![]() Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings. Oh hey look! A PROFILE! Lords, I haven't seen this one in years. So. About me: I got into fanfiction when I was eleven and thought it was The Best Thing Evarr!!! (it was fad. Classmates of mine were all writing Harry Potter/Hunger Games/etc fics (only one person actually posted her fics, I think). There was a HG fanfic going around in which I was killed in the Bloodbath by Classmate #2, after killing Classmate #1. Ain't it lovely?) Then I got into fictionpress a year later and thought Fanfic? What Fanfic? This Is The Best Thing Ever! (Mm. Haven't been there in years, now.) Then another year later, I went back to and more or less got completely addicted again, without the Capital Letters or exclamation marks. (I read it in class, even. Probably why I have the grades I do. Oh well.) After half-a-year or so, I quit fanfic for a bit because there wasn't any more really nice ones that I could find. Somehow or another I found my way back almost a year later. Nothing much happened. It became a bit more of a "dammit, ffnet. Stop tempting me I need to sleep/study/have a life/revise for exams/sleep" kind of thing. If there was a competition for devoted long-time lurker, I might not be the champion, but top ten would be just about right. Cue the passing of many years, during which an account is created to better track all the good fics. Then I got a new phone. It can connect to wifi and download random shtuffs. I found the ff-app. And I never managed to stop since. Dammit. News as of profile updated-date: so. hey guys. I'm. really sorry. A lot of stuff happened, moving from one phase of life to the next, BUT! I have. A CHAPTER of WLP! To be published when I get back home on the 15th. On Wind Lord Potter: First posted around June 2013 because road trips in Europe. Wrote the fic up till the Council of Elrond part. Never really thought it'd get this much attention though. Only ever posted two chapters in 2013, because many reasons (such as: proofreading, editing, dad-shaped troubles). Anyway, it would not be abandoned because I have so much feels about this. Wind Lord will be completed—I will dig out this blasted lake with the blasted tea spoon and all you guys shall get to enjoy my lake. Someday. (Tumblr reference, sorry not sorry.) [and in case it wasn't obvious, please pretend that Harry's presence in history is negligible unless brought up otherwise, even though it really shouldn't be, because butterfly effect and all. I'm not interested in rewriting the entire legendarium, thanks.] Finally: I'm aware that Wind Lord Potter is not good, but I am endeavouring to make it acceptably okay, so please bear with me as I churn out ungood chapters and work out how this writing thing is supposed to go. Your support is greatly appreciated, and I have no words to express how grateful I am that you have stuck by this particular fic, even with all the other absolutely fantastic stories out there. Reviews are welcomed and will be used to a) improve fic, b) used as encouragement and c) used to feed the guilt, depending on the type and mood. Flames will be a) laughed at, b) taken seriously or c) sobbed at, depending on the mood. PMs are welcomed and responded to, unless PM is so awesome a reply cannot do it justice. Feel free to chat (actually, please do. I like talking to strangers online). I endeavour to respond to reviews with questions, but it may take me some time to get to them. Dammit. I should be studying. |