Reviews for Demigod Project
Ghost500098 chapter 1 . 6/23
can't wait for the sequel!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/3
ok but hear me out, i can’t write but could someone plz write a fic where percy is wrongfully accused of something and annabeth like hates him now so he gets banished and becomes a high level shield assassin/agent and then an avenger and then 4 years later annabeth gets a job as tony’s personal assistant and she comes to avengers tower and sees him there and then problems arise and he has to go back to camp and bring the avengers to fight a new threat idk something along the lines of that i just think it would be cool
Ocean.breezzq chapter 23 . 4/2
you should have done a Percabeth pairing
wishitweretrue24 chapter 23 . 3/3
I was entirely digging the story. But “We can at least be civil”? Percy did not get nearly enough of a chance to tell the whole camp to go fuck themselves, especially Annabeth. God what a tease of a fic. You build up a powerful Percy who doesn’t have to take any shit, and then you have him take shovel after shovel of it.
Kacher chapter 23 . 2/13
The story while written nicely false on few simple elements.
1) From where you pulled that son of Poseidon and why it was needed? it felt like harsh bashing of Poseidon.
2) Jeff, how he gained Percy blood in the first place to analyze the styx blessing, further he is now dead, he is in Hades kingdom, getting all the answers you want from him should be easy enough now.
3) IT feels like the demigods power were dumbed down a lot in the name of science, not all magic or divine is just form of advance tech, or at least an advance tech some genious can unlock.
Seaweed Wisdom chapter 3 . 1/29
*her back towards him
Love it love it love it
What’s more upsetting? Come on, Seaweed Brain.
Falconress chapter 23 . 12/16/2019
Ooh. Great story, I can't wait for the sequel!
Falconress chapter 10 . 12/16/2019
Falconress chapter 8 . 12/16/2019
This is gonna be... Awkward.
Guest chapter 22 . 10/26/2019
Thor x Thalia
AnjaWritesFanfiction chapter 4 . 10/18/2019
Drew's character was more likeable here than in the actual books, I'm glad Percy tried to help her
Outgund chapter 9 . 10/6/2019
I have no idea whats going on in this story. Like where the hell did clarisse come from? Or the other demigods? Why did they assassinate that guy? No one is asking these questions? How the fuck did that one chick melt to death
Outgund chapter 5 . 10/6/2019
Feel like theres a lot of missing details in this story
Outgund chapter 1 . 10/6/2019
How the hell did coulson find him? Like seriously
Guest chapter 5 . 8/3/2019
Janitor: Hey, come here. We want to do stuff to you.
J.D.'s Thoughts: OK, just distract them before they do whatever they've got planned.
Janitor: We were thinking.
J.D.: I got a riddle for you.
Troy: This isn't how you said it would go.
Janitor: Troy. We're listening.
J.D.: Two coins add up to 30 cents and one of them is not a nickel.
Janitor: I feel like I've heard this before. What are they?
J.D.: It's a riddle. You figure it out.
(J.D. exits.)
Janitor: Troy, get your hat. We're going to the bank.
(Troy turns one way only for The Janitor to stop him and turn him around)
Janitor: (Leaning down on a counter) OK, two coins equals 30 cents, no nickels. I swear we've done this before. Come on, man, you went to Yale for God's sake.
Troy: (Also leaning on the counter) Relax, I figured it out. (Takes out two small objects)
Janitor: A penny, and a button that you wrote "29 cents" on. (Puts the button down) Think I don't recognize your handwriting?
Troy: (Exasperated) Can't we just kill him?
Janitor: How's therapy going?
(Even later)
(Janitor and Troy enter.)
Janitor: Hey, we solved your stupid game.
Troy: Yeah, we been to the libary.
Janitor: -brary, Troy. Library. Anyway, two coins that add up to 30 cents and one of them is not a nickel. A penny, and (brings out a book) a 1972 dime with a Roosevelt imperfection, today worth exactly 29 cents. (Puts his finger to his head and makes a popping noise with his mouth)
J.D.: OK, no, uh, the correct answer is a quarter and nickel.
Janitor: Uh, no, because you said one of them isn't a nickel.
J.D.: Right. The other one is.
Janitor: You lied to me.
J.D. It's a riddle.
(J.D. exits.)
Troy: Oh, your face is red like a strawbrerry.
Janitor: Don't have kids.
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