where Ranma had blocked it at, his feet carrying him back from the pigtailed boy. "My dearest Akane seeks to protect one of her lesser friends?"

"You got it, Kuno."

"Aha! Your lies give you away, for my beloved would of course bring such a delicate and intimate request to my own peerless hands!" Slashing with his blade once more, he drove Ranma back. "Whatever loose woman that picture reveals you with will be your wife! I will make it my life's work, animal Saotome!"

Again dodging back, Ranma cursed whipping out some kicks to keep the wooden blade off him till he worked out what he should do. When the tanned hand snatched the photo from his hand, he turned to snatch it right back, only to be caught by Kuno for his inattention, the powerful blow sending him back, nearly knocking over a junior boy, as it was knocking his bag from his hand, pens and books spilling on the ground.

"Well now keiki, no wahines be datin' no bruddah in this school. Dis wahine gettin a buzz cut!"

The bright yellow Hawaiian shirt with bright purple flowers veritably shone in the sunlight, making the tan of the elder Kuno seem darker and many envious of his sunglasses. The palm tree rising behind his head only gave shade to the dark hair of the Principal himself.

Crossing the distance would have taken too long to get back from where Kuno had hit him, Ranma watched as the school headmaster brought the picture up, he cried out one last chance.

"Kuno, stop him, it's a picture of the Pigtailed girl nude!"

The two Kuno's looked eye to eye for a moment of pure motionless connection, then hands whirled, wooden blade slashing as steel clippers countered, the pair clashing once, then twice, the third bursting with wood shavings, the boken disintegrating against the hair dresses tool in a strike that sent Kuno reeling.

"Ha ha little Keiki, you getting better, but you no Big Kahunna yet," The elder Kuno boasted, twirling his shaver before moving to pocket it like cowboy holstering a six-shooter, his other hand raising the polaroid once more.

"Oi! Pineapple head!" Ranma cried, the teenager rushing in, his hands reaching for the polaroid even as the elder man pulled back out his chosen weapon, but as they closed Ranma bit on the end of the pen he had picked up, breathing hard into the shaft. Blue ink jetted out, the Principal crying out as it coated his face. His opponent blinded, Ranma snatched the photo and ran.

"Did someone say nude?"

Skidding to stop before running over the midget master of the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts, and a master of most things perverted, Ranma back peddled his blue eyes wide and wary on the bald old letch. Puffing on his pipe, Happosai smoothed his moustache with one hand, his voice wanting to make the pigtailed boy want to clean his ears. "Now Ranma, you might be my heir and I do spoil you, but are you going to just give me that picture for my collection or are we going to do this the hard way?"

"You spoil me? Like when? You ain't getting this and it ain't nude or nothin!" Ranma said, backing away as the old man advanced.

"Last chance, boy, you -make- me take it and I've got a lovely bra for you to try on while your out."

Cringing at the lacy garment held by the tiny old man's wrinkled hand, Ranma took another step back, glancing to the right to gauge the terrain of escape, but once again a tanned hand appeared from his left and snatched the polaroid again.

Turning around with a growl of frustration, the elder Kuno, his face blue except for the outline of sunglasses around lightly tanned eyes, put a coconut in his arms, then laid his unconscious son Kuno over it.

"Take care of my liddle boy, dat's a good Bradaha."

Ranma blinked at the enigmatic words, panic rising as the Principal ran, students standing around watching now diving for cover. The pigtailed boy dropped the kendoist, pulling his arm to throw the coconut,


"But why won't you go out with me?"

"Stupid Mousse be quite, Ninja-girl watching."

The purple haired girl rode on her bicycle passed the close 'Ucchan's Okonomiyaki' restaurant, her eyes on the powerful sexually confused figure within. Wearing a kimono, the Japanese girl Konatsu was strong enough to challenge her Airen, and her great grandmother had given her a warning about challenging this girl.

"Shampoo, who cares if some girl is watching? Just one date with me, at least I want to date you, Saotome made his choi… URK!"

The purple haired girl whipped her bike around to grab the on foot pursuer, her fingers gripping his neck as she slammed him into a wall. "He no choose."

The Chinese girl snapped her head around, matching eyes with the girl in the restaurant window, the picture of demure young lady in her traditional kimono, but her eyes on the pair. She looked back at Mousse, letting him drop but gripping the front of his robes to hold him up.

"Mousse want date? One date, if beat up…"


A distant thump of artificial thunder made her stop, looking towards the high school. Shampoo frowned, wondering what would prompt the use of bombs at the school, the wedding coming to her mind.

Mousse dropped when his beloved released his robes and shot off on her bike, "Wait Shampoo," he called, "Who do I have to beat up?"

From the window of the resteraunt, Konatsu eyed the pair leaving, feeling the desire to pursue, but he was forbidden to go to the school, after last time he tried to escort his boss. Ukyo-sama had been very upset at his presence, even though all those boys thought he was a new student in his school girls uniform, they were so nice to him, many wanting to see him that Friday night...

Tossed aside by the blast of the coconut bomb, Ranma got unsteadily to his feet as he shook his head to clear the ringing, his eyes looking for where the Schoolmaster had gotten to.



"That's right amateur, now give me the picture."

"The big kahuna can't be lettin no bad old mans be preyin on his students, even dat bad wahini boy Saotome."

The sounds of the pervert and demented warring set him on course, but as he jumped over some seats and spectators still watching this battle, he froze up and nearly fell in landing.

"HAAhahahahahahaha! Now what have we here? Father really, playing in the muck with the servants? Is it any wonder my brother gets no respect at this pitiful institute?"

As intent as Happosai could be on a picture of a nude girl, a live one in a leotard, that was adding up to four new senses to the fun, and the leotard could come off. "Ah pretty lady! Your father was attacking me. It's so good of you to comfort me!"

A distraction was a distraction, and Ranma charged in, snatching up the polaroid, ignoring the 'Eeks' and cries from Kodatchi or the thumps of impacts as she attempted to defend herself. But it was as he moved to run off that she said something that did stop him. "Ranma-sama, help me, Please!"

With a cringe, he turned and assessed their positions, the Black Rose backing away from the old pervert, his fingers wiggling as she threw baton after baton at him. With a sigh, he took a breath. "Panties!"

The old man looked back with raised eyebrows, the eyes narrowing when he didn't see any alleged panties, only that whelp Ranma, who once again had his polaroid. As black ribbon lengths coiled around the aged master, he realised the whelp thought he had the last laugh on this.

Kodatchi howled with laughter, sending many cringing, before depressing the brand new stud on the haft of her ribbon, sending a burst of voltage down the thread, forcing a melodic cry from this perverted letch who had been trying to touch where no man but Ranma-sama was destined to touch! She frowned as all too soon the power ran out, leaving the victim silent and smoking, but shrugged it off, she'd need to talk to Sasuke about extending the batteries.

Cringing at the Black Rose's laugh, Ranma took a step back when she electrified the pervert. It would only slow the old goat down, but Ranma felt his wrist tingle knowing the weapon had been meant for the Black Rose's gymnastic nemesis, the pig-tailed girl. Winding up, Kodatchi swung the pervert around her on the ribbon like a sling and with a flick of her wrist, released, sending the midget missile far into the horizon, laughing all the while.

The instant that she stopped watching the pervert fly, Ranma knew he should have been long gone, as the obsessed dark haired loon turned back to him.

"Oh Ranma-sama, so handso- Father!"

The tanned hand again appeared at the side of Ranma's vision, reaching for the polaroid, this time the boy warned just ahead of it, as he ducked down, falling forward in a roll to kick up at the blue faced well tanned man, pigtail avoiding the shears by a finger-width. Snatching the clippers to disarm the Hawaiian shirt wearing loon, he continued the roll bouncing to his feet before rushing back at the elder Kuno, grabbing him and twisting him around.

Working the clippers handles together in his hand, he held them near the short hair of the elder Kuno. "Would you like to be bald…" Then he ducked.


Ki swirled around, funnelling again into a coin as Ranma held the principal between him and his teacher, mentally calming to withhold his battle aura and keep his strength from Hinako.

As the attack faded, Ranma let the now gaunt schoolmaster fall aside like a man sized bit of beef-jerky in a bright floral shirt. He looked to his teacher, ready for the angry beauty to return her absorbed energy like a cannon if he wronged her again, but seeing Ukyo beside the teacher made this situation much tougher.

"Er, yo, thanks teach. I got the photo back from these jerks, er, delinquents. Thanks for the assist."

Ms Hinako was not one to fall for the Saotome grin, but praise in taking out delinquents was so rare that the leggy brunette was still stalled.

Ranma Saotome's cute fiancée however, was not. "Ran-chan, what is going on? Gosenkugi's claiming you were in the sports shed kissing a girl and that photo is the proof!"

Looking around in a panic, Ranma's his eyes narrowed, he had to go on the offensive. "Er, look, I, Someone was in the PE shed with his f-girlfriend, but I'm just trying to stop jerks like Gosenkugi from interferin'. Would you like it if someone had a photo of us kissing?"

Ukyo blinked, "Of course!" Whipping around to her teacher, her long brown hair suddenly loose from its bow, her hand snatching Gosenkugi's polaroid camera from Ms Hinako's hand as she rushed towards her fiancée. Ranma's mind got part way to 'Huh?' when the okonomiyaki chef latched one hand around his neck, her other hand holding the camera pointed at them as she pulled them together.

The black ribbon looped around the waist of the red shirted boy, yanking him free of his fiancée before Ukyo could set the pose of her photo. "Hahahohohohhohoho, to think that he would want the image of his kiss sullied by your brutish face and dry lips. Come Ranma-darling, taste these lips full of desire."

Struggling inside the bonds, Ranma looked around at the crowd of spectators seeing none moving to help. One limber leg came up to hold back the Black Rose, "Er, no camera."

She pouted cutely. "Let these plebeian students record out first kiss in their minds."


The mallet caught him full in the chest, driving him away, twirling like a top as the ribbon unwound him. Flipping over and counter-spinning, he tried to regain his sense of balance to face the three girls again, one in a black leotard, one in a Furinken boys uniform, and the last in the Furinken girls school uniform, each now arguing and calling each other names. Finally one voice rose over the others.


The owner turned on him in a swirl, her body radiating anger as she ran at him hammer raised. "You two-timing jerk!"

"Eep" his legs were already running before he fathomed that Akane couldn't really be angry, could she?

A throwing spatula sailed passed him, and he leapt the black ribbon reaching for him as feminine voices called for him.

"Ran-chan, give me that picture!"

"Ranma-sama, tell them it was me in the picture!"


"I know where you live Baka, don't -jump- away from me?"

The inflection was still angry but he caught it and obeyed.

"Happo-go-en-sen coin return!"

Leaping over the blast of ki from his teacher as Akane had warned him, Ranma darted around the corner of the building ahead, knowing that those girls weren't going to stop till they got him. He needed… he needed a plan to keep them from the polaroid…

Just then he looked up, his eyes meeting the brown haired girl's as he ran at her. She held up two fingers.

Bout the only thing Ranma Soatome liked about Nabiki Tendo, was she was uncomplicated. Each finger meant one thousand yen. He nodded and she twisted her waist to the side, the bag on her back open, a brown ledger book hanging half out, slightly ajar, perfect for hiding something thin in.

With a flash of movement, he placed the polaroid and ran on, glancing back to see her facing his pursuers and pointing them towards him, and hence away from the polaroid. Again turning left ahead of his pursuers, he looked for open ground to end it, when his pursuit again rounded the corner and projectiles began flying after him.

"Ranma-darling, my mansion is back that way."

"Stop Ran-chan."

"Don't you dare destroy that polaroid Ranma."

"Stop delinquent."

With a quick side step, he did.

All four pursuers and the fastest of the spectators following all stumbled to a stop as the target stopped on the spot. Ranma had hands up, waving them to stop. "Er, sorry. I ate it."

"You ate it? With the same lips you were cheating on me with, jerk?"

Opening his mouth and shaking his head, his eyes were on Akane as she stormed ahead of the others, a slight smile tugging at her lips, her soft lips, warm lips, that tasted like…


She hit the burgeoning smile off his face. "If it wasn't you, who was it?" she demanded in a loud voice before grabbing him and pulling his face beside hers, whispering into his ear. "Just pretend to whisper idiot."

Obediently, he whispered gibberish, and like a light switch Akane backed away, her stance meek. "Oh, sorry I hit you Ranma."

The crowd around them saw the anger leave Akane and knew that today's lunch entertainment had ended, some already heading back to their own activities, but Ukyo wasn't among them, "Who?" she demanded of the pair.

Ranma frowned as Akane leaned up to Ukyo, whispering to her, the Chef's cheeks reddening. "No way, really?" her long hair brushed around her shoulders as she looked around as if hoping to see someone.

Her face losing all of its haughty countenance, Kodatchi ran ahead, nearly tripping over the smaller Ms Hinako, both rushing with eyes filled with the hunger for gossip. "Who who?"

Ukyo leant towards them before Ranma grabbed her arm, "This is meant ta be a secret."

Blushing at her near accident, the chef shook her head at the pair of girls, Kodatchi shifting back and tall, as if her nobility was above such gossips. "You may give this to the happy couple," she said loftily, placing a large bouquet of black roses in Ukyo's hands. Akane snatched it up and threw it aside, the flowers puffing out a purpled gas when it hit the ground.

"How dare you harridan!"

"Who are you, anyway?"

The dark haired daughter of the Kuno line looked down at the child teacher, the small girl rotating a five yen coin in her hand.

"Why I am Kodatchi Kuno, Ranma Saotome's true love and the daughter of your boss."

Akane shook her head and squatted down close to the teacher's height. "Ms Hinako, this girl isn't a member of our school, doesn't that make her a delinquent truant?"

Drawing her clubs, Kodatchi stepped towards the youngest Tendo, "I could own this sch…"

"Delinquent!" Hinako cried, bringing her coin up and draining the girl in the leotard.

Ukyo turned from the teacher picking up the fallen rival, looking at Ranma. "So you ate the picture?"

"It's gone."

"Pity, would have been good to see." Akane said, slightly red faced. As Ukyo nodded, Ranma felt his own face heating. He tried to hold it back, thinking of the yen he lost by not thinking to just rip it up himself. Once again, Nabiki had got one over him…

Both girls looked at the boy in concern as he went absolutely white in the face, then turned and ran off so fast it was hard to follow where he went.

Slightly out of breath from the running, Nabiki pushed open the door to the roof, rushing lightly past a few students up having lunch. The end of the school building was deserted and she jogged over, her fingers drawing the book out of her bag.

"Now lets see what is it Saotome has me guarding," she said idly to herself. "Can't be Ranma has a girlfriend? Please, the dope was most likely jumped by Shampoo. Still, I can work with that."

Opening it, she let the pages open naturally to the foreign item and reached for it, but when the door to the roof nearly burst off the hinges, she slammed the covers shut again. Looking up, she saw Ranma stalking towards her.

"Give it back Nabiki."

"Not till I get my money, and that's the two thousand, the five from this morning, and all previous debts."

His steps faltered, but he shook his head. "I need it now."

"You had a need to protect it from your harem, I supplied a service. You are unable to pay and want to avail yourself of more of my services? Even you should be able to understand how that is bad for my business."

Cracking his knuckles, he stepped towards her. "No games Nabiki, give me that book."

"Oh dear, my Sister's fiancée uses his martial arts to beat up women?" She smirked as she saw his form falter again. "Come on, we are one day going to be future family. You can trust me to do what's best with it."

His frown suddenly changed to a smirk, his hand pulling out the Principal's clippers, working the action on them meaningfully. "You give me that book, or the principal's giving me all A's at your expense."

The brown haired girl stepped back, her back hitting the railing around the roof top, but she quickly retook control of herself. Slowly, she nodded, a slight smirk on her lips. "That, dear brother, is a credible threat from you. I was afraid this day would come, that I'd have to give you at least passing respect, but here it is, so how about we deal with this like adults?"

Sitting down so her back was against the railings, making sure her skirt preserved her modesty, she motioned for him to sit beside her. Her fingers deftly retrieved a pencil and opened the ledger book to a blank page, but not that containing the polaroid. Her hand started to dance the pencil over the page faster than he could of read it, especially since he was trying to read it upside down.

"Okay Saotome, I know this is your first time, so I'll be gentle on you and give you some tips."

Blinking, Ranma pocketed the slippers and began to sit down. "er, Okay."

Her brown eyes looked at his. "Now then, what we have here are two columns, each lists what we want out of our future business relationship. So under you I have put clearing of debts, spending money, this polaroid back, and some control over your image."

"I just want that picture back."

"No Ranma, you want all those things, and more, the picture is just your priority. The last one you probably haven't thought about at all Ranma, but trust me you want it." As he went to speak again, she held up her hand. "I'll put this in terms you can understand - A negotiation is a lot like a martial arts fight Ranma, that photo is your weak spot, an opening, and if I attack to keep it, I can force your into concessions on other issues."

Ranma's shoulders slumped and he saw a smiled tug at her lips.

"On my side of the list, we have my desire to make money by selling photos of you, my desire to collect debts owed me by yourself and others, my desire to know if you were two timing my sister…"

"No I wasn't, er, not that I'd…"

With a smug smirk she picked up her pencil and put a line through some scribbles on her side of the ledger. "Thank you Ranma, but now I have something I want from you, for free. I struck a feint at another of your weak spots and got the better of you for it. This is why it's important to know what's your opponent wants, so that when you give them what they want you make sure you're getting something you want out of it."

-4. The FEMALE is never ever wrong.-

Once again, the rules were working out right.

"Now then, let's have a look at this photo and we can see what the market value is to each of us."

As her hands moved to turn the page, he pushed his hand onto it to hold it closed. "No, that's something you want, ain't it? Just to even look at it?"

Her eyes flashed darkly before her expression changed to amused, "Very good Ranma, this is where it comes to the negotiations. What do you have to offer to make me want to give up my duty of protection of this item, let alone not take a look at it as I do?"

Breathing out slowly, a rush of thoughts were churning in his head. He had seen her hunger of curiosity when denied looking at the polaroid, and that was her weak spot. She wasn't going to not look at that photo no matter what he offered.

'A negotiation is a lot like a martial arts fight Ranma'

'I struck a feint at another of your weak spots…'

Like a battle, if you can't avoid a blow or stop it, go with it.

"Alright, you can look at it."

She smiled and moved to turn the page but his hand still held it down.

He waited for her eyes to darken. "But ya gotta promise, really promise, that you will help keep their relationship a secret?"

His eyes widened as hers narrowed, he could see the wheels turning.

"I just took a beating from Akane and every other loon around here to protect it, I ain't gonna let ya ruin it for them."

Nabiki smirked and nodded, "I hope your getting paid for this Ranma, I promise I'll keep it secret."

Her smirk failed as she saw the glee in his eyes despite his stony expression as he pulled his hand back hastily.

She looked at the polaroid.

Hesitantly he reached out and took it from her limp hand, turning it over, his blue eyes looked at the image, opening wider seeing how clearly obvious it was as to the identity of the couple embracing. His eyebrows rose further, 'I don't remember my hand on her…'


The dark red eyed shadow of the middle Tendo girl stood over his sprawled form, radiating anger like a furnace, lips twisting, seeking the right words.

-5. If the FEMALE is wrong, it is due to a misunderstanding, which is a direct result of something the MALE said or did wrong. The MALE must apologise immediately for causing such misunderstanding.-

The heir to the Saotome School of Anything Goes, unleashed a move he never thought he would use. The powerful Saotome technique: the Crouch of the White Tiger! "Nabiki, I'm sorry!"

Like a wave of water, the pathetic apology rose from the prostrating figure before her, splashing over Nabiki's rage, rendering it impotent, her humiliation soothed by his self degradation. With a grimace the older girl, glared down at him, "We are going to negotiate modelling sessions Ranma. Those two too." She added, reaching to tap the polaroid.

"Er Sure," he said, before twisting his wrist as she tried to snatch back the polaroid. "Sorry Nabs, but I got to destroy…"

-Ring Ring-


Shampoo's bicycle slammed into the pigtailed boy, grinding him along the cement of the rooftop area.

"Airen! Shampoo hear explosions and come to help, but told you kissy kissy other girl. Who other girl! Shampoo kill and then Airen kiss Shampoo?"

Ranma groaned rather unhelpfully, Shampoo's front bicycle tire on his chest where Akane's mallet had caught him, but sprang alert when he saw his hand was empty. Pushing the wheel off him, he rolled free from under her transport, eyes scouting out picture. His eyes spotted it, even as both Nabiki and Shampoo did, the three ducking forward, when a blur of white swept through the trio, Ranma pulling up in time to not join Nabiki and Shampoo in sprawling together.

The pigtailed boy looked up at the figure standing proudly on the wire fence that surrounded the school building roof. The tall Chinese boy in white robes looked down contemptuously on Ranma, sweeping his long black hair back over his shoulder, he held up the polaroid between his fingers. "So Saotome, your philandering with Akane Tendo or some other floozy will be proven and Shampoo, devastated by your cheating will be forced into my loving arms?"

"Mousse, you want Shampoo, have her. But if don't give me back that photo, I'll…"

The threat was cut off as Mousse produced a mega-phone from his sleave and held it to his mouth, holding up the polaroid to look at it. His shoulders dropped, and he looked at the pigtailed boy with disappointment. "It's out of focus?"

Shampoo and Nabiki held their ears as the high powered megaphone magnified his question many times, but the pigtailed boy rushed forward, tackling the Chinese boy straight off the roof before the dope realised his glasses were still on his head.

"It's out of focus?"

Akane, Ukyo, Yuka, and the rest of the school turned to look at the main building hearing Mousse's booming voice, many gasping as a red shirted blur tackle the white robed boy off the edge, both falling fast.

The two girls had barely started moving when the boys impacted, a plume of water jetting up as they hit the school pool. Running through other students, the girls got to the waters edge, red haired girl Ranma ravaging through Mousse's white robes, sending weapon after weapon to the bottom. Now a white duck, Mousse paddled quietly but quickly on the surface, his wings flapping to try to take off, the white square of the polaroid in his beak.

"I thought Ran-chan destroyed that photo?" Ukyo said, looking concerned at Yuka, who in turn was looking concerned at a pale Akane.

"Who cares? Stop him!"

The two martial artists rushed along the waters edge, even as the Saotome 'girl' took similar note of his goal, the red head going under the water, a red blur of a shark in pursuit.

Coming even with the bird, Ukyo lashed with her giant spatula, the large blade's surface area well larger than the animals body, the clang of impact followed by a second as Ranma tore from the water in pursuit and piled into the blockade.

The youngest Tendo daughter reached to grab the red head's pigtail, as Ukyo scooped up the duck with spatula one handed, the other hand reaching to help with the boy/girl, both glancing for the polaroid.

-Ring Ring-

Wrenching her female fiancé from the water, Akane leapt clear, rolling on the grass into the pool area fence, as Shampoo landed her bike with a heavy thump before Ukyo where the youngest Tendo had been.

"Who too too stupid to kiss Shampoo husband?" she declared, pointing her bonbori, one at Ukyo, and one at the tumble of arms and legs that included Akane.

Shaking her head, Ranma tried to focus and get her bearings, quickly realising she was soaking and all over a nearly as soaked Akane. The girl below her began to push up and out from under as she did, her hand brushing her chest.

"Letch! Get off me you jerk!"

Springing free, the red head glared at Akane, "Me? You moved under my hand!"

"Ran-chan, what was that photo? You said you ate the one of…"

"Shush! Don't say who!" The red haired cursed girl rushed over, looking around the edge of the pool, even as pulled his pockets inside out and flapped his sodden shirt incase it was inside it. "This photo I got from Nabiki. Do you see it?"

The two girls, and then Akane moved over, looking around, Ranma grabbing Mousse's limp duck form off the spatula, searching the wing feathers for the missing polaroid.

"What photo of? Shampoo very mad if husband caught…"

"That photo," Nabiki said walking through the group with a casual air only slightly ruined by the deep breathing after running down the stairs to get here, "Is of a boy who owes me a lot of money. Unfortunately, Ranma hasn't been caught doing anything today Shampoo so you can put your toys and pride away."

The older girl looked Ranma-chan over, "I assume that our earlier business issue is 'under wraps'?"

With a fiant reddening of her cheeks, the red head nodded.

"Then its time I got to class," she turned but then glanced at Ranma again, then Shampoo. "Do me a favour and stop throwing bombs at him, you too Ukyo, it seems to make him smarter."

Three confused girls looked at the retreating Nabiki, one finally turning and stuffing fowl Mousse bodily into her fast food delivery box and remounting her bike. "Airen come visit Shampoo, have hot water, make Ranma man."

The red head and two teeth grinding girls watched the Chinese girl ride off, before the three turned and followed the withdrawing student body who had been audience to the fighting.

Darting through the gate, Ranma turned back to the girls, "I got to get some lunch."


The two girls giggled at the dejected look on the girl's face at the bell ending lunch and signalling a return to classes. The red head turned away and walked straight into a wall, named Hibiki.

The two girls walked straight past Ranma as his friend grabbed her by the shirt, glaring intently.

"See you in class Ran-chan."

"Don't be too long," Akane added, glancing at Ukyo. "After all of today, he's on his own."

"RANMA! It's All Your FAULT Your MOTHER Thinks I'm A SEX FEIND!"

Gasping for air and struggling in the grip on her constricted shirt, the red head tried to speak but couldn't.


Ranma slapped a hand over his mouth and pointed at the returned audience, including Ukyo and Akane who had turned around and now looked open mouthed at the pair, waiting for an explanation.

"So what happened with Ryoga?"

"I got him to the train station but he wandered off before I could put him on a train to Akari."

With an odd smirk, her brown eyes looked at him, "Is he the boy who peeked on your mother?"

"Yeah, somehow he got lost when bathing and ended up in our furo. Hopefully Mom doesn't cut anything off him next time they meet," the pigtailed boy said, looking down at P-chan in the arms of his fiancée.

The girl gave him an odd smirk and shook her head, "From what Nabiki said, Akari might have some competition for Ryoga."

"Ack!" Ranma said, nearly stumbling. He stepped off the fence and landed beside Akane, "Don't even joke about that or we can go back to school and bring Ms Hinako to dinner."

Sticking her tongue out at her fiancé, Akane giggled and kept leading them home. "Well at least P-chan can have a new girlfriend tonight, little R-chan."

Ranma clucked his tongue in amusement, then eyed the confused piglet visualising the bandanna wearing pig beside the larger stuffed pink pig toy, "Well they're about as smart as each other."

Her brown eyes flashed darkly, "This from a boy who couldn't work out to destroy that photo till I told him to?"

He met her gaze, "You said get it, I got it. You said you wanted to see it, I kept it. If you want, I can rip it up now?"

"You kept it?" she hissed, looking around, then dragging him into an ally between a shop and a house, pinning him to the wall with her forearm. "Where is it?"

He grinned at her, "I had to hide it. I can't get it out, out here." He gestured around the public location.

Frowning, Akane looked at him, his bag, then back at him. She looked vaguely disgusted by the thought, "Where did you hide it?"

"Not where you're thinking," he said, sticking his tongue out, only to find his lungs compressed by her forearm pushing him into the wall. "Okay, but if I get it out here, you would SO call me a pervert."

"You're a pervert anyway, hurry up and get it out."

"I ain't a," he began but the glare he received carried message saying this wasn't the time for that argument. With a smirk he fished her bag from her hand and P-chan from the crook of her arm, freeing her other arm. With one hand, he purposefully adjusted his pants, "How about you get it out?"

She blinked at him, then flushed embarrassed, then enraged, then washed straight to icy anger. "Just because we are…"

"It's in your bra."

She blinked at him again, flushed and turned away, awkwardly opening her blouse and fumbling a hand inside. "Why is it in my bra! How is it in my bra!"

Looking to from one end of the ally to the other, he shrugged, not really paying attention to the fact she wasn't looking at him. "I could hardly hide it on me if I had to keep fighting, where better than you?"

"Why my bra?" she complained as she pulled the offending item out and looked at it. Turning, she smiled ruefully at him, "Pervert."

He glanced up at her eyes, "Hey, you're the one with your shirt open."

With a flush, she spun back and started doing up her buttons, "I was talking about in the photo you letch!" she turned back to find he had his hand over P-chan's eyes while he again looked to the ends of the ally. Grabbing the piglet and the bag, she started to stalk off. "It's not his eyes that need covering, pervert. Let's get home."

Following behind, he leapt to the fence as she rounded the corner, her words echoing in his ears.

Two 'pervert' accusations, one angry, one… fun?

Two situations, one she is unaware, the other… well she'd have felt his hand for sure.

Coach Hasegawa's words came to him, '…not a game…' 'This is war…'

A war was a series of battles or fights, with victory and defeat, winners and losers. A game, a game was meant to be fun, victory was fun, but in a game, the journey was fun, so defeat wasn't to lose.

He looked at the girl again and smirked, "Hey Akane, you remember when I showed you P-chan was a boy and I said he's a pervert. You didn't see him leering down your shirt just then, but I ain't gonna have my fiancée sleeping with some pervert anymore."

"And what are you going to do about it, letch?" she demanded, eyeing him up, a mixture of challenge, questioning, and nervousness in her eyes.

Looking around the emptied street, he jumped down beside her and put an arm around her gently. "I'm going to sneak in after dark and make sure that P-chan knows that even if we aren't married yet, that's no longer his spot."

She looked ahead, fighting the smile on her face. "You hurt my piglet and I'm going to be mad."

"I'm not worried, I'll just give you a little lip service." He puckered his lips.

She giggled even as she jabbed him in the ribs and walked on towards their home.

The End.

Yay! I finished a chaptered fic! Not an end full of closure by any means, but neither is a good game with the one you love.

I've been told that St Bacchas is another name for St. Hebereke, which is Kodachi's girls school. I left it in place as the boys school name because I couldn't come up with any better a name. If I do I will change it.

Special thanks to MwhaleK, Paul Henkel, Rosedreams, Jamison Whithehead, Wheedle1, tendoakane3, and Sakurabana for proof reading and plot inspiring.

Thank you for reading.

Trent O'Donoghue