Chapter 37
I don't own anything
"Are you sure it's not happening?" Paul asked, hovering over me as I folded the last onesie and placed it in the newly painted set of drawers in the baby's room.
"Ask me one more time," I stared at him blankly. "It's just my body prepping me for this little guy to come." Paul sighed heavily and I granted him a small grin. "Seriously, I'm fine. Go to fix my dads shower. If I need you, you'll know."
"But-" He started and I covered my ears, shaking my head.
"Go, we're fine. Do you really want to watch me put the rest of this crap away?" I moved my hands around the room.
"I'd watch you do just about anything," Paul replied, pulling me into his warm arms. "If you even think something is going to happen, call your dad's house. I will stop at the apartment and grab the last of our stuff on my way back."
I kissed his cheek before turning back to the pile of baby things. "I promise I'll call if I need you."
He sighed loudly before turning towards the door. "Love you, Rach."
"I love you too, Paul. Don't look too glum. I'm thinking that tonight we should try to work on getting this baby out," I wiggled my eyebrows at him and he laughed.
"I can definitely agree to that," he leaned forward and kissed me again before turning and walking down the hallway.
My due date was quickly approaching. Three days. Three days and hopefully I would be done being pregnant. I stretched my arms, allowing some of the tension to leave my back, before getting back to work.
A thud sounded from the kitchen and I frowned. "Nick? Are you okay?"
"I-I'm so sorry, Rachel," Nikki whimpered. My frown deepened as I slowly stood up and moved to the kitchen. Orange juice was all over the floor and Nikki was scrambling to clean it with paper towels. "I'm so sorry! I will clean it all," tears fell down her cheeks and she sobbed.
"Hey, calm down," I whispered, pulling her away from the mess. "Relax, let me get our mop. It's okay, honey."
Her shoulders shook as she tried to calm herself. "I'm sorry, Rachel," she whispered again.
"It was an accident, sweetheart. It's okay. Thank you for starting to clean it up." I placed the bucket in the sink to collect some water. "We needed to clean this floor anyways. How about you move the chairs outside so we can clean under the table."
Nikki wiped her nose and nodded. She moved the chairs out as I placed the bucket of water on the floor.
The little girl ran over to the mop. "I can do it," she said softly.
"I will do it, Nick. How about you go and clean up. You're a little sticky." I took the mop and kissed her hair. "Don't worry, Nikki. It's just orange juice."
She rested her head on the side of my stomach lightly. "I love you, Rachel."
My heart swelled and I bent down. "I love you too, Nick. So much. "
She kissed my cheek before during to walk towards the bathroom. I quickly cleaned the orange juice off the floor, refilling the water to clean the rest.
I leaned against the counter waiting for the water to fill when I felt water flow down my legs.
My eyes widened as I looked down. "Shit," I muttered. I moved as quickly as I could to change my clothes before dialing my dad's number.
"Hello?" my dad answered.
"Hey, Daddy. Can I talk to-" A crash on the other line caused me to chuckle.
"Geez, son. You just about knocked me ov-"
"What happened? Is he here? Is he coming?" Paul shouted into the phone.
"I would tell you not to freak out but I think you're already there," I joked.
"I'm coming home now," he said and my dad laughed.
"Rachel, I knew those boys were fast, but I've never seen him move like that." My dad chuckled again. "Is that baby coming?"
I grinned, "It looks like it. I will let you know more later, Daddy. I was in the middle of cleaning up when I felt it. We'll talk to you soon."
"Love you, sweet girl. Good luck."
"I love you too, Dad," I said before hanging up the phone.
"Hey, Nick!" I shouted and she ran down the hall in new clothes. "It looks like the baby is going to come a little early. Will you grab our bags that we packed out of our room while I finish up in here?"
"Really? Yes!" She hopped down the hall and I shook my head. I was finishing mopping when Paul fell into the kitchen.
"You're cleaning?" His body sagged in relief.
"Geez, Paul! How did you get here so fast? Did you think I was giving birth right this second?" I went to lift the bucket of water, but Paul beat me to it.
He dumped it out before turning to me. "I don't know, Rach. You didn't say anything on the phone." I gave him a look and he shrugged. "I freaked out."
"My water broke," I whispered. "Nikki spilled some orange juice and she was upset so I started to clean the floors. I'm glad I already had everything out because it was a bit nasty."
"Here's the bags! Oh, Paulie! Our baby is here! He's coming now!" She jumped around the room, dropping the bags by the floor.
"Nikki, will you call Rebecca?" She nodded before grabbing my phone and hopping out the door to the SUV.
"Are you okay?" I asked, pulling on Paul's hand.
His eyes widened. "Am I okay? I should ask you that question," He pulled me towards the door.
I stopped and placed my hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look at me. "Everything is going to be okay," I whispered. "I can feel you worrying yourself into a frenzy. The doctors know what they are doing. It's going to be great."
He let out a deep breath, resting his forehead on mine. "I know," he whispered.
My breath hitched as the first real contraction hit me and Paul's eyes widened. "We need to get movin', Paul," I groaned.
Paul swallowed hard but nodded in agreement, pulling me out to the SUV and latching the seatbelt.
Two more contraction came and went on our drive to the hospital and another started as we pulled into the hospital, this time Nikki was the one panicking.
"Is this supposed to happen? Paulie! Help her," Nikki's face was pale and startled.
"Nick, this is all normal. Maybe you should stay with Embry until the baby comes out. It's going to be a little scary, honey. But I'll tell you what I told Paul, the doctors know what to do. It's all going to be okay. And at the end of it, this little guy will be here and we can all hold him and love him," I reassured her, choking on the pain in my abdomen.
I looked at Paul and his eyes were wide, staring at me. "Breathe, Paul," I snapped my fingers and he shook his head.
Rebecca knocked on the window, causing all of us to jump. "Are we having this baby or what?"
I opened the door and threw my arms around her. "Thank god, these two are about to lose it. Where are the girls?"
"At home with Emily. She's watching them tonight. I figured we might need to be on Nikki patrol so it would be easier."
We all walked into the hospital and got checked in. Nikki waited with my sister and Embry as Paul and I met with the doctor.
"I think this might be a quick one, Miss Black," she said as she sat up from the bottom of the bed. "You're already eight centimeters dilated."
"Is there any pain medication or anything for her," Paul whimpered, wiping the sweat from his forehead.
The doctor frowned. "In a normal situation, I would say yes. But our anesthesiologist is out today."
"Out? What the hell does that mean?" Paul roared, causing everyone to flinch.
I reached out to touch his shaking arm. "Hey, it will be fine. Women have done this for thousands of years. Plus, the doctor said it will be quick." Another contraction hit me and Paul groaned, grabbing my hand to help me through it. Or help himself through it. "How quick do you think it will be?" I asked the doctor, pleading with my eyes.
"Two hours? Three? Maybe less, maybe more. I apologize for the inconvenience. Small hospital, small staff," she frowned, leaning away from me as Paul paced the room. She checked my monitor once more before turning away. "I will be back around in thirty minutes. Press the button here if you need me."
Paul fell into the chair next to me and rested his head on the bed. "How are we holding up," I asked, running my hands through his soft hair.
"You're so strong, Rach. And I am so weak," he whispered, looking up at me. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't be sorry. When this is all over, we will have the cutest baby ever," I promised, wincing as another contraction came over me. I squeezed Paul's hand, his face twisting.
When it subsided I laid back on the bed. "Can you go grab my sister and Nikki for me? I want to fill them in on what the doctor said. Can you also go grab me some water or something?" I ran my hand down his face when he hesitated. "Please, Paul?"
It took about thirty seconds for Nikki to run into the room and hop onto the bed. "How much longer, Rachie? I can't wait to meet him!"
"Soon, kiddo," I grinned, pulling her up against me.
Rebecca sauntered in after my sister. "How soon?" she asked as she leaned against my bed.
I grinned up at her. "Two to three hours. How long did yours take, Becks?"
Her jaw dropped. "You bitch. I'm so jealous of you. Two stupid hours? I sat in pain for like sixteen!"
"Becca! You said a bad word!" Nikki frowned. "The baby can hear you know!"
Rebecca waved her hand. "It's fine, Nick. How's Paul holding up?"
I shrugged. "Honestly, pretty terribly. I feel ba-"
"You are pushing a human out of your vagina. He helped put that baby there. He should be kissing your feet."
"How did he put the baby there, Rachel?" Nikki asked, looking up at me. My eyes widened and I glared at my sister.
"Really, Bec-" pain rattled through my body and I squeezed my eyes shut. "That was a bad one." A crash sounded from the hallway and I groaned.
"Get it together, dude!" Embry shouted from the hallway.
Paul skidded into the room, relief filling his eyes as he saw me. "You're okay," he stated. His eyes skimmed over me, checking for anything that could have gone wrong.
Rebecca crossed her arms and glared at Paul. "Of course she's okay. She's a badass woman. You on the other hand, are coming with me. We need to have a chat." She walked out the door and Paul stood, rooted next to me. "Was I speaking too softly? Let's go!" She shouted and Paul's eyes pleaded with mine.
I shrugged. "Maybe you should hear her out. You're going to be no good here if you pass out or phase because this is too much."
His shoulders slumped and he kissed my forehead before leaning down to kiss his sisters. "I'll be right back."
"I'm so confused," Nikki sighed, leaning against me. "Why is Paulie acting so strange? And how did he put the baby in there?"
I sighed. "Paul just doesn't like when the people he loves are hurting. He's having a hard time dealing with this because it's hurting me a lot. And can we put a hold on the second question? I need to think about it," I begged. "But I promise I will tell you when I figure out how to. Okay?"
"Okay," Nikki said easily and I breathed a sigh of relief. My stomach clenched and I felt another contraction coming.
I held the bar on the bed to help push through the pain and when I opened my eyes, Paul was in front of me.
"This is happening really, really fast," he whispered. "Nick, can you go out with Embry and Rebecca?" She nodded and kissed my forehead before hopping out of the room.
Paul frowned, sitting on the bed next to me. "I'm being an ass. You're my world, Rach. Seeing you in so much pain is killing me, but I'm okay now. I'm okay because you need me. And I love you and I love him so much," he whispered, resting his large, warm hand on my stomach. "Tell me what you need and I will do whatever I can do help you, honey."
I leaned back on the bed and closed my eyes. "Will you help me up? I want to walk around the room."
He pulled me up and turned my body, helping me off the bed. "Don't let go, please," I whispered. "They are really starting to hurt." We walked around the room, taking each contraction as they came.
"You're sister is wondering how you put the baby in me."
"Great," Paul chuckled. "I don't even know how to have a sex talk. I never had one given to me."
"How about you handle the talk for this guy and I will handle it for Nick."
"Deal," he laughed. "Have you decided on a name yet? We're getting down to the line."
"I will have to see when we see him, but I think I'm leaning towards William," I stopped walking to look up at Paul.
"Will?" Paul leaned down. "Hey, Will, you ready to come out? We're ready to-"
My knees buckled as pain ripped through my body. "I think he's ready too," I whimpered. "I need to push, I think."
The doctor poked her head in and smiled. "I think you guys are ready to have this baby."
An hour later, Will sat in my arms. He whimpered slightly before settling in. Everyone was sitting around the room, the twins had been dropped off and my dad was beaming from beside the bed.
"I can't believe you threw up," Embry teased, throwing a ball of paper at Paul, holding Ella in his other hand.
Paul frowned, but smiled when he looked at the baby boy in his arms. "Maybe if Rachel had decided to use the drugs, I wouldn't have thrown up from the pain she was in."
"You did not just say that," Rebecca dead-panned from the other side of the bed. She was rocking Nora.
I rolled my eyes and pulled myself up in the bed. "Embry, you almost passed out when Rebecca had the girls. Don't tease Paul."
"Almost," he noted. "I almost passed out. I didn't throw up."
"Are visiting hours over yet?" Paul glared at Embry as he adjusted our baby in his arms. "Will is getting hungry and enough people have seen my imprint naked today." Will wiggled in his dad's arms, his small face turning into a pout.
"Yeah, yeah," Rebecca stood up and kissed me on the forehead. "You did great, Rach. He's perfect."
Paul sighed happily and placed my son in my arms. "That we can agree on," he leaned down to kiss his little cheek.
I smiled. "He's pretty great, huh?" I ran my hand over Will's soft nose. "But he's hungry, and a lot of people have seen me naked today." Paul frowned again.
Nikki sat at the end of the bed and whined. "I should be allowed to stay here! I'm family!" she crawled up and laid next to me, tickling Will's toes. "I don't want to leave."
"I don't want you to leave either, Nick," I said, frowning. "But rules are rules. Paulie and I will be home as soon as the doctor says and you will be back tomorrow with Billy."
Paul pulled Nikki into his arms. "Trust us, Nikki, if you were allowed to stay, you would. Will loves his Aunt."
Nikki wrinkled her nose and shook her head. "Just Nikki is fine. Aunt's are old like Rebecca."
"Hey! I'm not old! Keep that up and you're walkin' home," Rebecca pointed her finger at Nikki, causing her to giggle. "Kiss your baby, kiddo. We're leaving before I change my mind about driving you back."
Nikki kissed baby Will on the cheek and leaned up to give me a hug. "I will be back right after school tomorrow. And I'll bring mac and cheese! Just like you like it!"
I kissed her forehead and laughed. "You're the best, Nick. Tell everyone at school how cute he is."
"I will!" she said before hugging Paul and hopping out the door behind Embry.
"He's great, Rach. " Rebecca rubbed his cheek again before waving goodbye and walking out the door.
The door shut behind her and I looked over to Paul, grinning up at him. "How are you holding up, big guy?"
He rolled his eyes. "Fine. But next baby, you are taking those painkillers. That was awful."
"It didn't seem that bad to me," I teased. He raised his eyebrows and I laughed. "Okay, it sucked. But look at our little man."
Paul smiled warmly. "Scoot over, I want to sit with my family." I slowly moved and Paul laid on his side, barely fitting on the bed. "He's pretty awesome isn't he?"
I pulled my shirt down and Will latched on, closing his eyes as he drank. "I love him," I whispered. "Thank you for giving him to me."
Paul chuckled. "I'd be happy to work on number two as soon as we're allowed."
"No way, I want it to be just the four of us for a while, but I mean, we can practice," I grinned.
Paul sighed happily and laid back on the pillow. "I didn't think I could ever be this happy. I was so angry for so long and now, I just feel so thankful for everything that's happened in the past couple years."
I nodded, agreeing. "Who knew I would move back to La Push and actually like it? More than like it. I love my life. I didn't think I would ever get to this point."
"I love you so much, Rachel. And you too, little man. And Nikki is going to be the best - sister, aunt, whatever." Will finished drinking and fell asleep against my chest. "God, he's perfect. We made the perfect child."
"I think we're a little biased," I noted. "But I also think you're right. He didn't have any trouble figuring out how to eat. Some babies struggle with that."
"No son of mine will ever struggle to figure out how to eat," Paul laughed and I slapped his arm. "Do you blame him?"
I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "You're an ass."
"But you love me for it," he sat up and took Will in his large hands, pulling the sleeping baby close to his chest.
"I do," I nodded. "You really do look good with a baby."
"He's a good looking baby," Paul gazed down at his son, his eyes watering with tears. "Thank you, Rachel. You've given me so much. Love, a family, happiness. Stuff I never really had. And now this little man-" he trailed off as he smiled down at Will.
"You're welcome," I whispered, watching Will fall asleep. "And thank you, Paul. For bringing me back to my family. For helping me fall back in love with this place. Thank you for helping me come home."
Author's Note: Wow. I actually finished this story. I'm tearing up a little bit. So much love in one little story. Thank you for everyone who read from the beginning and thanks to new readers. One thing I want to leave you all with is to always always always try to leave a comment or review on fanfiction stories. Authors love LOVE love your feedback! Even if it's just to say you liked the chapter. Thank you to everyone who reviewed! You are making the day's of authors everywhere!
Love you all!