I'm sorry for taking so long...it seems i've been saying that often. But, what I'm really sorry about is that I must tell you this is the end of "Princess in the Middle." That's right. This is the final chapter. But, because I love you all so much, I've made this an extra-long chapter, just for you!
Twins: is this really the end???
Hunny: but, ja-chan! We were having so much fun!
Mori: ah.
Tamaki: the end? THIS CAN'T BE ALL! I must know what happens to my darling Haruhi!
thejadespirit: gomen nasai! I can't tell you what happens, really, I can't! You'll just have to read the chapter like everyone else.
Kyoya (holding up a notebook): It just so happens I have a copy right here. At a reasonable price, of course.
thejadespirit: how did you get that!?!?!?!?!
Chapter Nineteen
"I love you."
Kyoya stared at Haruhi a long moment and then whispered, "I love you, too." She wouldn't remember this in the morning, he knew, but at least she loved him. He knew that much.
Haruhi woke to find Kyoya sleeping in a chair beside her hospital bed. She watched him for a moment, a soft smile playing at her lips. And then she blushed, remembering the night before. She had kissed him! Not only that, but she had said "I love you" to him. Haruhi buried her head in her hands, trying to hide. And he had said it back!
How could they be in love? They were in the middle of a false engagement! They shouldn't be in love at all; they should be trying to find a way out of it! Haruhi sighed, tipping her head back. Everything was getting so complicated. What was she to do?
Kyoya stirred and then opened his eyes. "Haruhi? Haruhi, what's wrong?" He reached towards her but she shifted away, face red. He frowned, wondering what had gotten into Haruhi so early in the morning (it was, after all, only nine). The sudden thought that she might remember the night before entered his mind but Kyoya quickly dismissed it. Now, she was probably just feeling guilty about her injury.
The thought of Haruhi's injury made Kyoya frowned. He had already fired the mechanics who had worked on the plane, finding them jobs they wouldn't find nearly as challenging. Still, the reminder of her injury conjured up visions of Haruhi lying in his arms, pale and bleeding.
As Kyoya fell silent, it was Haruhi's turn to raise her concerns. Though Kyoya could be quite reticent when he wanted, Haruhi had never seen him with such a troubled look. "What is it?" she asked softly, worrying he regretted his words from last night.
He looked up and smiled briefly at her. "Nothing," he said reassuringly. "I was simply thinking about your hospital stay."
Haruhi straightened in the bed. "Can I leave?"
"Maybe later today," he answered, "but they want to keep you for a little while longer to make sure everything checks out."
A sigh escaped Haruhi and she fell back with a huff. "Where is everyone?"
"They should be arriving soon."
But no one did. It appeared that Hunny and Mori had devised some way of keeping Kyoya and Haruhi alone. But the two spent most of their morning in uncomfortable silence, each convinced the previous night had meant little to the other.
After a while, Kyoya rose, his eyes not touching Haruhi's face. "I'll go see if you can be released yet, he said quietly, before disappearing.
Haruhi stared at the door a moment before sighing and closing her eyes. This was disastrous! He obviously regretted having said anything to her and now she looked like such a fool! She fell in love with Kyoya after all. Even though he was sweet, and kind, and thoughtful, and...Haruhi shook her head. She didn't want to think about it.
Kyoya returned a few minutes later, a flustered nurse in tow. The woman sent Haruhi a small smile before hurrying over to the bedside. "We'll have you discharged in just a moment," she said.
Haruhi watched in silence for a moment before looking up at Kyoya. Their eyes caught for a moment and then Haruhi turned away, feeling just as jittery as the nurse appeared to be.
Kyoya's mood brightened considerably as he saw the faint blush stealing across Haruhi's cheeks. It made him think—more firmly this time—that Haruhi might just remember what she said to him the night before. And that she remembered his words as well.
When the nurse stepped back, Kyoya offered Haruhi his arm, remembering, only a little too late, that she was wearing nothing but a hospital gown. She stood and Kyoya looked away, trying not to see the thin material clinging so alluringly to her. He shook his head. Hospital gowns weren't supposed to look so good.
Eyes still averted, he helped her to the bathroom and handed a bundle of clothes to her. "We'll be meeting with the others at the hotel," he told her.
Haruhi mumbled a polite "thank you" before disappearing into the bathroom, heart racing. She stood there a moment, leaning against the door. Was this what love really felt like? she wondered. Did it really make the heart beat faster with only a touch? Did it really cause a warmth to steal from the heart, until she could barely contain it?
Sighing, she opened the bundle of clothes. And gaped. Kyoya had thought to bring her jeans and a sweater, not some frothy skirt and blouse, as the others might. She smiled brightly, tears in her eyes. He was so thoughtful sometimes. And he loved her!
Kyoya held her hand all through the drive back to the hotel, afraid to let her go. He couldn't help but worry that another accident might happen; that Haruhi would be hurt again. A small shiver went through his and he pushed up his glasses. He didn't ever want to see her so helpless again. He didn't think he'd survive it.
But, even as worry filled his mind, Kyoya couldn't stop thinking about Haruhi's kiss...and the whispered words she gave right after. He smiled inwardly, still remembering her pressed against him. It had hardly seemed real. But, despite all of his doubts, Kyoya knew it had happened. And he couldn't feel happier.
Yet their feelings brought up a pressing dilemma. He and Haruhi were engaged, yes, but the engagement was false. Kyoya didn't want to think about giving in, giving his father the satisfaction of winning. But, to Kyoya, losing this particular game was looking better and better.
Oddly, though Kyoya never liked losing, he felt that this time, it was his best option. Especially since the consolation prize was the prospect of keeping Haruhi by his side. And she was something he never wanted to give up.
Once his decision was reached, Kyoya relaxed. And so, for the rest of the ride back to the hotel, his brain began to whirl, planning every detail of his inevitable surrender.
Tamaki opened his eyes blearily, trying in an unsuccessful attempt to hold back the sunlight falling onto his face. He held up a hand and sat up, frowning as his head began to spin. He had never had so much to drink. And he had never had a hangover quite like this. Without any hesitation, he jumped up and ran for the bathroom.
When he had cleaned up, brushed his teeth, and managed to look half-way decent, Tamaki left the bathroom, this time to find some aspirin...or a lake to drown himself in. He groaned as more sunlight hit him. If only he hadn't had so many drinks...
Wincing at Hunny's overly-loud voice, Tamaki swerved around the tiny Host, still trying to hunt down that aspirin. If only Kyoya were here...
At the loud shout, Tamaki whipped his foot around and connected it with Kaoru's leg. "Shush!" he said. "I can't think around all this noise."
Kaoru snickered until Hikaru smacked the back of his head. "Really, you shouldn't be so loud in the morning," Hikaru groaned, clutching his head. "Where's the aspirin?"
Mori walked over to Hikaru and handed him the bottle of aspirin. "Here."
Hikaru stared up at Mori, eyes misty with gratitude. "If you were a girl, I'd kiss you," he said before downing two aspirin. He tossed the bottle to Tamaki.
A half hour later, Tamaki and Hikaru looked, if not fresh, at least not hungover. Hunny bounded over to them with a smile. "Haru-chan's been released from the hospital," he announced excitedly. "She'll be here in a couple of minutes. Kyo-kun said to meet them in the breakfast hall."
Haruhi braced herself as the rest of the Host Club walked into the breakfast hall. But, amazingly, they all sat themselves down at the table without jumping all over her. Even the twins amanged to refrain themselves. Haruhi looked closer, concerned, and saw that neither Tamaki nor Hikaru seemed as exuberant as usual.
Frowning, she leaned closer. "Are you all right?" she asked them.
The two looked up, startled, but both assured her they were fine—perfectly so. Still, Haruhi didn't buy it. But, then, she didn't contest it either. Instead, she smiled serenely at the others, glad to be out of the hospital.
Kyoya frowned at Tamaki and Hikaru, recognizing that they'd been drinking the night before. He glanced towards Kaoru. While it was difficult with Kaoru, Kyoya saw that he, too, was a bit rough around the edges. Sighing inwardly he took a sip of orange juice. "I hope last night's festivities weren't too...debilitating," he said delicately.
Haruhi glanced at Kyoya. "Festivities?" she echoed, confused. She looked back at the others. "Was there a party?"
Kaoru smiled nonchalantly as Tamaki and Hikaru glanced guiltily at one another. "We were just trying to cheer ourselves up," he told her. "We were trying to distract ourselves from the thought of you in the hospital."
Haruhi smiled gently. She was glad they hadn't been too worried but, in a way, she was also glad they felt the need to distract themselves from her injury. It made her feel special. Sometimes, despite how achingly annoying they all were, the Host Club always said or did something which just made her glow.
Still smiling, Haruhi began to eat her breakfast. "So where are we going today?"
"You're going to Vatican City," Kyoya answered, avoiding Haruhi's gaze.
At his wording, Haruhi looked up at him. "You're not coming with us?"
Kyoya shook his head. "Unfortunately, there are a few things I have to take care of today," he explained. "But I'll accompany you tomorrow."
"Oh," Haruhi said, a bit hurt at his business-like tone. "All right."
Hearing the hurt in her voice, Kyoya sighed and turned to her. "I'm sorry," he said. "I would put this off, but I'm afraid this matter is too pressing." His voice dropped to a whisper. "I'll be back later, I promise."
Haruhi nodded reluctantly, ignoring the curious looks from the others. She didn't want to, but she understood Kyoya's need to take care of his business. After all, this hadn't exactly been a vacation. Not for him, anyway. "Okay." Besides, she wanted some time to sort out her feelings a bit more...and to think about just what she was going to do.
When breakfast (or, rather, brunch) was over, Kyoya said goodbye to Haruhi and the others. Taking one last glance at Haruhi, he left the hotel, feeling only slightly guilty about lying to her.
Once Kyoya was out of sight, Hunny latched onto Haruhi and began dragging her from the hotel. He pulled her into a waiting limo and grinned as the others piled in. "You're going to love this, Haruhi!" he exclaimed delightedly. "We're going to go sightsee!"
Haruhi groaned at Hunny's last words. It was as if he had never done anything remotely tourist-like. While she had a sneaking suspicion that the Host Club normally viewed the "sights" without other tourists around, she didn't really want to ask. She just knew their answer was going to sour her mood, the rich bastards.
Hunny went on. "After that, we're going to take you shopping and then you're going out to dinner!"
"I'm going out to dinner?" Haruhi asked faintly, feeling a bit overwhelmed. Maybe it hadn't been a good idea for her to be released from the hospital so early.
Hunny nodded. "Kyo-kun and Mori and I thought it would be nice if you had a little time to yourself," he explained. "Haru-chan looks a bit overwhelmed," he added. "We just want you to have a nice vacation."
Haruhi nearly started crying. This was so sweet! She forgot how wonderful the Hosts could be, especially when they weren't trying. She hugged Hunny. "Thank you," she said. He beamed.
Close by, Hikaru, Tamaki, and Kaoru were grumbling a bit. While they thought it was nice that Haruhi was getting a bit of alone time on her vacation, they had wanted to spend their vacation with her. But Kyoya and Hunny (and Hunny's silent partner, Mori) were making it so that they were hardly going to get to see her. But, at least they were going sightseeing without Kyoya. This would give them the opportunity to spend time with Haruhi without the ever-present reminder that their Shadow King and only Host Queen were getting closer.
With that realized, the three decided—in true Host fashion—to cheer up and make the most of their time with Haruhi. So their moods brightened and they immediately switched back to their old selves, fawning over Haruhi for the rest of the ride. They were so convincing, Haruhi actually began wishing they would return to their sullen mood, if only so that they'd leave her alone. But, then, they seemed to be having such a great time. So Haruhi really didn't mind. After all, the Hosts were her best friends, an she wouldn't really change that fact for anything.
Haruhi couldn't believe it. She sucked in a breath as she looked in wonder at Vatican City. It felt so...she didn't know. It wasn't a religious feeling, not really—she wasn't Catholic, after all—but there was something undefinable in the air around her. Maybe it was the way the sun seemed to shine on everything, or maybe it was the archetecture.
She stood in the middle of St. Peter's Square, mouth agape. It was so beautiful. Though she had only been standing there a moment, it felt as if she had just spent an eternity there, staring across the square at St. Peter's Basilica. And then she snapped to attention, quickly opening her phone and snapping a picture of the famous monument to send to Ranka-san. He had been so disappointed that he couldn't come on the trip that she had promised to send him pictures of everything.
Smiling widely, she glanced back at the other. "Come on," she urged. "I want to see inside the Basilica." And then she took off, feeling giddy and insanely happy all at once. This was a treat that she intended to enjoy to its fullest.
As Haruhi ran off towards the Basilica, the others had no choice but to follow. Still, while they felt a bit tired, they couldn't help but smile at Haruhi's exuberance.
Suddenly, Hunny streaked past them to grab hold of Haruhi's hand. "Let's go, Haru-chan!" he exclaimed delightedly, falling into step easily. Tamaki and the twins followed suit, each vying for the chance to hold Haruhi's free hand. But, in the end, it was Mori who ended up flanking Haruhi, a small glimmer of amusement on his otherwise stoic face.
The others groaned.
"It's not fair!" the twins cried, falling in behind.
Tamaki said something but it was lost as as the others walked faster. Indignant, he ran to get in front of them, so he could at least lead the way. And, as they all crossed the square, laughter filled the sunlit air.
Kyoya walked into the small shop, feeling a bit awkward. Normally, he would never stop at so small a boutique, but he had seen something in the window that he knew would be perfect. Walking up to the clerk, he sent her a dazzling smile. When he had her full attention, he pointed over to the display. "I would like that," he told her, still as charming as ever.
The clerk nodded mutely, too dazzled by the handsome man to do anything else. After a moment, she moved from behind the counter and walked over to the display. She picked up the item and turned back, sucking in a breath at the delighted look on the man's face.
"It's perfect," Kyoya said.
Finally, the clerk found her voice. "Will you need it resized?" she asked.
"No," he assured her before handing the woman his credit card. "This is just what I need."
The clerk blushed as he sent her another high-powered smile. If only she was even remotely in his league, she thought hopelessly. Quickly, she put the item in a box and handed it to him, along with the receipt. "I hope things go well," she said as he turned and left the store.
"Thank you," Kyoya responded before stepping back onto the streets. He smiled and slipped the box into his pocket. Yes, this would be perfect.
Haruhi couldn't stop staring. She walked through the famous Sistine Chapel, eyes wide open. Everything was piece of art, she realized, not just the ceiling. Even the architecture was something out of a painting. It was nearly unbelievable. She smiled and hugged Hunny in her enthusiasm. This was wonderful! She couldn't believe she was there, in the Sistine Chapel, staring up at the work of Michaelangelo himself. It was amazing!
She had thought before, when they were in St. Peter's Basilica, that nothing else could rival it, but now her opinion had completely changed. She wanted to stand in the Sistine Chapel forever, just looking at the paintings, at the frescoes which seemed to be everywhere. It all took her breath away. It was a whirl of deep, wonderful colors and Haruhi didn't want to ever leave.
Unfortunately, it was getting late. They had spent nearly the whole day wandering around Vatican City and it was almost time to leave. With a sigh and one last, final look, Haruhi reluctantly allowed the others to lead her from the Chapel. Lucky for them, she didn't chain herself to anything. But she was considering it.
Then again, she was running out of energy, so maybe it was best if they went back. She really wanted a nice, long bath. And she was really looking forward to that dinner, too. So she went obediently with the others, only taking seven or eight last glances.
As she sank into her bath, Haruhi wondered where Kyoya was. He had promised he'd see her later, but it was later now. And soon she was off to some fancy restaurant that Hunny had picked out. It made her feel a bit...dejected to know she wasn't going to see him until really late.
A little while later, Haruhi left the bath (albeit reluctantly), and pulled on a robe. Hunny had told her he would leave her and outfit out. When she saw the dress, however, Haruhi wondered if she should just wear her own clothes. Hesitantly, she crossed the suite and picked up the dress, eyes sweeping over it.
It was, most definitely, the definition of a "little black dress." It was small and had thin straps which Haruhi hoped wouldn't snap when she put the dress on...not that she actually would or anything. Even if it looked absolutely wonderful and sinfully expensive.
Sighing, she slipped off her robe to try the dress on. It was the least she could do, after all. Besides, Hunny went through all the trouble of finding it (and matching shoes and bag, too) for her. She might as well wear it, even if it was for just a little bit.
When it was on (it fit wonderfully), Haruhi tried not to run over to the mirror. She was only wearing for a couple of minutes any way. But, as she looked at herself in the mirror, Haruhi couldn't help but smile. The dress clung to her curves and stopped just above her knees, the skirt flaring out the tiniest bit. It looked good. It looked really good.
Suddenly, Haruhi straightened. She would wear it. It didn't look too bad, after all. Nodding emphatically, she turned away and slipped the heels on her feet. She felt wonderful and wondered if it was the dress. With a quick glance at the clock, she picked up the handbag and filled it up with all the essentials. Knowing she had only a moment, she put a tiny bit of makeup on (after all, you can't wear a little black dress and not have any makeup), and then ran out of her apartment to where Hunny stood waiting.
Upon seeing her, Hunny grinned. "You look great, Haru-chan!" he exclaimed. And wouldn't Kyoya be surprised?
Hunny led her out of the hotel for the second time that day and helped her into a waiting limo. This time, however, she was left by herself, to wonder vaguely where she was being taken. Soon, the car stopped and the door opened, leaving Haruhi with no other choice but to step out and face the restaurant selection. She gasped as she found herself standing in front of Del Bolognese, the dining place of the rich and famous. Suddenly nervous, Haruhi wondered if she'd even be allowed in, let alone get a seat. But, as she entered, someone immediately steered her over to a private table.
"If there is anything you need, Miss Fujioka, just tell us," they said in perfect English. Haruhi nodded numbly and turned her attention to the menu. This was an expensive place and, though Hunny had told her not to worry about the bill, Haruhi couldn't help but feel a little guilty. After all, she seemed to be spoiled a bit too much by the Host Club and now she was all by herself.
Finally, after a rather large debate, Haruhi settled on the bollito misto. When everything was ordered, she began to relax, a bit relieved now that her food was on her way. Still, it felt odd to be eating by herself in such a posh restaurant, especially when she was all dressed up. Thinking about it made her nervous all over again.
Just when she had decided to run away and forget about her food, a shadow fell across her table. "Do you mind if I join you?"
Haruhi gasped and smiled up at Kyoya. She could only nod her invitation, she was so relieved. Kyoya sent her a smile and settled into the chair across from her.
"I'm sorry I didn't see you earlier," he said softly. "So I decided to come have dinner with you, even though I know you wanted to have some time alone."
Haruhi waved off his apology. "It's all right," she assured him. "I'd rather be with you than be alone." As soon as the words escaped her lips, Haruhi blushed and turned away, embarrassed.
Kyoya chuckled and took hold of Haruhi's hand. "And I'd much rather spend my time with you than some business associates."
Haruhi studied Kyoya for a moment and then leaned forward a tiny bit. "Did you mean what you said? Last night, I mean."
He looked at her and then tightened his hold on her hand. "Did you?"
She opened her mouth to answer but was interrupted as a waitress came over with her food. "Thank you," Haruhi said to the woman.
Kyoya watched as the waitress walked away and then he moved closer to Haruhi. "I meant it."
"Hmm?" Haruhi turned back to Kyoya, a bit confused as she fell into his gray eyes. "Meant what?"
A soft laugh escaped Kyoya and he brought Haruhi's hand to his lips. "I meant it when I said 'I love you,'" he explained gently. Kyoya brushed his lips across her skin a second time before pulling back. "And you?"
Haruhi paused as her heart seemed to expand. And then she smiled. "I meant it, too."
"Good," Kyoya said, letting go of her hand. He reached into his pocket. "Then I was wondering," he said slowly, "If you'd do me the honor of ending this false engagement." He opened the box he had been carrying all day. "So that we can get on to the real one."
A gasp rose from Haruhi and she had the crazy thought that she'd trade a hundred Sistine Chapels just for this moment. Her eyes fixed on the delicate ring nestled inside the box Kyoya held out and then she looked back up at the man who had taken her heart. "Hai," she whispered. "It's about time it ended."
Kyoya broke out into the brightest smile Haruhi had ever seen and then he stood and pulled her up. "I never admitted before how much you meant to me," he said, "but I'm glad you chose me."
Haruhi laughed. "Well, I didn't exactly choose you," she said. "It more or less hit me on the head."
Kyoya shook his head and then kissed her. With a tiny sigh, Haruhi stood on her toes and kissed him back, happy that she had somehow fallen in love with the Shadow King.
The End!