Sherlock is out in the yard with his bees when John gets the phone call. He steadies himself against the counter for a moment before stepping outside.

"Sherlock? Can you come in here for a moment?" John's voice sounds defeated, and Sherlock can tell something is wrong, so he ducks inside with no argument.

There's an odd pang of nostalgia as John sits at a kitchen table that's entirely devoid of beakers and burners - since moving out here Sherlock's been keeping his experiments in the basement. He feels a wave of disorientation as he remembers life back in London. Nervously, Sherlock sits down next to him.

"Mrs. Hudson..." He trails off, and he doesn't need to say anymore. "It was peaceful. In her sleep." John shudders, and Sherlock wraps his arms tightly around him.

The trip back to London is nearly silent, the two of them lost in their thoughts, but John reaches out and takes Sherlock's hand on the train and doesn't let go until they're trying to flag down a cab. They've got time before the service, and in unspoken agreement, they ask the cabbie to take them a bit out of the way to Baker Street.

John leans heavily on Sherlock's shoulder, the two of them staring pensively at the gleaming black door where it all began.

Oh my god, you guys... I did it. All 221 of them. Part of has debated keeping going, but I really need to break out and spend more time on longer things. I'm definitely going to keep writing little drabbles and things, but much less regularly.

I really want to take a moment to thank you all, everyone who has read, reviewed, commented, and encouraged me through this process. Without you guys, I'd have no motivation! Thank you for your prompts, your support, and your helpful and discreet pointing out of typos and errors XD. Whether you've been with me from the beginning or you just started reading these recently, the fact remains that you have stuck with me until the end, and for that I am truly grateful. I'm humbled by all the feedback these have gotten, over 2000 comments in total spread across two platforms, plus the innumerable notes and reblogs on tumblr, for the ones I've happened to share there. I never expected my silly, self-indulgent sandbox of a writing project to take off like this. You guys have made it worthwhile.

Every single one of you is truly appreciated, but a few of you have been there for me through some really serious ups and downs, so I'd like to take a second to personally thank the following folks for their constant and unflinching support:

The entire #innercircle crew

Atlin Merrick
Jenna Yemowa
Nattie Finn
The Timelord's Consultant

I am sure there are people I have missed, and please forgive any oversights. If you suspect you should be on this list, feel free to stab me with a cattle prod.

Now that these are completed, I am going to stop posting on FFnet. I've gotten increasingly frustrated over the administration here, as well as the content uploading system.

If you enjoy my writing and want to keep following me, I'll still be posting on AO3 (Archive of our Own) under the username Moonblossom.