
I'd like to thank everyone for their advice when I was massively second guessing myself, this is the first thing I've written which I actually liked, and I was kind of self conscious that it sucked
I will be following what you all have said and keep it at five chapters of 10'000

Mr. Lehtab had a great idea about the timestamp that I'm going to see if I can get to work, Mr. Khaos gave me a cookie, which I ate with milk, and I got loads of other good advice for the future, including something in French which I will translate as I liked how it sounded:

It is your text, this is therefore to YOU who must please before all


Hi, still fiddling with the story: From what I've read of reviews I've come to the conclusion that like 1in5 people are confused by the end of ChapFive. So to be clear; Harry hit the edge of the Veil and was knocked unconscious, waking in Medical after Astoria's intertimeline-Portkey took his feet out from under him

Hope that clears that up; Just this once 'Everybody Lives'

Honestly if you are confused about something leave me a comment and I will likely as not get back to you


If you want to review that would be cool, I don't mind if all you say is something simple like'Yep, I got to the end'
Maybe one day I'll write something good enough to go on Mr. enembee's DLP 5-Starred and Featured Authors, or get a real recommendation on tvtropes FanFicRec
That would fucking rock, I'd get somebody's ugly step daughter pregnant if it would get me that


























No animals or children under fourteen have been hurt in the writing of this story





































This is not like a videogame, where if you read the credits you get a little extra












































Why are you still reading, I said it was over






























































Somemonth 32nd 9999: Ephemeral Kings Cross Station
99:99 Non-Sidereal Time

I'm at Kings Cross again. Who would have thought it, my mind really couldn't come up with something more imaginative after all.

"Hello Harry James Potter."

My companion is... strange.


Possibly not the most reverent of responses.

"You had an enjoyable time, did you not?"

She's definitely female, exaggeratedly so.

"The best."

Looks like she was designed by an overly lecherous man as it happens.

"I have a job for you to do."

I just cock an eyebrow.


The living smoke, water, or rolling fire, which constitutes her body shimmers from crystal blue, to a slight red. I get the distinct impression she is does not like this answer.

"I was not asking exactly. I do not strictly need your consent."

That's a bluff.

"I know enough about this type of thing to be able to tell that you would not have asked if you did not have to. You want this to be a choice. Unless I miss my guess?"

She shimmers from red, to pale green, and loses coalescence for a brief time.

"I went to tremendous effort to hold your second universe in place. You cannot possibly believe a whole new chain of causality can simply pop into existence for free."

I think for a long while. That does have a ringing of truth unfortunately.

"But I did not ask you to do it, so I owe you nothing."

Another pause, this time longer.

"Do you not wish even to know what I ask? Harry James Potter."

I can probably make a fair guess, still...

"Give me the big writing version with pictures."

For some reason this amuses her greatly. The shimmering water and rolling fire which makes up her curves is tinged yellow, as she throatily responds.

"There is a Dark Lord who must not be named, and a boy hero marked by Prophecy."


"That sounds familiar."

She smiles.

"He got himself killed attempting to rescue a Philosopher's Stone."

Huh, amateur.

"And why do you think I would do such a thing once again?"

Yeah, it's pretty obvious at this point what she is after.

"Your Soul has now paid for its crimes on the last stage of its reincarnation cycle. Do this and it is double or nothing, the scores this time can really change."

I knew I'd done something terrible in a past life, I knew it. But now the question you have to ask yourself is, do you really want to do this again Harry?

"I want my gear. And Hedwig. If you can create a whole new universe you can pull that much off too."

Her form once more loses cohesion, and when she eventually collapses back together she answers.

"Very well. Know this Harry James Potter, it will be harder."

Maybe yes, maybe no.


Lens of Sanity
That's right. Not only is Harry Potter the reincarnation of Anakin Skywalker, a guy who's name still spread fear throughout the whole galaxy a thousand years after his death, but the entire Star Wars Universe is loosely based on a time well before the Rise of Atlantis, before the invention of Wands or Runes.
I set the events based on the Lord of the Rings 6500 years ago, coinciding with the war written of in the three Abrahamic Religions. And set the Atlantics Cataclysm to happen 11000 years ago, coinciding with the end of the last Ice Age.
And the only reason Astoria's time travel idea successfully created a second universe, is because Rand al'Thor got himself killed at the 'Eye of the World,' and a mysterious 'woman' needed assistance.
And best of all, the thing that has me cackling insanely at the very idea, is that none of this can be directly refuted by JK Rowling's seven Harry Potter canon books. The plot holes, or more accurately, plot chasms, are so huge that I can slide all of this through, using alternate character interpretation, and my own runaway levels of rampancy.
So what I've created here is not an AU story, because AU stands for Alternate Universe. The sheer number of universes it touches on, and the avalanche of Harry Potter FanFictions is cuts across, makes this something new, something... different, and sexy. The kind of thing that blinds the eyes, and flash boils the Soul.
This story is a Perpendicular Universe.
Fuck the impossible.