This little tale, a 221B because I love them so much, was written with love for my good friend Mattsloved1, with special Birthday wishes! I hope it's a good one honey! Mattie gave me three words to include in her story - they were Exuberant, Historical and Stitches...I hope she likes how I chose to use them :)

There was a time, back in Baker Street, when John wanted nothing more than to follow his exuberant flatmate as they chased those villains that were stupid enough to try and pit their wits against Sherlock Holmes, a man he would always declare was the most gifted detective genius of his time.

Not that he was biased he would argue whenever challenged on that opinion, it was not because they were lovers that he believed this. Instead he would point to the historical evidence, held in the archives of New Scotland Yard, those cases solved by Sherlock when no one else could.

"You're thinking again." A voice, still deep and incredibly sexy, spoke into the shell of his ear, and the accompanying hot breath sent shudders down John's spine.

"Hmmm. I thought you were asleep." John chuckled softly.

"Tell me?" Sherlock nuzzled into John's neck.

"Baker Street days." He replied, hotching back closer into his slender partner's embrace.

"Take-away and crap telly?"

"Laughing until we were in stitches every time we did something stupidly dangerous and survived."

"Chasing across rooftops?"

"And hot sex at the end of a hard case." John turned over, entwining his legs with Sherlock's. "Those days are behind us and now, although we still share a bed, I have to share your love with several hundred bees!"