![]() Author has written 31 stories for Pandora's Tower, Saiunkoku Monogatari, RG Veda, Yasashii Ryuu no Koroshikata/やさしい竜の殺し方, Odin Sphere, Valkyrie Profile, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy VII, Chaos Legion, Radiant Historia, DRAMAtical Murder/ドラマティカル マーダー, Castlevania, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, Tales of Xillia, Megami Tensei, Assassin's Creed, Dragon Age, and Kingdom Hearts. A big welcome to everyone, who visits here by chance or not! Sooo! Just to warn everyone about my FanFictions! I LOVE yaoi, so I almost always will have FFs with man x man pairing. BUT! I can also have normal man x female pairings. Anyone, who hoped to find woman x woman here with me, will be disappointed, mind you! Not that I have anything against people, who are like that or like such things. I simply cannot write it. I tried, I swear I did, but it was such a gigantic FAIL! that I gave up entirely on it. Sorry! Okay! Now to my favorites! Actually I got tons of mangas, games and animes I simply love, but until now I have never written about all of them and I do not think I ever will. But I can definitely say, that my favorite mangakas are: Kaori Yuki, CLAMP, Toboso Yana, Ichinose Kaoru, Saitou Chiho, Shinohara Chie, Yuu Higuri, Tohjoh Asami, Takagi Ryou, Takenaka Sei, Nitta Youka, Minase Masara, Kisaragi Hirotaka, Kaname Itsuki, Tateno Makoto and MOST OF ALL! Yamane Ayano! People who know yaois will have probably noticed that most of the mangakas are those for yaoi... _ _; Sorry for all, who cannot stand them. If it comes to games I just LOVE RPGs! They are awesome! Most of all do I like the games made by Square Enix, Atlus, Capcom, Ubisoft and Konami. So everyone, who is a hardcore-fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Devil May Cry, Castlevania, Assassins Creed, Suikoden, Persona and Shin Megami Tensei are more than welcome to write with me! What I also like to play is Rune Factory/Harvest Moon, so those who like that should come by, too! That is, if you guys can stand my english. Mind you, because english is my second language! Anyone, who wants to point out mistakes is also very welcome to do so. After all, if one writes, one needs to have the courage to admit to ones faults and better oneself, right? XD So, is anyone interested? No? Yes? Hmm... By the way! If you like my FFs and also read original stories, is as well welcome to look by FictionPress! I am found under the same name there and mostly under Fantasy! But I admit, I have not written much, yet. At least in english and besides one story ( that is already there ) there will not be any stories written in german. So take a look, if you would like! My favorite quotes! „Every hero has a weakness.“ - Dante, Devil May Cry 2 (Game ) „Not very classy for someones dying words.“ - Vergil, Devil May Cry 3 (Game ) „Devils never cry.“ - Dante, Devil May Cry 3 ( Game ) „... Tears shed by humans are so beautiful. I remember being horribly shocked at myself for thinking that way. Even if he gets hurt... his eyes will be fiercer for it afterward and surely hell stand up again, thats because hes thinking of 'another.' And the reason I can think of those tears as beautiful... that too is because he sheds them over 'another.' At some point I understood. To have consideration for each other, that is the strength of these creatures known as humans...“ - Luka Crosszeria, Betrayal Knows My Name ( Manga ) or Uraboku ( Anime ) “A dragon only bows his head to the one he vows a pledge to – the one he loves.” - Yasashii Ryuu no Koroshikata ( Manga ) “... but to a guy, the smiling face of the woman he loves is the most beautiful...” - Cepheid, Yasashii Ryuu no Koroshikata (Manga ) “I vowed never to hurt you, and to protect you from everything that may hurt you. So please, just stop hurting yourself. Thats the only thing that I cannot protect you from.” - Uranborg, Yasashii Ryuu no Koroshikata ( Manga ) “What is a kid like you doing?” - “Im not a kid.” - “A fourteen, fifteen year old cant be considered an adult.” - “Im seventy-two years old.” - Arkanjel & Uranborg, Yasashii Ryuu no Koroshikata ( Manga ) “... is this fate again...? Oh, small, aloof black dragon. At least Im glad that I died by your hands, not at the hands of those annoying humans.” - Uranborgs Great-Grandfather, Yasashii Ryuu no Koroshikata ( Manga ) “The pledge of the noble soul. The sacred bond. The sad and beautiful dream. An everlasting love. Oh, pledged one of our king...” - The Harpies, Yasashii Ryuu no Koroshikata ( Manga ) “Your spell is the strongest, Arkanjel. You have the power to bind the king of the mythical beasts until death. But we dragons are foolish. Thats why I want to hear that fatal spell over and over again. Thats why, say it again. One more time...” - “This spell is a double edged sword. I have to throw away everything because of it. But... if this spell can bind this dragon until death, then I admit its worth it. I love you Uranborg. Youve cast a spell on me to last until I die.” - Uranborg & Arkanjel, Yasashii Ryuu no Koroshikata ( Manga ) “Cherish one another and cherish your selves. A bird who has one wing stolen from it can never soar through the happy skies again.” - A message from Carlisle left with the Ancient Turtle, Yasashii Ryuu no Koroshikata ( Manga ) When the clash of swords echo, the journey chasing the past ends and the journey to know today begins. One soul seeks another and pledges their sworn friendship to another. One mystery begets the next and the doors of fate are opened. "You are free to sever the chains of fate that bind you..." - Opening, Legend of Dragoon ( Game ) "Death gives birth to tears, tears give birth to anger, when anger turns to rancor, it opens the path for war." - Lloyd, Legend of Dragoon ( Game ) "I believe love is the only entity that doesn't change over time." - Albert, Legend of Dragoon ( Game ) "War is not in human nature. Humans fight by making themselves enter Insanity. This is a tool to amplify that Insanity." - Rose, Legend of Dragoon ( Game ) "It was a journey for revenge. It was a journey to find the guy who deprived me of something precious, and kill him." - Dart, Legend of Dragoon ( Game ) “Stay where you belong: in my memories...” (to Sephiroth) - Cloud, Final Fantasy: Advent Children ( Movie ) “Good to see you, Cloud.” (that one is more for the way Sephiroth says it) - Sephiroth, Final Fantasy: Advent Children ( Movie ) “I've thought of a wonderful present for you... Shall I give you despair?” - Sephiroth, Final Fantasy: Advent Children ( Movie ) “Is this the pain you felt before...Cloud? Let me remind you. This time, you won't forget.” to Cloud, after stabbing him with the Masamune (Advent Children Complete) - Sephiroth, Final Fantasy: Advent Children ( Movie ) “Face it Cloud, all you are is an empty puppet.” (Advent Children Complete) - Sephiroth, Final Fantasy: Advent Children ( Movie ) “I will... never... be a memory.” - Sephiroth, Final Fantasy: Advent Children ( Movie ) "You die!" - "You first!" ( Kicks him off of the bike ) - Sanctum-Soldier & Lightning, Final Fantasy XIII ( Game ) “...This feeling... the importance of another person... the beating of their heart. The first time you are embraced by a parent... that might be the first time you realize the need for another person... a pull towards a significant other.” - (Fox) Ewon Jung, Totally Captivated: The Last Episode 1 (Manga) “Oer the battle grim, The Valkyrie presides, Brave souls upon her wings, To Asgard forth she rides. Minions of the gods, Einherjar dubbed are they, In Valhalla toasting every night, The battles of each day. 'The Chooser of the Slain,' 'Battle Maiden' be her names, Yet others has the Valkyrie, To those whose kin she claims. To the widows and the orphans, An Angel of Death is she, The Thief of their Beloved, The Accursed Valkyrie. And so begins a tale, Of vengeance and betrayal, Destiny by sinner sought, Tragedy by power wrought.” - Intro, Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume (Game) “Allow me to be frank at the commencement. You will not like me. The gentlemen will be envious and the ladies will be repelled. You will not like me now and you will like me a good deal less as we go on. Ladies, an announcement: I am up for it, all the time. That is not a boast or an opinion, it is bone hard medical fact. I put it round you know. And you will watch me putting it round and sigh for it. Don't. It is a deal of trouble for you and you are better off watching and drawing your conclusions from a distance than you would be if I got my tarse up your petticoats. Gentlemen. Do not despair, I am up for that as well. And the same warning applies. Still your cheesy erections till I have had my say. But later when you shag - and later you will shag, I shall expect it of you and I will know if you have let me down - I wish you to shag with my homuncular image rattling in your gonads. Feel how it was for me, how it is for me and ponder. 'Was that shudder the same shudder he sensed? Did he know something more profound? Or is there some wall of wretchedness that we all batter with our heads at that shining, livelong moment. That is it. That is my prologue, nothing in rhyme, no protestations of modesty, you were not expecting that I hope. I am John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester and I do not want you to like me.” - Rochester, The Libertine, Intro (Movie) "Life is a bitch and if its easy, you are doing it wrong." - Opening, Ao no Exorcist (Anime) "Its a me! Mario!" - Mario Auditore da Firenze, Assassins Creed II (Game) "I did not choose this path. It was chosen for me. At first, I thought veangence would be easy. For thirty years Ive lived in the shadows, visited death upon those who deserved it, and vanished like the wind. I dont know who started this conspiracy, but I know who will end it. My name is Ezio Auditore da Firenze. Like my father before me, I am an Assassin." - Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Assassins Creed II, Launch Trailer (Game) "When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it. Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three. And now, the twilight of my life, this understanding has passed into contentment. Love, liberty and time: once so disposable, are the fuels that drive me forward. And love, most especially, mio caro. For you, our children, our brothers and sisters. And for the vast and wonderful world that gave us life, and keeps us guessing. Endless affection, mia Sofia. Forever yours, Ezio Auditore." - Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Assassins Creed Embers, Ending. (Short Movie) Family. Justice. Honor. These are the values guiding my blade. This truth is written in blood, and the shadows are where I strike. I am Giovanni Auditore, and like my ancestors before me, I am an Assassin. - Giovanni Auditore da Firenze, Assassins Creed Lineage, Intro. (Short Movie) "What crazes me is not the light of the moon, nor the golden sea, but merely the trickle of your tears." - Drama club president, Persona 4. (Game) "People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define 'reality'. But what does it mean to be 'correct' or 'true'? Merely vague concepts...their 'reality' may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beleifs?"- Uchiha Itachi, Naruto (Manga/Anime) My favorite pairings! Games: Final Fantasy II: The Emperor x Firion / Leon x Firion Final Fantasy III: Ingus x Luneth Final Fantasy IV: Kain x Cecil / Edge x Rydia Final Fantasy VII/BC/CC/AC/DoC: Zack x Cloud ( or vise versa ) / Sephiroth x Cloud / Cloud x Genesis ( or vise versa ) / Angeal x Genesis / Vincent x Reno / Vincent x Cloud / Vincent x Rosso ( Yes, I know it is the biggest crack! XD ) / Rufus x Reno / Rude x Reno / Rude x Tifa / Tseng x Rufus / Tseng x Elena / Cloud x Tifa - I know it is a lot! XD Final Fantasy VIII: Seifer x Squall / Irvine x ? ( give me a good, hot bottom for him and you are welcome! The man is too much attraction! Maybe Squall?) / Irvine x Selphie / Zell x Quistis Final Fantasy IX: Kuja x Zidane ( I have a thing for the villains, forgive me! XD ) Final Fantasy X/X-2: Seymoure x Tidus / Tidus x Yuna / Jecht x Auron ( or vise versa ) / Shuyin x ( almost everyone? XD ) / Gippal x Baralai ( Why? I do not know. ) / Gippal x Rikku / Baralai x Paine / Yunalesca x ? ( I love her, but with who can you pair her up?! ) Final Fantasy XII: Al-Cid x Vaan (my latest favorite, even if it is crack) / Balthier x Fran / Balthier x Basch / Gabranth (Noah) x Vayne / Gabranth (Noah) x Larsa ( But grown up! He is not a pedophile! ) / Basch x Vaan / Basch x Rex / Rasler x Ashe ( They are so cute in my mind and I just love Rasler! ) Final Fantasy XIII/XIII-2/LR: Snow x Light / Snow x Serah / Cid x Light / Fang x Light ( Even if I do not write it, it is still hot! ) / Noel x Serah / Caius x Light / Fang x Vanille / Hope x Light / Hope x Vanille / Noel x Yeul Final Fantasy Dissidia/012: All the Final Fantasy pairings already mentioned that are possible there / Kain x Light Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles/Crystal Bearer: The brown Clavat (male) x The blue Selkie (male) (in the FFCC from GC) / Keiss x Layle Kingdom Hearts/II/BbS/others: Riku x Sora / Axel x Roxas / Xemnas x Saix / Lea x Isa / Xigbar x Demyx / Terra x Aqua / Xemnas or young Xehanort x Riku / Leon x Cloud / Luxord x Marluxia Odin Sphere: Oswald x Gwendolin ( The sweetest in the world! ) / Oswald x Melvin ( Pure Crack! ) / Onyx x Oswald ( Crack again ) / Onyx x Griselda ( Crack over the whole place! XD ) / Wagner x Hindel ( Yes, I know that they are dragons. ) / Ingway x ? ( If I find someone I like for him. His voice is great, just like Oswalds! ) Grim Grimoire: Bartido Balentine x Hiram Menthe (or vise versa) Valkyrie Profile/2/Plume: Rufus x Alicia / Brahms x Lenneth / Lucian x Lenneth (Platina) / Arngrim x Leone (Hrist) / Arngrim x Lawfer / Ancel x Wylfred / Darius x Wylfred ( Yes, crack! ) / Earnest x Darius / Wylfred x Cheripha Castlevania: Mathias x Leon / Hector x Isaac / Trevor x Hector / Richter x Alucard / Trevor x Alucard / Arikado x Souma / Alucard x Souma Radiant Historia: Stocke x Raynie / Dias x Stocke ( Very Crack! ) / Rosch x Stocke Pandoras Tower: Aeron x Elena ( Which other pairing is there? XD ) Suikoden IV/Tactics/V/Zodiac: Tal x Kenneth / Kenneth x Katarina / Axel x Jewel / Hero (IV) x Paula / Aldo x Ted / Edgar x Kika / Koop x Andarc / Andarc x Kyril / Andarc x Seneca / Kyril x Corselia ( grown up ) / Kyle x Prince (V) / George x Prince (V) / George x Kyle / Prince (V) x Lyon / Prince (V) x Miakis / Gizel x Sialeeds / Gizel x Dolph / Gizel x Prince (V) / Ferid x Arshtat / Ferid x George (in AUs or dead Arshtat) / Ferid x Kyle (in AUs or dead Arshtat) / Dinn x Roy / Galleon x Silva / Lucrecia x Lelei / Killey x Lorelei / Zweig x Lorelei / Zweig x Killey / Hero (Z) x Jayle / Shadow Hearts/Covenant/FTNW: Killer x Lady (LOVE!) / Yuri x Karin ( in AU! Otherwise Yuri doesnt even exist! ) / Johnny x Shania (But 21-year old J.) / Natan x Shania / Ricardo x Edna / Ricardo x Johnny Chaos Legion: Sieg Wahrheit x Arcia / Victor Delacroix x Siela / Sieg Wahrheit x Victor Delacroix Zelda/OoT/TP/SS: Link x Zelda / Link x Midna / Link x Ilya / Link x Malon / Link x Shiek (or another Shiekah-male, if there would be one ) / Link x Naboru (or any other Gerudo, they are great and sexy!) DRAMMAtical Murder: Koujaku x Aoba ( Cause a guy in a red kimono and eyes is sexy! XD ) / Ren x Aoba / Mink x Aoba / Noiz x Aoba / Virus x Trip or, with, and Aoba / Koujaku x Shiroba / Noiz x Sly Blue / Mizuki x Sly Blue / Sei x Mizuki / Sei x Virus or, and Trip Devil May Cry/2/3/4: Dante x Trish / Vergil x Lady (Mary) / Dante x Lucia / Dante x Vergil ( If only they werent brothers... AU ) / Dante x Nero ( I hope that they are not related, though its possible... ) / Dante x Kate SMT Persona/2/3/4: Akihito x Mitsuru ( LOVE ) / Hero (4) x Yosuke / Kanji x Naoto / Hero (2) x Lisa / Hero (2) x Maya / Hero (3) x Yukari SMT Digital Devil Saga/2: Heat x Serph / Lupa x Gale Rondo of Swords: Alberich x Serdic (Altrius) / Serdic x Serdic (Altrius) / Sands of Destruction: Kyrie x Morte / Rajiv x Naja / Naja x Kyrie The World Ends With You: Joshua x Neku ( or vise versa ) / Neku x Shiki / Beat x Shiki / Mr. H X Neku or Joshua ( I have no idea why I like that thought ) Legend of Dragoon: Dart x Rose / Lloyd x Dart / Dart x Albert / Lavitz x Shana ( Though that would be one-sided, poor Lavitz ) Star Ocean - The Last Hope: Edge x Reimi / Edge x Faize / Crowe x Edge / Assassins Creed/Bloodline/II/Brotherhood/Revelations/III/Embers/Lineage: Altair x Maria / Ezio x Sofia / Ezio x Yusuf / Mario x La Volpe (in young) White Knight Chronicles/II: Ceasar x Leonard / Ceasar x Kara / Ceasar x Avatar / Leonard x Cisna / Avatar x Yulie / Avatar x Kara Phantasy Star Universe/AotI/Portable/Portable2: Ethan x Karen / Tylor x Ethan Mangas: RG Veda: Yasha x Ashura ( Grown up again! ) / Yasha x Kujaku ( or vise versa ) / Taishakuten x Ashura-oh / Zouchouten x Karura / Kendappa x Souma / Koumokuten x Aguni Tokyo Babylon/ X 1999: Fuma x Kamui / Fuma x Nataku / Seishirou X Subaru / Subaru x Kamui / Yuta x Kakyó ( Yes, it is crack! ) Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles: Kurogane x Fye ( LOVE! ) / Kurogane x Souma ( The only man ever for her! XD ) / Toya x Yukito / Seishirou x Syaoran / Seishirou x Subaru x Fuma x Kamui ( Put them however you want, I love them all! XD ) / Syaoran x Sakura ( Because they are cute! ) Magic Knight Rayearth: Lantis x Eagle / Zagato x ? ( If I ever find someone, who would be to my liking. ) / Ferio x Fuu ( Because they are cute! ) Naruto: Sasuke x Naruto / Itachi x Naruto / Kakashi x Iruka / Gaara x Naruto ( or vice versa ) God Child: Riff x Cain / Jizabel x Cassian ( grown up! ) / Crehador x Cain / Oscar x Cain Angel Sanctuary: Lucifer ( Kira ) x Setsuna / Rosiel x Katan / Raphael x Michael / Uriel x Gabriel 07-Ghost: Frau x Teito / Ayanami x Teito / Mikage x Teito / Hakuren x Teito / Castor x Labrador / Hyuuga x Ayanami / Hyuuga x Konatsu One Piece: Mihawk x Zoro / Zoro x Sanji / Luffy x Nami / Mihawk x Shenks ( or vise versa ) / Zoro x Robin Brave 10/Spiral: Saizou x Sasuke / Saizou x Kamanosuke / Jinpachi x Anastasia / Yukimura x Rokuro / Hanzo x Saizou ( the only time when I want to see him as a uke... ) / Saizou x Anastasia Monochrome Factor: Shirogane x Akira ( switches, if Akira grows a bit more ) / Ryuu-oh x Shirogane / Kou x Akira / Yasashii Ryuu no Koroshikata: Uranborg x Arkanjel / Dantalion x Aurora / Dantalion x Uranborg / Douma x Claudia / Rassarguful x Uranborg / Cepheid x Arkanjel / Alfaad x Carlisle ( grown up ) / Dantalion x Rassarguful Animes: Sailor Moon: Mamoru (Darien) x Usagi (Serena) / Seiya x Usagi (Serena) / Haruka x Michiru / Rubeus x Saphire / Helios x Chibiusa (Rini) 11 Eyes: Kakeru x Misuzu / Takahisa x Yukiko / Takahisa x Kakeru Yu-Gi-Oh/5Ds: Jack x Yusei / Jack x Carly / Yusei x Atem / Seto x Atem / Seto x Joey Tiger & Bunny: Kotetsu x Barnaby ( or vise versa )/ Kotetsu x Karina / Antonio x Nathan / Ivan x ? ( Anyone but Keith and the other heroes. ) / Yuri x ? Pokémon: Drew x Maike (Mai/May?) / Gary x Ash ( All grown up! ) Digimon: Matt x Taichi / Katsuya x Zoey / Katsuya x Koji & Koichi ( All grown up again, of course! ) Togainu no Chi: Shiki x Akira ( I love leather-clad man and the color black! Which is why I love Shiki, Tsume, Squall, Genesis, Sephiroth and Saizou! XD ) Wolfs Rain: Tsume x Kiba ( or vise versa ) / Tsume x Tomoe / Darcia x Kiba / Kiba x Blue / Hub x Sheryl / Hige x Blue Black Blood Brothers: Jiro x Clock ( the Silverblade and the Pyro-maniac! XD ) / Jiro x Cassandra / Jiro x Alice Jyu-Oh-Sei: Third x Thor / Zagi x Thor ( or vise versa ) Sword Art Online: Kirito x Asuna Chrome Shelled Regios: Layfon x Nina Inuyasha: Sesshomaru x Kagura / Inuyasha x Kagome / Miroku x Sango / Inu no Taisho x (I forgot the name of Inuyashas mum... _ _;) Brothers Conflict: Natsume x Chii / Ukyo x Chii / Subaru x Chii / Kaname x Chii / Ryusei x Chiaki The rest will be added if I remember it! XD That is that from me! And from now on... have fun and write, if you feel like it! See you all, Nalahime! |