Holy crap! *faints* was by far the hardest chapter that I wrote. I had such a bad writer's block! *shaks fist* But thanks to a good friend of mine I managed to finish it! And I have to say I'm really happy with the ending!
ANYWAY! YAY! Last Chapter of At A Loss! I can't thank you guys enough for you support! You made this the best If I do end up doing a sequel to this it woun't be for a while. I have to finish some other things first. ^^;
Angela pulled out her keys and unlocked the door to the back of Metro City Bank. As she turned the heat on she put her purse onto her desk. She was about to turn off the security system to the front doors when something caught her eye. She returned to her desk and found a small white baby rabbit with a soft blue ribbon wrapped around its neck sitting in a cage, sleeping. Angela gasped. How on Earth did a rabbit get in here? And where did it come from! On top of the cage was a small card. She reached over and picked it up. Opening it she read 'Dear Angela, I hope you enjoy this rabbit. I was told that you are very fond of them. This is a small way of thanking you for believing in me. I'm sorry that I had to do that, I didn't want to, but because of extenuating circumstances I was forced to steal from the bank. It is thanks to you that everything turned out alright and I will be forever grateful to you. My eternal gratitude, Megamind.' Angela stood there shocked for a few minutes until the rabbit started to stir. It yawned then looked up at her with brilliant blue eyes. She smiled at it taking it out of its cage beginning to pet it. "You're welcome!"
Megamind sat at Roxanne's side. Calmly breathing in an out watching her sleep. He was slumped over with his elbows resting on his knees and his hands in a fist resting over his mouth. Minion was on the counter on the end of her bed in a fish bowl that the hospital had given them. They would have had him in his suit, but it gotten damaged in the battle. Caitlin was asleep on the couch under the window sill in Roxanne's room while Mrs. Richie and Rachel were on Roxanne's other side watching Megamind. All of a sudden Roxanne started to stir and her eyebrows furrowed. Megamind reached out and grabbed her hand tenderly, squeezing it gently. Instantly she relaxed and turned her face towards him with a content sigh. He smiled lovingly at her as she began to breathe normally once again. After a moment he let her hand go with one last gentle squeeze and returned his hand to his previous position.
"Is Ms. Richie alright, sir?" Minion asked nervously from his bowl.
Megamind smiled reassuringly to him and said "Yes, Minion. Roxanne's just sleeping."
"Is she going to be okay?" Minion asked worriedly looking at all the machines she was hooked up to.
"Yes, Minion." Megamind said still smiling at his friend "She will be just fine."
"So," Rachel said piping up "That bastard, Chaos, is in jail, right?"
"Yep!" Minion answered happily "Sir took care of him and now everything is back to normal!"
"Except my daughter is now once again in a hospital." René snapped making the fish's smile fall.
"Mom!" Rachel cried turning to look at her. "Can you please turn your 'bitch switch' off for once?"
"No Rachel!" René said raising her voice ignoring her daughter's insult. Hearing René angrily yelling, Roxanne slowly woke up watching the scene play out before her. "I've taken all I can!" she stood up and walked over to Megamind, standing over him glaring dangerously. "First you kidnap my little girl over and over again, putting her in constant danger; you cause terror to the citizens of the Metro City, you killed Metro Man, took over the city and now, not even a year later, because of you, Roxanne was poisoned and is now in the hospital because of the damage done to her! And you have the gall to sit here and act like everything is okay! You are a horrible person!" She yelled at him her eyes beginning to tear up.
Megamind sat there for a few moments thinking he was back in the rain the night his heart broke, but soon his mind cleared and he took a deep breath. Standing up he looked down on René saying calmly "Mrs. Richie. Though you may not believe me, I never meant any harm to your daughter nor was she ever in any danger when she was with me. I took extra precautions to make sure that everything was safe. I lament my actions towards her, the city and the terror I caused. Though it was never my intention, I do regret killing Metro Man. He was one of the few people I could call a friend. When I took over the city it was wrong and I regret that as well. Over the past few months I have been working with the city and its people to repay them for everything I have done." He looked over to Roxanne who was still 'sleeping peacefully' and said "As for what happened to Roxanne," he sighed and looked back at a slightly stunned René and spoke with confidence. "No one regrets it more that I. I love your daughter Mrs. Richie and I would never let anything happen to her ever again."
Not knowing what to do or say René simply took a step back. "Have we met before this?" Rachel asked suddenly coming up to stand next to her mother.
"Well actually we have." Minion said making all three of them turn to look at him.
"Really?" Rachel asked "When?"
Megamind nodded "Yes, it was a few years ago, on Valentine's Day actually." Megamind told them blushing a bit remembering what happened on that day.
"Are you saying, you're Syx?" Rachel said, her eyes widening. Megamind nodded "So then you must be Minion." Rachel asked pointing to Minion. The fish nodded smiling.
"Um, okay." Rachel said "Good to see you guys again." She finished walking back to her seat.
"You mean you were there with us that whole time?" René asked completely shocked.
"Yes he was." Everyone turned around and looked at Roxanne as she smiled tiredly at them.
"Roxanne!" Everyone cried happily waking Caitlin up. She looked over to see Roxanne awake and made her way over to her friend as Roxanne's family did the same.
Megamind was about to join them, when he held back. It was best to let her be with her family now. Instead he walked over to Minion as his fish asked "Not that I don't mind your company, Sir, but don't you want to be with Ms. Richie?"
"I do and I will in a bit, Minion." Megamind told him. "Now she needs to be with her family."
"But sir," Minion said smiling at him "You are part of her family!"
"Minion's got a point, Big Blue." Caitlin said coming to stand on the other side of Minion.
"I know that!" Megamind said indigently. "But they don't." he said looking to her family. "And would you stop calling me that!" he added referring to his nick name Caitlin had given him.
"Sorry Megs." She said with a smile knowing he wouldn't like that one either.
"Now I just sound like a woman!" he cried throwing his hands into the air.
Minion and Caitlin looked at each other trying to hold in their laughter; however they could no longer do it, finally letting it out drawing everyone's attention to the frowning, slightly blushing, Megamind.
"Are you two making fun of my boyfriend?" Roxanne asked the laughing pair gaining some strength in her voice. Tiredly, she looked at him smiling sweetly. Megamind looked up at her starting to blush a bit.
Caitlin started to giggle "Busted." She said as Minion nodded.
Megamind smiled at them before walking over to Roxanne grabbing her hand. "I'm glad you're awake." He said softly smiling shyly at her.
"So am I." she said sitting up. "Megamind," Roxanne said as he smiled "what happened to the disk and the money?"
Megamind smiled. There were those nosey reporter skills again. "The police returned the disk to the plant and the money to the bank after I explained everything to them."
Roxanne sighed as she relaxed "Good."
"Hey Megamind, or Syx, what do you want me to call you, by the way?" Rachel asked piping up.
"It does not matter." Megamind said with a shrug. "You may call Syx or Megamind."
"K, well Syx," Rachel began "thank you for saving my big sister." She finished hugging him.
Megamind was surprised at first, but smiled and hugged her back nonetheless. "You're welcome." He told her. Rachel smiled letting him go as he returned to Roxanne's side, taking a seat.
"I love you Roxanne." Megamind said suddenly, looking at her with a smile.
She smiled back "I know."
Looking at her, he asked childishly "Aren't you supposed to say you love me back?"
Roxanne raised an eyebrow "Do I really need to?" she asked teasingly.
He thought for a moment before saying "Yes, you do."
Roxanne smiled then grabbed his collar pulling him down so they were face to face. He made a surprised face as her smile grew. "I love you Megamind." She said before kissing him. His brain turned to mush as he returned the kiss.
At the end of the bed, Caitlin smiled next to Minion and sighed happily "Won't be long now." She commented with a knowing grin.
"What won't be long?" Minion asked looking up at her. Caitlin looked down at him slyly. "Oh!" he said, understanding seeping in. "Yes, Sir has been meaning to ask her for quite a while."
"Good. I'd say it's about time." Caitlin said smiling.
"I completely agree Ms. Works." Minion said nodding.
Caitlin leaned down and looked at him "Minion, just call me Caitlin." She said with a smile. Minion blushed a bit giving her a big toothy grin causing her to laugh.
"They really do love each other, don't they?" René asked coming to stand next to Caitlin and Minion as Caitlin stood back up.
"You have no idea." Caitlin said with a smile as Minion nodded.
René looked at her then smiled "Well than I suppose I can say I have something no other mother has, now." René said smiling as she watched her daughter and Megamind.
"What's that mom?" Rachel asked raising an eyebrow.
"A future blue son-in-law." René answered making everyone laugh.
Megamind and Roxanne however, didn't hear them. As they parted Megamind smiled at her a bit embarrassed about what he was about to ask her. "Roxanne," he said as she smiled at him "I've been meaning to ask you something for a while now, but I don't think right now is appropriate, so never mind. I'm sorry I even brought it up." He added blushing.
Roxanne smiled warmly at him and grabbed his hand "Megamind, you can ask me anything." She told him sweetly.
He briefly glanced back at Minion who nodded excitedly while Caitlin gave him two thumbs up. Looking back at Roxanne's beautiful face he sighed and took her hands in his. "Roxanne, I know you deserve far better, but I love you, I know now that I've always loved you." He told her thinking about everything. "And I always want to be with you." He added softly. Pausing, he then got out of the chair and knelt down before continuing "Roxanne Richie, will you make my life complete by becoming my wife?" he asked praying for the answer.
Roxanne smiled closing her eyes as she took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes they had tears within them. "Yes I will." She said simply letting the tears fall freely.
Megamind could hardly believe his ears as his smile grew. He stood up and went to kiss her. "Finally!" Caitlin cried making both Roxanne and Megamind look over at her as she jumped into the air and Minion did a little flip in his bowl. René and Rachel hugged each other starting to cry happily. "Roxanne please let me help you with the planning!" Caitlin begged taking Minion with her as she ran to Roxanne's other side.
"Oh me too, Ms. Richie!" Minion asked giving her 'the face'.
Roxanne laughed at them "Of course!" she said happily. Caitlin and Minion spun around laughing.
Rachel walked up to Roxanne and hugged her "Congratulations Roxie." She told her. Roxanne smiled hugging her back as Rachel continued "And you too, Syx. Welcome to the family." Megamind smiled at her.
René walked up to Megamind while Roxanne was speaking to Minion, Caitlin and her sister and said "Syx?" he turned around to face her, still smiling. "Congratulations. I'm very happy for you and my daughter. I know she loves you very much."
Megamind smiled warmly at her "Thank you." He said "I love her very mush as well, Mrs. Richie."
René smiled at him "I'm your future mother-in-law, Syx." she told him with a sly smile "Call me René."
Megamind looked at bit surprised about this, but nodded just the same "Very well, René."
"Also, I want to apologize to you, for what I said." René said looking at him.
Megamind smiled at her "All is forgiven." He told her giving her a hug. René happily complied, hugging him back.
"Aren't you going to give your new bride a kiss to seal the deal?" Roxanne asked crossing her arms, drawing both Megamind's and René's attention back to her.
"Of course!" Megamind said dramatically walking up to her and giving her a sly grin "How could I forget!" Then gently, but forcefully he took her in his arms, making the shock appear on her face. He made his eyebrows move up and down making her laugh before leaning down and kissing her passionately 'sealing the deal'.