Author has written 11 stories for Loveless, Labyrinth, Avatar: Last Airbender, Twilight, and Hot Gimmick. All right here is the scoop. Name: Unknown in this world and I'm not to sure about the next. Age: Like you really want to know that. Perv. Location: Currantly...Insanity. Hobbies: Too many to list and frankly kinda boring to list too. So yeah. Parings I support: Harry Potter...step this way Ron/Hermione (if you couldn't tell by the user name) Luna/Blaise (no supporting evidance but still love them) Katie Bell/Marcus Flint (Chasers, rivals, lover?) Goyle/Padma (don't ask, it's on crack) Fruits Basket Kyo/Tohru (so cute squeee) Machi/Yuki (shut in meet other shut in, let the magic work) Shigure/Akito (so evil and sarcastic...yummm) Hiro/Kisa (so adorable) Rin/Haru (that's right Haru, you go kick Akito's ass) Ouran Host Club Kyouya/Haruhi Loveless Seimei/Ritsuka (yes I know it's wrong, so sue me. okay actually please don't i have 0 dollors) Youji/Natsou Ai/Midori (aka Breathless) Angle Sanctuary (yes I know i spelled that wrong) Lucifer/Axiel People I belive should be shot Harry and Hermione shippers, (almost threw up a little writing that) People who think if you like peace you are not a patriot. Mean people in general People who mock the smart kid (they're just jelouse cause their grades suck) The people who made up Stociametry and the Gas Laws (if you don't know what those are, more power to ya) People who cannot make sure their fanfiction have correct grammer and spelling. (that is what Beta's exist for, morons) Stupid people. and if not shot then given a sound lashing in the public square. People who are not tolerant, that goes for all raceists, homophobics ect. Evil people in general (who are they? come on you know at least one) Yes my mind has wandered off into the far off regions of LaLa, it's quite lovely this time of year. Some Random Quotes Some people think I'm crazy...I think they might be right. ~me Once you can accept the universe as being an infinate something expanding into an infinate nothing that is something, wearing plaid with strips is easy. ~Albert Einstin Don't tell me what I can't do. I reject your reality and subsitute my own Look shiney.. That hasn't worked on me since I was four. But you admit it DID work. Moron. I'm a duck. I'm taking over the world tommarow. ~me Do you think you could wait until Tuesday? Pirates comes out tommarow~ random friend I will destroy you - Sara So yeah, if you actually read all that I salute you. Also I wounder why you did. Oh well, back to LaLa. Oh and if you hadn't noticed I can't spell worth shit. |