Author has written 5 stories for Troy, and Star Wars.
Stories Currently Being Worked On
Complete: A Change In Action
This was my first attempt at fanfiction writing and has really taken off. An AU Troy
fanfiction based on the Briseis/Achilles shipdom that I have seen called Brichilles. :-)
Complete: Bed of Flames
Another AU Troy fanfiction tale based on the Brichilles fandom. More angsty than
A Change In Action and was originally intended to be a oneshot. After asking the
readers and reviewers I have decided to continue this fanfiction.
(One more chapter to go)
In Production: After the Flames - This is the sequel to my story Bed of Flames. Briseis and Achilles have returned to Greece, but as always things never go entirely smoothly for our favorite couple.
In Progress: Eternal - A modern day Troy fiction. Briseis (Brenna) and Achilles (Aiden) are immortals. They have lived for centuries and now time has seen fit to reunite them once more.
In Progress: A Clever Seduction - My first attempt at writing in a different genre than
Troy. A Clever Seduction is an AU Star Wars fanfic based on the Dormé/Anakin
or Dormékin ship created by Cariel.
Fav Ships: Troy Briseis/Achilles (of course)
Star Wars Dormé/Anakin affectionately called Dormékin.
This ship was created by Cariel
Sabé/Obi-wan or Sabéwan or Sobiwan
I want to thank everyone who has read and offered feedback on my Troy fanfics. Those reviews go along way to keep me inspired to write. I do hope that some of you Troy folks will take a gander at my Star Wars fanfic as well. You may find a few similarities between the Dormekin relationship and the Briseis/Achilles relationship.
Fav Troy Quotes and Dialogue
Briseis: I've known men like you my whole life.
Achilles: No you haven't
Briseis: You think your so different from a thousand others. Soldiers understand nothing but war, peace confuses them.
Achilles:You hate these soldiers?
Briseis: I pity them.
Achilles: Trojan soldiers died trying to protect you, perhaps they deserve more then your pity.
Briseis: Why did you choose this life?
Achilles: What life?
Briseis: To be a great warrior?
Achilles: I chose nothing. I was born and this what I am. And you why did you choose to love a god? I think you'll find the romance one-sided.
Briseis: Do you enjoy provoking me.
Achilles: (Cheeky grin that says it all.) You've dedicated your life to the gods. Zeus god of thunder, Athena goddess of wisdom, you serve them?
Briseis: Yes of course.
Achilles: And Ares god of war, who blankets his bed with the skin of men he's killed?
Briseis: All the gods are to be feared and respected.
Achilles: I'll tell you a secret. Something they don't teach you in your temple...the gods envy us. They envy us, because we're mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything's more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier then you are now. We will never be here again.
Briseis: I thought you a dumb brute. I could have forgiven a dumb brute.