Reviews for Timely Errors
woah dude chapter 12 . 7/23
holy crap this was amazing great job
Nyumun chapter 12 . 7/18
Me encanta! muy buena historia!
spicasblack chapter 13 . 7/6
it's awesome but I wish there was some part about harry voldemort final duel I would want some reaction between them and also i like the fact that harry actually got himself the chosen one :D
NathanielTheCat chapter 13 . 7/2
This... This I like.
vampdreams chapter 12 . 7/2
Oh this was absolutely brilliant!
Made my heart sing a bit, okay a lot
Beautiful writing, meaningful interaction
I love that you didn't get lost in the tropes
Seriously great work _
Lady Calysta chapter 13 . 6/27
This is such a great story! This story was one of the best Harry Potter time travel stories I've ever read
BookLover4242 chapter 9 . 6/10
Wouldn’t that Wednesday have been a full moon night? It should have been 1976, I think, so the September full moon should have been on Wednesday 8th. Surely Harry would notice, unless they snuck out while he was asleep.
MissEMT chapter 1 . 6/8
I've reread this and it must genuinely be one the best time travel fics I've read here, I binged it and loved it, even the second time round. The plot, the writing, the characterisation-all so good.
Enforcer209 chapter 12 . 6/2
Well this was certainly interesting
Accio Allsorts chapter 11 . 6/2
Neat. I like the idea of Harry being back in time temporarily. Especially as a semi-regular thing. From Binns. :)
Guest chapter 13 . 6/1
Guest chapter 8 . 6/1
More Remus and Sirius pleeease I wish. Not Wolfstar I just want more of there friendship :( Too late, I guess
Guest chapter 13 . 5/31
I really enjoyed reading your story and it was one of the best time travel stories I have ever read.
DemiwitchSlytherin chapter 13 . 5/30
That was a great story.

It captured wonderful moments between Harry and his parents, but also managed to have a melancholic feel.
Chaoticwolf97 chapter 13 . 5/28
Most stories I read on here wind up ending at the wrong time and I'm glad to say that yours ended exactly when it was supposed to when I first finished I wasn't sure but after thinking about I realised had you continued the story would have felt dragged out and over done so in the end it's a great story and written very well .
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