Poll: Sooooo, without spoiling anything, the KH3 ReMind DLC just KILLED Oathkeeper's Awakening's compliance with the canon story. That being said, I have two options here: I can go back and rewrite the first couple chapters and make tweaks as needed throughout the fic to make them connect with ReMind/Limit Cut, OR I can just continue the fic as is and just make it an AU. What do you guys think? Vote Now!
Author has written 10 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Pokémon, and Legend of Zelda. Let’s NOT talk about dead I’ve been for the last...how many years???? Anyway, I have returned from the dead with a new series of fanfics in the works! To any fans who are still around, thank you for sticking around! Let’s all take this time and thank Kingdom Hearts 3 for reviving my inner writer! NAME: Stephanie OCCUPATION: Full Time Nerd PSN Username: KeywielderAnima Twitter: AnimazingCreate Tumblr: animazingcreations I am also the proud owner of a Nintendo Switch who is always looking for new friends to play Smash Bros. and Mario Kart with, so if anyone wants to play, send me a PM so we can exchange friend codes! -
Behind Closed Doors (ON HIATUS) Oathkeeper's Awakening Three months following Xehanort's defeat, Kairi continues to mourn over Sora's death. Finding a piece of her shattered lucky charm, Kairi believes she's discovered a way to bring Sora back. Together with Xion and Namine, a new Keyblade wielder, the three journey to various worlds in search of the missing pieces all while Kairi faces her toughest enemy, herself. [Post-KH3, SoKai] Guys! I have created a forum for Oathkeeper's Awakening for you guys to hang out at: Oathkeeper's Awakening Forum TEN FACTS ABOUT MYSELF:
KINGDOM HEARTS FAN Q & A (Found this one and thought it would be fun to post my answers here since most of my fanfics are for KH)
10, almost 11 years old. Got it for Christmas in 2002 with my PlayStation 2. 2. Which Game did you play first? The original Kingdom Hearts on the PS2. Still have my original black label copy and it's in good, working condition.
I got myself into the franchise, but all of the Disney was what got me interested.
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. The gameplay was perfect, beautiful visuals, best lineup of worlds, drive forms, loved the characters, story, it's near perfect. 5. Fave Character? Riku. Love how he developed in the series from a hotheaded angsty teen to a badass warrior who would do anything for his friends. 6. Least Fave Character? Hmm, some of the more minor Organization members, but if I have to pick one, I'll choose Xaldin for the amount of times he TRASHED me in KH2!!!
Sora x Kairi, my OTP since 2003 and I've been shipping them since before I knew what shipping even was!!! 8. Least Fave Shipping/pairing? (Puts up shield) Sora x Riku, SoKai's biggest rival pairing. Seriously though, they're like bros! There's a difference!
Tie between Oblivion and Oathkeeper 10. Fave World? 11. Rokushi or RokuNami? Honestly, I could take or leave either one of these. I lean a little more towards RokuNami, but also support Rokushi. 12. Fave Quote? "My friends are my power, and I'm theirs." - Ventus (Birth by Sleep) 13. Hardest Boss Battle/Fight? Story boss: Young Xehanort (DDD), Secret Boss: Lingering Will (KH2) 14. Do you think Vanitas and/or Xigbar will betray Master Xehanort? I could see Vanitas betraying Master Xehanort. It would make for a good and interesting plot twist and considering how much I love the character, would be completely supportive of that. 15. Roxas or Sora? Sora, he's been a role model for me since I was 10. 16. Fave Trio? Wayfinder Trio 17. Excited for KH3? YES!!! I've been following this series since it first began and I'm seeing it through to the end of the saga! However, I will set realistic expectations and go into it believing it will be AS GOOD as KH2. |
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