Dear Uchiha-san,
After a great deal of soul searching, I find myself unable to continue with this project. As enjoyable as working with you has been, continuing this project has the potential to damage my other career and that isn't a risk I can afford to take.
As of today, I wish to exercise the out clause in my contract. I understand that I am not permitted to reveal any of the specific organizational information discussed and/or redacted from the original handbook in the course of this venture. I have neither the desire nor the inclination to do so at this time.
While our working relationship has always been cordial, dare I say friendly, I feel I must remind you that you agreed to not reveal any information regarding my personal works. Should such an event occur, I will be forced to reveal the information covered under the confidentiality clause. As I said, this is just a reminder. I am certain you won't do anything that would damage the integrity of our contract.
Thank you for the opportunity to work with you.
Lady Khali
Dear Lady Khali,
I knew this day was coming, but I hoped it wouldn't come as quickly as it did. While I am saddened that you and I will no longer collaborate on this project, I wish you the best in your future endeavors.
I still don't understand why you'd rather write about demons, design knitting patterns, and code websites, but I am trying to be understanding, or at least as understanding as someone in my position can be. When I think about the organizational secrets I revealed to you... Well, as long as you abide by the confidentiality clause in your contract, there shouldn't be any issues. I'll keep my mouth shut as long as you will.
While it's not expressly in your contract, I am hoping you will find a new editor for us. As I'm sure you are aware, traveling between my world and yours is fraught with many perils (which is the primary reason you are still alive after threatening me in your previous letter), and I prefer to not take unnecessary risks. I will be happy to reimburse you at your usual hourly rate.
Uchiha Madara, President and Chairman of Akastuki, LLC
P.S. Have you given any thought to the question I asked you in my previous correspondence?
Dear Uchiha-San,
I'm pleased we are able to part on such good terms. A mutual confidentiality agreement suits both our situations and I am willing to abide by it as long as you are.
I have also located a new editor for you. Her name is Phantom Flower. Her voice and wit is a perfect match for you and your ongoing project. I have attached her writing sample, a short resume, and her contact information. While many contacted me for the job, she is the one I feel is the best match for your project.
She has agreed to post the handbook in its entirety, maintain it, and work with you on future additions. I feel that I should warn you that she will probably not be as tolerant of some of your chauvinistic views as I was.
In answer to your earlier question about how I would take down Konoha, I didn't answer initially because I felt that you would vehemently disagree with my opinion and talking to walls has never been my favorite pastime. In short, I would track their bank accounts and undercut their position with the the daimyo by both undercutting their prices and some rumor mongering. As you well know, nin do not work for free. I would attack their ability to pay their people long before I attacked them.
Lady Khali
Attachment: Invoice3192
Dear Lady Khali,
Recent deaths in the organization have delayed this writing and even now I am scrambling to fill the available positions.
Thank you for recommending Phantom Flower to me. As of this writing, she has posted the handbook in its entirety along with a few necessary updates. This is an Employee Handbook after all and it should reflect changes in the organization. You may take down your version as hers is now the most current version.
Thank you again for your assistance.
Uchiha Madara, President and Chairman of Akastuki, LLC
P.S. Kakuzu's job is still available if you want it. I've tested my transportation jutsu and I know I can import personnel if need be. I will even arrange a safe place for you to work with no fighting. You may wear whatever you choose, and I won't assign you a partner unless you ask for one.
Dear Uchiha-San,
I'm glad to hear the handbook is once again back on track. I will remove my version in a few days.
Thank you for the job offer. While it is a wonderful opportunity and I am truly flattered, I must decline. If the position is still open in a few years and your survival rate has improved, contact me again and I'll reconsider my position.
Lady Khali