Disclaimer: My ideas are my own, Jo's are not. Pretty simple, huh?

Epilogue: Haven

Scorpius looked around the dormitory that had been his home-away-from home for the past seven years. It was strange to think that in just over an hour he would be leaving it for good. His trunk stood by his feet, packed except for the last minute essentials. Around him, other trunks stood closed and ready to go; he and Albus were last two remaining in the seventh year Ravenclaw dormitory.

As though thoughts of his boyfriend had called the other man over to him, Scorpius felt Albus's muscled arms wrap around his neck from behind as a kiss was pressed to the corner of his jaw just below his right ear.

"Is this really the time?" protested Scorpius. "We're supposed to be packing."

Albus chuckled. "I'm done packing," he said, indicating his latched trunk with his owl cage perched on top. "And if you would just move those things from your bed to your trunk you would be too." He turned the blonde to face him. "What's troubling you, Scor?"

Scorpius shrugged. "I don't know. It's silly I suppose, but it just seems like such a big step, putting those last things in my trunk. It means I'm really leaving Hogwarts for good. Have you ever stopped to wonder whether you're ready to be an adult?"

"Of course," said Albus. "A dozen times a day. And it isn't silly."

"Doesn't it frighten you?" asked Scorpius.

"It terrifies me," confessed Albus. "But I know I'll have you with me, so it'll be okay."

Scorpius shook his head. "You have too much faith in my abilities."

"Who said anything about abilities?" said Albus. "I don't expect you to do anything. Just being there is enough."

Scorpius smiled and bent his head to kiss his boyfriend on the lips. "I knew there was a reason I loved you so much."

Albus smiled against Scorpius's lips. The other man made him feel good about himself in a way nobody else could.

Scorpius sighed and wrapped his arms around Albus, resting his cheek against the shorter boy's dark hair.

"I've been looking into apartments and I think I've found somewhere. It's not perfect, but at least it's somewhere I can live until I—"

Albus cut him off by thrusting a brochure under his nose.

"Huh?" said Scorpius, staring down at the small, pale blue cottage on the cover. "What's this?"

"Our house," said Albus softly.

"Excuse me?"

"I know I should have talked to you about it first, but I just saw it and it seemed absolutely perfect. It's small, but it's really cozy..." he trailed off, looking anxiously at the stunned blonde.

"You rented us a house?"

Albus shook his head. "No. I bought it."

Scorpius was absolutely dumbfounded. Never in a million years would he have imagined Albus taking the initiative to do this on his own.

"Lily and my mum helped me," Albus added, as though reading his thoughts. "I just wanted us to have someplace to go after Hogwarts. Someplace of our own."

"I can't believe you bought us a house," said Scorpius. "Albus Severus, that's...that's a big step."

A sudden horrible thought occurred to Albus.

"You—you do want to live with me after Hogwarts, don't you? You—you're not p-planning on breaking up with me are you?" he asked, his voice cracking humiliatingly.

"What? Merlin, no!" said Scorpius. "Albus Severus, I thought you were over this insecurity thing. I love you, okay? Of course I'm not breaking up with you. I love you."

Albus nodded. "I'm sorry. I thought you'd like the house..."

Scorpius pulled Albus down on the bed beside him.

"And I do like it. It's as adorable as the man who bought it. But do you think we're ready for this? To own a house? To live together? We're only seventeen and eighteen. Barely out of school."

"How are we going to know if we don't try it?"

Scorpius picked up the brochure again and leafed through it. The round pale blue house was set in the middle of a green lawn, surrounded by a white picket fence and with a small garden out front. Inside the brochure were pictures of the living room, kitchen/dining room, bathroom, and bedroom, which were done all in various shades of blue, green, and beige. He was falling a little bit in love with the place just looking at them.

"It is wonderful, Albus," he said. "How much did it cost?"

Albus shook his head, knowing where his boyfriend was going with that. "Think of it as a graduation present." When Scorpius started to protest he added, "You can pay all the taxes for the first year."

Scorpius looked at the brochure in his hands again. "I bet there are loads of hidden fees too, aren't there?"

Albus grinned. "Does this mean you'll move in with me?"

Scorpius nipped him playfully on the side of the neck. "Only if we ever get out of this place. Come on, the train's due to leave in twenty minutes."


Albus and Scorpius stood hand in hand in front of their brand new home.

"It's even more perfect in person," said Albus, trailing his fingers over the whitewashed wood of the picket fence.

Scorpius had to agree. They hadn't even set foot over the threshold and the place felt like home.

"What should we call it?" asked Albus.

"What do you mean?" said Scorpius.

"It needs to have a name, don't you think?"

"I suppose so," said Scorpius, shrugging. "What did you have in mind?"

"I don't know, that's why I was asking you."

Both of them stared at the cottage for a few moments and then Scorpius surprised himself by saying, "Haven."


"Haven," Scorpius repeated, feeling a little bit silly. "Because that's what it is right? No matter what goes on in the rest of our lives, you made sure we have this little haven just for us."

Albus beamed at him.

"I love it."

The two young men felt twin sets of hand push them between their shoulder blades.

"Go on then!" said Ginny. "Go in!"

"Or are you just going to stand there gaping at it all day long?" demanded Lily.

Albus stuck his tongue out at his sister.

"Oh, yeah, real mature, Al...I can tell you're a grown man now..."

"She has a point," said Scorpius, earning him a smack on the ear.

"Truce! Truce!" he cried, rubbing exaggeratedly at his ear. "Come on, they're right, let's go in."

The two young men walked up the path to the front door and let themselves into the single-story cottage's kitchen. After making a brief examination of that room they made their way their way systematically through all of the others. They left the bedroom for last, and when they got there it was a long while before they came out again.

AN: And that brings the events of Three Weeks at Malfoy Manor (and beyond) to a close. I know it wasn't particularly long, but this was all that remained to be said. I think it's cute and I hope you agree. If you do (or don't) please tell me in a review!