![]() Author has written 38 stories for Final Fantasy VII, World Ends With You, Yu Yu Hakusho, Pokémon, Chrono Crusade, Thor, Web Shows, Harry Potter, and Sherlock. Hello there! The name's Josie, and it's so nice to meet you! I'm 23 years old, female, pansexual, and an eclectic pagan. My hair is constantly changing color, but I'm naturally a brunette. I have a variety of hobbies, including but not limited to: questionable LBGT hobbies; learning new things; tree-hugging; kitty-patting; the arts/writing; getting tattoos/piercings; dying my hair interesting colors; living and loving life; and generally getting myself into trouble. I'm usually very open about my life, so please ask away as long as you have good intentions. I love making friends, and hope that being on this site will broaden my horizons (so to speak) and help make me a better writer. I'm very sappy, when I need to be. I find that it's easier to write (sometimes) witty banter than it is to write love confessions, strangely enough, but I'm working on it. It may have to do with the fact that I find myself more comfortable being somewhat teased than doing the teasing. As for my views on things, I tend to be very open-minded. I'm generally okay with anything people do, as long as it doesn't hurt others or the self. Being very accepting DOES tend to get me into trouble, but I think that I'd rather be overly accepting than be an ounce of close-minded. I try to avoid politics as much as possible, though I DO like to learn about it a bit. I LOVE talking about any kind of religion, as long as it's more philosophical than prejudiced. I'm pagan, but I take a lot of my practice from religions all over the world. I'm really open about what kind of friends I have, and I love to talk about people and their cultures. People are just so interesting, in my opinion. I'm constantly looking for ways to better myself, especially in my writing and art. Please, don't be afraid to give a critique, as long as it's with good intentions and not inflammatory. I promise I won't cry (though I DO bite, but that's another story). |