Reviews for It's All Good News Now
BlackCrystal06 chapter 10 . 4/10/2018
I laughed and laughed and even sat up a few times in laughter at that! Gaia! Ifrit got loose and they need Genesis. That was so fvcking great. Good Plan Cloud, Brilliant! Hahaha
BlackCrystal06 chapter 7 . 4/9/2018
I so love your works! And after reading one, I'm reading one again! You're one lf my most fave authors here along with AsreonInfusion who I read most works of. Honestly, you two are my most remembered authors here, yeah. You write so great that I cant stop myself from reading and stalking you to read your works. I just finished "Package Delivery" and have already finished reading a couple of your works and here I am again. You're doing so great! *thumbs up*
kelleyj17 chapter 1 . 7/15/2017
I absolutely love this story! It's great how there's this slow build up and they don't just drool over each other and jump into bed. It's just that much better when they finally get there. I'm a little confused about the last couple chapters though. They summarized some of the things that happened in the earlier chapters, like a sequel where they didn't necessarily read those chapters. And the last one seemed out of sequence. Otherwise, I love your writing style and I'm soooo addicted. I read this whole thing in one afternoon. I'll definitely be reading the rest of your stuff
iamPyR chapter 13 . 12/27/2016

wow. one of the best fic I've ever read! Thank you so much for sharing your great story! :D
iamPyR chapter 10 . 12/27/2016

Also, I laughed so hard with that scene between Gen and Cloud I'm sure the whole house heard me.
iamPyR chapter 8 . 12/27/2016
iamPyR chapter 2 . 12/26/2016
omg I have so feelings/thoughts right now.. oh my god oh my god.. I hate you. How can you to do this to me ;_; It took me more than an hour to finish reading this chapter you know? I keep stopping every few lines to breathe... It's not that I haven't read smut before but this was different. I can read a hardcore smut in public with a poker face but ughhhh... Are you familiar with the reaction comparison of reading a smut fic and a fluff fic ? For some reason my reaction was that of fluff fics, if you know what I'm taking about. Zack is so funny that I can't think of categorizing this as "smut smut" in my head. I keep thinking how fluffy, cute and sweet they are while doing the do. I keep getting second hand embarrassment, I don't know why! asdfjlakjdsdakslkdklasfjls
Guest chapter 3 . 8/30/2016
Oh my god I can't stop laughing. I mean... the sex parts are good and realistic but also so fking hilarious.
GoogelehGoo chapter 13 . 6/20/2016
I just finished reading all of this in the past two days. You had me hooked! Your writing is impeccable with details, and you capture Cloud's emotions and embarrassment spot on. It's like I am literally sitting there witnessing and feeling it firsthand! A truly difficult talent in writing that you crafted so effortlessly. Your characters were remarkable, where their personalities are just align enough to seem realistic while still pulling your own personal twist to them. And my god, I have not laughed so hard in a long time, your humor is golden. I just had to write a review! This will be one of my favorites to look back on, and I hope you continue to write (whether fanfics or your own fiction).
Akane chapter 3 . 2/16/2016
Lmfaoo! Cloud is like a boyfriend meeting his partner's parents XD
Reinamy chapter 1 . 12/5/2015
I really, really loved this. Like, to absolute bits. It was such a well-written and delightful story. The developing relationship between the five was amazing (not to mention realistic!) and I adored that the characters all interacted with each other differently, how they each had their own dynamic, and yet they still fit together so...not seamlessly, but incredibly close to it. Man, there was just so many things to love about this fic! Just know that it was awesome and I enjoyed every word of it and I love you tons for writing and sharing it with us. *hearts*
Winged Lady Colette chapter 13 . 11/9/2015
I loved it. I'm a fan. Thanks for the story!

-Winged Lady Colette
EdeatheDemonFox chapter 13 . 10/25/2015
God. This story is amazing. Literally, I have reread it like how many times now and my first reading of it was just last night. It is so incredible how you wrote everything. Writing about a fivesome has got to be hard but you did such a nice and believable job! Not only that, but all the feelings, conflicting as well as adorable and fluffy, were such a joy to read, too.

The only thing that annoyed me to no end (besides Zack and Cloud being such dorks and avoiding the others at first) was when Zack continually kept trying to set Cloud up on dates with other guys. That adorable SOLDIER was really getting on my nerves with that, I tell you!

No, but seriously, this was such a terrific story! I actually really enjoyed the last two chapters and would love if you continued this story. :)
SatiredLove chapter 13 . 9/16/2015
I'm actually kind of upset...fanfiction will only let me favorite this story and you as an author once. -pouts- I'm so enamored with this story though that I liked, then unliked it specifically so I could like it again. Please never stop writing; it would absolutely break my heart if you did.
Sephiroth'sGhost chapter 13 . 9/6/2015
Twas absolutely wonderful, fantastic job! I really hope we get more chapters for this story 33 :3
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