FanFic Fluff; VenxAqua ;
A young girl opened her eyes slowly sighing, while sitting on her neat bed. She got up on her legs and stretched while yawning. Moving backwards to the mirror she looked at her self. How different she looked with her armor filled with blues and purples.
A middle hieght boy with blond hair was walking down the halls holding his arm close to him. He had hurt his arm, but it wasn't too bad; just bothering him. The young boy reach to a door. "Aqua..." He said in a low voice sighing a bit. Placing his hand on the door knob he open the door slowly, not knowing if she was a sleep or not. Ven poke his head out of the door. "Aqua?"
Running a hand threw her silky short blue hair, she jumped by the voice. Smiling, she looked to see Ventus's face behind the wooden door. "Hey, Ven..." Aqua said walking toward the door that broke them apart. Opening it, she motioned her hand for him to come in.
He smiled a bit, stepping into her room. His head was filled with many thoughts, making him a bit nervous. Ven chuckle as he rub the back of his head. "How...Are you?" as his expression started to look a little bit serious and concerned
Aqua looked at him with concern. "I'm fine, just a little tired from that battle we where in. Thank god Terra was their, to supply us with potions." She said while giggling, stepping forward towared Ventus looking at his arm. "You hurt it?" She took his arm gently and he winced making a little squeak.
He squinted his eye a bit as she touched his arm. But her touch made it feel somewhat better as he smiled at her. He looked away mumbling "Yea..Terra..." He took a small step closer towards her.
Letting go of his arm she got behind him and started taking off his red and green armor. After feeling all the weight coming of him, he felt two pair of arms wrap themselves around his mid torso. Weight was being placed on his back again. Aqua dug her head into his neck inhaling his sweet scent.
Shocked by her moves his face turn a bit red. Placing his hands on hers, his head lower a bit as a sigh escaped his lips. "Aqua i've been needing to tell you something.." He turn to her, wrapping his arms around her; holding her close to his body.
Shocked by this Aqua looked into his eyes then wrapped her arms around his neck, closely then said "What is it Ven?" rising her eyebrows, "Is something wrong?" looking into his eyes for an answer.
His eyes narrowed a bit, but not in the angry type of way. "Matter of fact...There is something wrong.." He rubbed her check softly with the back of hand, as he gaze at the beauty in her eyes. "And that is-" As he continued "Not having you as mine.." He finished still looking at her with a soft expression on his face.
'Not having you as mine' those words where still running constently through her mind as she tried to think of something to say. Closing her blue eyes, she sighed with happiness. She opened her mouth, but it went dry. "Ven... I don't know what to say...I.." opening her eyes once again and moved her hand from his neck to his cheek caressing it lightly. "I want to be yours...too." Aqua said setting her forehead on his.
He smiled as he ran his fingers through her short blue hair. "Im glad to hear that" Leaning in a bit he pressed his lips against hers, kissing her softly; moving back breaking loose from his kiss. "Now theres nothing wrong." He chuckled slighty as he held her tight.
Aqua closed her eyes softly and captured his lips once more. She loved they way he was so gentle to her. Wrapping her arms around his neck once more, she deepened the kiss. She broke apart and giggled, running her fingers through his wild spiky hair.
He kissed her once more, as if one wasn't enough for him. he smiled as she giggle lowering his head, he rest it on her shoulder, "Tell me this..." holding her tighter trying to not let go of this feeling. "Why is it that you bring so much joy seeing you well, and brings me sadness when you are hurt..-" He chuckled a bit, for he didn't want to sound like an idiot. "Scratch that out...Why is it that i love you so much?" He said in a gentle voice in her ear, then nip her neck softly.
Aqua let out a high pitched squeak when Ven nipped at her neck. It felt good; she wanted more of his lips though. They were so heavenly on hers that it was intoxicating. "I don't know Ven..." Aqua stopped a little as Ven continued to nip her neck more. "I love you just at much though...always..." she closed her eyes when she said that, rested her head on his shoulder.
Ven chuckled as Aqua squeaked. He felt like a little kid and she was his candy(not in the nasty way). Her skin was so tempting as it taste so sweet. "Always?" as he kissed her head.
"Yes, always..." she took his hand and linked them together. They were perfect for each other in every single way. She looked at him deeply and kissed his lips again softly. "Ven, I'm tired." She looked disappointed. "We have a big day tomorrow..."
He nodded as he held her hand. Loving this moment, and glad that she had the same feelings for him. He kissed her back, as he bite his lower lip. "Then you should rest my dear..." He stroke her hair a bit, with the thought not wanting to leave her.
The look on Ven's face made aqua cringe. 'Does he want to stay with me? Should I ask him? ' Debating Aqua came up with her question. "Ven do you want to spend the night here?" she said looking down at her armor boots, that had crakes all over them.
His eyes widen a bit, but soften his face; for this girl made him melt every time she said his name, she was the one who brought out the soft side in him. Ven lifted her chin up and smiled at her, "I would be sad if you didn't let me stay."
Aqua smiled big and looked in the mirror to take her armor off. "I hate this thing...ugh!" She said trying to take the hatchets off. Finally she got her breast plate off and threw it on the floor next to Ven's armor. She had a black top with two red stripes making a cross along her back and front along with a heart broach.
Ven laughed a bit taking off the rest of his armor. He sat on her bed, looking at it. "How do you sleep on this thing?? Its so...stiff..." He said teasingly at her, laying back with his arms crossed behind his head.
Aqua looked at him and stuck her tongue at him playfully. She looked back and got the part of her armor off. "I wonder what Terra will think when he finds out...You know about us." Smiling walking toward the bed and sitting on the edge, lowering her body on Ven's chest.
Getting up slightly. He brought her closer to him, holding her. "Terra...Psh..." mumbling a few words under his breathe, "You know i don't know..But I personaly don't give a damn what he says. As long as I have you..." he kissed her cheek.
"Hmp...Ven? You know I love you right?" Aqua said, getting up and jumped on the bed. She started positioning her self on Ven's chest again, loving the feeling of Ven's arms around her.
"Well...Did you know i love you more?" He asked as he snuggled with her. He nodded a bit, "Mhm you might love me but I love you more." he poked her nose as he chuckled a bit, then kissed her on the lips.
Getting kissed by him was being kissed by a prince. Which, he was in my eyes, even though clumsy. When he moved away she just smiled at him. He made her so happy, she was glad they finally told each other they loved each other. Her eyes started to get droopy by looking into his eyes.
Things felt so perfect, like there isnt a care in the world. He looked at her eyes, "Something on your mind?" He put her hair behind her ear; getting it out of her face. And starts to rub her cheek, as many thoughts start to fill his head; about tomorrow and the next day, and all the other days to come. Hopefully this feeling will remain like this forever.
"Nothing...I wonder what the next mission will be." She said, still looking at him with droopy eyes. "Hopefully it wont be as tiring, like todayyy." She yawned when she said her last words. She snuggled into his shirt, sighing again, as she used her left hand to play with his spiky hair.
He grab a hold of a blanket and cover her and himself but mostly her. "Then sleep.." Holding her tight and kissed her head. Ven looked at the cieling starting to feeling a bit tired himself. Even though watching Aqua and making sure nothing happens to her was on his mind, his eyes started to get heavy, as he drifted himself to sleep.