I apologize for any possible inconsistencies with the original story. This is a mere excuse for Yosuke and Yu to express their deep love x3
The new anime renewed my obsession for Persona 4 this year~~! o。.(✿ฺฺ。✿ฺฺ) Thanks for reading!
August 4th
Nervous, he fidgeted and played around with his fingers inside his pockets, anxiously waiting by the single platform in the small station, as the sun set slowly behind it. His heartbeat quickened every now and then, whenever he would remember his face. Or the fact that they'd be spending a whole month together, living in the same house. Why couldn't any of the others come here today? Not even one. Why couldn't Dojima take him in? He should take responsibility for his nephew.
It was not that he didn't want to see him. On the contrary, he had missed the silver-haired a lot. Without Yu, life in the village had returned once again to its usual dull and tedious state, and nothing significant had earned his attention. Yet, things had been awkward between them when they were alone, or rather, Yosuke had, since that had happened…
It was the day after the school field trip to Tatsumi Port Island. They were walking to school together like every normal day. Except Yosuke kept pestering Yu about what had happened between Kanji and Kuma in the club. He went on and on, for almost half of the way.
"And now I fear that ero-bear would attack me as well!" He concluded his apparently last complaint with a shiver and a face of disgust.
"Could you just get over it already?" Yu's tone was one of bitterness, more than weariness, but Yosuke couldn't really tell.
"No way, dude! It was too much for me! Seriously!" Apparently the brunette thought another grimace of revulsion was necessary to get his point across. "It's not like I want to discriminate, but gay guys give me the creeps, man."
"It's not that big a deal…" Annoying Yu wasn't an easy task, yet his friend was filling him up to his limit. Yosuke simply wasn't able to notice the silver-haired didn't need to hear how repelled he felt.
"NOT BIG?!" The other teen snapped. Thankfully it was still early and there weren't any people around to hear his outburst. "Bleh~~! Just thinking of another guy touching me…" He shook his head to that idea, as Yu felt deep in thought. Downcast and with a low voice, the silver one adventured:
"Would that be so bad?"
Without any more words, Yosuke felt his own inertia pushing his back against the wall and Yu's body retaining him in place. His friend pressed their lips together in a gentle and short peck. Neither of them closed their eyes, so the cornered boy's widened orbs could see closely the sensual gaze falling over him.
Normally, the shorter male would retort with whichever colourful name came across his mind, followed without a doubt by a shower of fists. However, the situation astonished him beyond reaction. "Y-Y-You…!"
Abandoning his sensuous pose, Yu came back to his usual stoic and cool self, as if he wasn't the responsible of the previous scene. "See? Your face isn't rotting off or anything, is it?" He finally put some distance between them and resumed his way to school, talking as calmly as ever. "Kuma is just exploring his new 'features'. He is just a kid, so leave him be. And Kanji is a very nice guy, you've seen it. Plus, he's told you a million times he's not like that. So can we, please, drop the subject?"
He turned around to see Yosuke following him in an unprecedented silence for him. The teen wasn't really paying attention to whatever the other was saying, but wondering why it didn't feel as terrible and disgusting as it should have.
"Aaarrrgh!" He pulled his haired as punishment and shoo the thoughts away. Why did he have to remember it? Why did Yu do something like that in the first place? Would he have forgotten about it?
Maybe Yosuke was the only one still spinning around the matter, but he always felt as if that matter had remained unfinished. Yet what was the point of bringing it up anyway? It could give Yu the wrong idea that he wanted to repeat that.
"Would that be so bad?"
Before realizing it, he found himself rummaging Yu's words in his mind.
"Damn it!" Again thinking unnecessary things. His foot unloaded his puzzled feelings against a rock, making it fly and bounce on the railways, just in time to make him set his sight on the upcoming silhouette of the express train. It kept approaching at such a rapid pace that didn't give Yosuke enough time to completely delete Yu off his mind by the time the silver one was already getting off the wagon, carrying a heavy-looking bag and his natural calm expression.
"It's been a while." Yu greeted with a soft smile that locked Yosuke's stare to his lips and rushed blood to his face.
"H-hey…" Yosuke muttered unconfidently.
"Your face is red, Yosuke. Do you have a fever?" Almost in slow motion, Yosuke could see the hand reaching to touch his forehead. For some reason those fingers, the single speculation of them brushing against his skin, made him fear to burst into flames.
With a swift move of his right arm, the smaller teen got to divert away the hand, while the left one delivered a soft punch to Yu's shoulder. "Is that all you have to tell me after all this time?" He answered laughing falsely and loudly, enough to bury Yu's surprise with it. "Why don't we head home? You must be tired, right? Let's go!" The words fell hurried from his mouth and his hand pushed Yu's back in urge to leave the scene behind. "Why aren't you staying with your uncle, by the way? You didn't explain in your mail."
"Dojima's been working on some kind of difficult case. He told me he couldn't give me any more details." The newly arrived teen started to reveal. "He really must have his hands full, because he even sent Nanako to a holiday camp."
"Oh, too bad. I'm sure she wasn't happy when she found out she'd missed onii-chan's visit…" Relieved that the conversation had moved to less compromising subjects, Yosuke followed the way home in peace.
Finishing laying down the futon by his bed, Yosuke let himself fall onto it with a deep sigh of exhaustion. Yu followed his example; it was to be his bed after all. "I hope it feels comfortable. This futon is kind of old." The brunette explained, a bit apologetically.
"Whatever is fine. Thank you." The other one awarded him with another one of his sweet smiles, making Yosuke look away a bit distressed. "But I was a little disappointed that none of the guys could make it to give me a warm welcome." His voice showed a soft trace of sadness.
"Well, everyone is working this summer. Yukiko and Chie are helping at the Inn… Kanji with her mom's shop… Naoto is with the police again… Even Kuma found a gig at Shiroku Pub at night, as dishwasher, besides his mascot job in Junes. So don't be surprised if he comes and glomps at you in the middle of the night." Yosuke grinned, knowing that even if it sounded like a joke, it would probably become true. "But we're throwing you a welcome party tomorrow night, once Rise has arrived too."
"Rise is coming too? Cool…"
"Yeap. She's thrown herself into her idol career. She's been doing a lot of commercials and appearances in talk shows, so she hasn't come back to town in a long while." A sigh of content escaped him. "Aaah ~ I still can't believe I went to school with an idol! I missed her so mu ~ ~ch!" He exaggeratedly rolled back and forth on the mattress, feigning melodramatic sobbings.
"Well, I can see you've been consoling yourself quite nicely." Yu said, pulling a magazine of suspiciously stiff pages from under Yosuke's bed, entitled accordingly to the images of beautiful girls posing in various and voluptuous postures.
"Hey! Give me that!" The accused boy tried to snatch the volume from Yu's hands, but said male dodged his intents dexterously.
"Come on, let me see." The silver was already going through the pages illustrated with different women. However, they all shared similar features: slender, petite, with chestnut hair and big sweet eyes; cute, yet with an unmistakable girl-next-door air. "So, is this your type, huh?"
"Mmmmh…" It's not like Yosuke had mindfully thought about something like a type; those pictures just felt more appealing than others and so he stole it from a rack in Junes. But now, what kind of people did he feel attracted to? Recently, to Yu.
As soon as the idea popped in his head, he categorically needed to conceal it in the farthest corner of his conscience and changed the subject. "What is YOUR type, then? Did you meet anyone back in the big city?"
"No… I haven't really been looking." The questioned teen answered with embitterment. "I... mmm… don't like feminine girls. I prefer someone who has more in common with me and who I can trust. I don't care about the looks." Yu finished with what appeared to be the most ambiguous response possible.
And left Yosuke to rack his brains out about the identity of the one who took up Yu's thoughts. Who was it? "Not feminine"… he had to mean… Naoto? "Whatever, he'll get a hell of an unpleasant surprise if stills expects her to be unfeminine" Yosuke, though with a twitch of annoyance, letting it show through his face.
"Is everything ok?" Yu wondered before the silence Yosuke had fallen into.
"Yes, I'm just tired, that's it. I'm going to sleep." And with that, he climbed up to his own bed and covered with the sheets up to his head.
"Do you mind if I have fun with your magazine for awhile?" The young in the lower mattress asked innocently.
"Of course I do!" Yosuke opened the sheets enough to stick his hand out and recover his private stuff, shoving it under his pillow. He could hear Yu's soft chuckling as he too hid between the bed sheets.
Thanks to Tosh, my adorable and so helpful beta~!ฺ ✿ฺ