Reviews for Harry Potter and the Garden of Intrigue
SiriusBlackHeir chapter 24 . 5/6
This fic reads like a mix of "good omens", "the hobbit" and "doctor who" and I can't stop laughing. The frequent and awesome alliterations are the cherry on top. Hats off to you.
SiriusBlackHeir chapter 20 . 5/6
This fic is absolutely hilarious. I honestly love it. I can't believe I didn't find it until today. Thanks for writing it!
syzygyy chapter 68 . 4/30
Cried this chapter. Excellent writing— it’s unbelievable and has me rooting for all the characters. I’ve loved every chapter.
syzygyy chapter 29 . 4/27
This chapter had me yell ‘culture!’ to the concern of my family as I came across Raxicoricofallipatorios. I love this fic, it’s absolutely mad and genius.
syzygyy chapter 15 . 4/26
This is absolutely hilarious. I love it. Thank you.
RL109531 chapter 36 . 6/4/2019
thank you, this is great so far. love how dr who-y your Harry is, and how the kids are all powerful, but still kids.
ajpemberton chapter 39 . 11/3/2018
'… a five lap hoverbed race in which Sirius tried to cheat twiceand succeeded at least three times…I do like your humour.
ajpemberton chapter 20 . 11/3/2018
Great story. Well edited… didn't notice a single spelling error or misused word. Enjoyed the 'goons' having personalities. Ron's tripple wins made me smile. Alliteration is always fun. Looking forward to reading the next book.

Ps: the neagtive reviewer a couple before must have been having a bad day. Your story (so far at least) is amongest the best fanfics here... and I've read most of the top rated stories here.
Pygmy Hippo chapter 17 . 6/20/2018
It’s like Mission Impossible :D
Anna chapter 12 . 3/9/2018
So, not only is your Harry a complete coward who is too afraid of being bullied by Draco to stand up for Neville and Hagrid and completely untalented with magic, but he is also more stupid than that box of rocks Ron Weasley? Tell me why would I want to read a story about a protagonist who is completely unremarkable except for how completely ordinary he is? Oh , right! The protagonist of this story is not Harry Potter at all! It is your Marty-Stu Ron Weasley, who is so different that he is unrecognizable from cannon. It is so far beyond pathetic that you feel the need to try to trick people into reading your piece of crap by pretending it is about Harry.
DannyPhantomPhandom chapter 69 . 3/10/2018
I have no bloody clue what just happened, but it was amazing.
DannyPhantomPhandom chapter 43 . 3/8/2018
Ouch, Hermione, no need to shove it into Harry's face like that. At least she couldn't possibly have a good accent in parseltongue... and if she does, WELP.
DannyPhantomPhandom chapter 35 . 3/8/2018
Oh god

See, this is why I never want to be Seeker. I'll be like Ron who never catches the Snitch. Mind you, I'm near-sighted so I have some validity for difficulty in catching a tiny ball, but even if I didn't have crap eyesight, I would still be struggling!
DannyPhantomPhandom chapter 27 . 3/8/2018
Harry, I'm sorry; Black isn't the culprit.

It's Peter; the rat is alive.
DannyPhantomPhandom chapter 18 . 3/7/2018
Ron, I feel bad for you being a Seeker.

Harry, sorry you can't fly.

Draco, you're an adorable jerk.

This path to the stone without being extremely reckless is extremely believable and good.
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