Author's Note: Here's the first chapter of my new story, Passion. I know the title sucks, but I couldn't think of a better title. This story is about Kairi who has to live her sophomore year of High School going through all of the stressful problems everyone has in High School. Story is better than summary. I need many reviews please!

Chapter 1: Another Year of High School

I tossed and turned in my bed for I couldn't sleep during the night. I kept on having the same nightmare I've been having for weeks now. The dream was that I was walking down the street and I see some guy standing there ahead of me. I turn around to talk away and then the guy runs and tackles me to the ground! I always woke up after that part. I just laid there in my bed staring up at the ceiling of my room. Another thing I was scared about was that tomorrow was my first day of 12th grade. I really didn't want to suffer through High School anymore. I suffered through so much during the rest of High School. If that was bad, this was going to be worse. A lot of people thought my friends and I were weird, so that's what made High School life such a drag sometimes. Another thing was that my biggest crush was captain of the Blitzball team. So, that made him really popular. He had many friends, and a lot of fan girls. I would always have to fight through most of the girls just to get a glance at him. Oh well, that just made High School even worse than it sounds. I turned to my side and started to sleep again, but 15 minutes later, my mom woke me up.

" Kairi! Time to get up!" My mom called.

" All right." I answered.

I jumped into my bathroom right across the hall and took a shower just like a normal 17-year-old would do. I was going to be 18 in February. I plan to just hang with my friends, Selphie and Namine for my birthday. I finished washing up and came out of my bathroom. My clothes were sitting on my bed ready to be put on. It was a pink tank top and some blue jeans. I also wore some sneakers with it. Before I went down to get breakfast, I ran a brush through my soft, auburn hair. My friend, Namine says that I should have guys swarming all over me because of my hair, but I didn't care too much about popularity. I wanted to be noticed, but not like the popular people are. I put on a pendant I got for my 13th birthday. My mom called me down for breakfast. She always cooked me something nice for my first day of school each year hoping it would make the day nice, but let's face it, the first day is always the worst. My mom served me pancakes as I sat down at the table. After I finished, I finished getting ready which included, doing my teeth, putting on my bracelets and earrings, and drying and rebrushing my hair. Everything was done and I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door.

I always met with my friends at the end of my street each morning so that we could walk to school together. I finished Driver's ED, but I didn't have a car and my mom always needed it for work. I looked ahead and saw Namine and Selphie waiting for me. Namine had blonde hair, blue eyes, and wore a white tank top with a beige skirt. Selphie had brown hair that curled in the back, green eyes, and wore a yellow sun dress. She was very fond of dresses. We all sighed and began walking to school. The reason we sighed was because we all knew we had to survive another year at the worst place in the world. We attended Destiny Islands High School. Destiny Island was a nice place to live. It was never too hot or too cold. It was just perfect. As always, Selphie began talking.

" I hope we have the same classes together."

" I really hope I get into that Art elective I signed up for." Namine said. " We all signed up for Spanish for our first elective. So, I know we'll get that. What did other elective did you sign up for, Kairi?"

" Choir. I like singing, remember?" I asked.

" Yeah. The Choir teacher from last year said you have talent." Selphie said.

" Choir? You like to sing solo, right?" Namine asked.

" Yeah."

" Perfect! Sora likes girls who can sing!"

" Oh, that's right." Selphie cooed. I knew exactly what they were cooing about.

" Let's just get to school so we can get started with this day and then it'll end."

I suggested that. We arrived at the school. It has been a while since we've been here. It was just like your normal, average High School. Teachers getting ready for class, couples making out in front of their lockers, nerdy students reading as they walk, and basically, it had everything High School could ever have. The three of us looked to the side of us. I saw a huge crowd of people. I didn't know what was going on, so I went to go check it out. I freaked out when I saw who it was. I saw 5 cheerleaders chanting as I saw Sora, Riku, and Roxas, the most popular and best Blitzball players in the whole school. Sora was the captain and had the best skills, but Riku was top scorer, and Roxas was the fastest swimmer. I always had a crush on Sora. He was so cute. He had spiky, brown hair, kind of muscular, but not too much, and he had these aqua, blue eyes. Selphie always had a crush on Riku and Namine had a crush on Roxas. The cheerleaders were cheering for Sora.

" Sora! Sora! He's our man! If he can't do it, no one can!" The girls cheered.

Sora and his friends kept on walking. Of course, they shot a few looks at them. I sighed as I walked away. I would never have a chance with him. Sora is the most popular guy in school. I just told my friends that we should go get our schedules. We walked into the building and to the office. The ladies there handed our schedules. I looked at mine and then we switched them around. We had all of our classes together except for one of our electives. I had Choir, Namine had Art, and Selphie had Health. I took Health last year and Namine took it in 9th grade. We walked dropped our bags off, grabbed our binders, and walked into first period, which was Spanish 5. I wanted become bilingual and Namine and Selphie just kept on taking Spanish so that way we could be in the same class. We've been friends since Kindergarten surprisingly. I had a crush on Sora since 9th grade when I first saw him. I never actually talked to Sora before. I don't blame him for not wanting to talk to me. Anyway, we went in and sat in some seats.

" Well, at least we'll have the same Spanish teacher as last year." I sighed in relief. I aced Spanish 4 and the teacher really liked me.

" I wonder who else is in our class." Namine wondered as she rummaged through her binder.

" I don't know maybe…oh my gosh!" Selphie freaked out.

" What's wrong?"

" Look! We have Spanish with Sora, Riku, and Roxas!" Selphie turned me around. I was breathless. " We have this class with the hottest guy in school!"

" I know, isn't Roxas just dreamy?" Namine sighed dreamily. " Hey, there's Sora! You should talk to him, Kairi."

" No! He would just laugh at me."

" Why? You're a great girl. You should give it a try."

" Maybe later. But for right now, I have to get focused on the studies before I get into boys." I said.

" Okay. Then we'll just do the talking for you!" Selphie said as she walked over to Sora.

" No! Selphie!" I whispered loudly. " I'm dead." I watched as Selphie talked to Sora. Selphie was coming back to my seat with Sora behind her.

" Did you want to ask me something?" Sora asked me.

" Uh…yeah. Do you have a pencil I can borrow?" I blushed as I hid the pencils I brought.

" Oh yeah. Here you go." Sora handed me a pencil. I slowly took it from him. My heart skipped beats as he grinned. " No need to pay me back. I have plenty." Sora turned around and walked back to his friends. I stared at the pencil.

" Ooh, Kairi loves Sora." Selphie cooed.

" Shut up! Don't let him hear you." I whispered.

We went through the Spanish class and went to the Math class. We were taking Trigonometry. I did really well in Algebra during Jr. High and my earlier years of High School, so I took this. Math ended and it was time for Gym class. Destiny Islands High School required 1 year of Gym, but I just kept on taking it anyway because I was very athletic. The sports I always took were Volleyball and Track. I tried Softball in 9th grade, but I got hit in the head by the ball, so I've always been afraid of the ball ever since then. Plus, I was good at running and had really good talent at Volleyball. Today, our coach was going to give out our Gym clothes. I forgot to mention that Sora was in my math class and in Gym. I wondered if her was in all of my classes. Riku and Roxas were in the same classes. English was after Gym and then it was Lunch. Sora and his friends were in English and had the same Lunch period. Namine was drawing something in her sketchpad.

" What're you drawing, Namine?" I asked. She pointed over at Roxas who was sitting with Sora and Riku one table away. " Oh."

" Kairi, I think your going a little too overboard with Sora." Namine said with concern.

" What do you mean?"

" You've been carrying the pencil Sora gave you this morning all day long. But Kairi has a crush. Kairi has a crush." Selphie chanted. I blushed with embarrassment.

" So, who's the lucky guy?" Riku asked as he and the others turned around.

" No one!" I lied. I hated lying.

" Yeah right! Go on, Kairi! Tell them who you like." Selphie gave me tug. I took a glance at Sora and then looked at his friends.

" Okay, I going to be honest with you." I could tell Selphie was getting excited.

" I like…"

Author's Note: Ha! Cliffhanger! Will Kairi tell Sora how she feels, or is her crush still a secret? Find out in the next chapter, which will be updated after I get some reviews!