Author has written 7 stories for Sherlock. So to start, I am a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes and all of his reincarnations. And personally speaking, I think that there is no greater love affair in the history of literature than that between Dr. John Watson and Sherlock Holmes. Let’s face it, they are soul mates. If you are as big a nerd about this as I am, then check out http:/// for all things SH related or http:/// if you’re a fan of BBC’s Sherlock. SO--if you haven't guessed already by the last paragraph, I'm a shipper of Johnlock...and by association, Mystrade. The idea of these two groups of men together is just inexplicably...HOT... "These coffee orders--the Magna Carta was less complicated!" Johnny Lee Miller as Sherlock; Elementary I have several other Johnlock stories in the works at the moment. One will hopefully be finished soon. I don't write in a conventional linear fashion, so unless I'm nearly finished with a fic, I can't really start posting it--to further explain, I write scenes as they come to me and then go back to connect the dots. With the way I write, the ending could be written well before the beginning is ever thought of...not sure if this is for me though! I'm also just set up an account over on AO3 since, if you've read any of my work, I go all out for that "Explicit" rating so just in case... my user Deaths_Dark_Angel "All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another." – Anatole France. |
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