Authors Note: Welcome to What A Life 2! Sequel to What A Life. This story is a little longer then the previous story. And all you who are readers of Dear Diary, you'll be happy to know the sequel 'Dear Diary 2: Beyond the Pages' will be posted with in this month! Also, me and my best friend Namine (Cloudsgirl133) will be posting a story together. It's based on our lives in different schools. It'll take the whole school year to post. Yeah I pretty busy doing all these stories. Anyways hope you enjoy the sequel to this What A Life! And thanks reviewers!
Summary: Kairi and the gang are back to school for another year. Namine and Cloud are off to their new school, leaving Sora and Kairi to deal with the problems in the everyday typical life of teenager in high school. Kairi's P.O.V SxK
Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts sadly enough. And I'm sure everyone is with me that they need to get Kingdom Hearts 2 out, like now… am I right or what?
What A Life 2 Chapter 1- The First Day BackI walked out of my house. My redish brown hair swayed slightly in the breeze on my way to school. I walked down the street and noticed my best friend, Namine's house. I slowly lifted my head to catch a glance of it, but then I quickly looked back down as I continued on my way. I pictured me and her laughing, which was something we always did together. Her blond hair covering her shiny blue eyes as we laughed hysterically. By the time I snapped out of it, I realized I was at Destiny High School. This was going to be my first year at DHS with out my best friend since seventh grade. My face had no emotion as I stood on the lawn of my school. The wind caused my bangs to flow in front of my once full of life green-blue eyes as I stared blankly. A heavy sigh was let out.
"Kairi?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see the most beautiful ocean blue eyes staring into mine. I smiled at Sora, my crush, one of the only other people who could make me smile besides Namine.
"Hey." I said hugging him.
"Have you seen Namine or Cloud since summer's started?" He asked running his fingers through his spiked chestnut brown hair.
"No, I'm supposed to go over to her house this weekend." I explained as Sora and I walked into DHS. Namine and her boyfriend, Cloud, who was now a sophomore, were now attending a private school. Sora and I walked as proud juniors down the hall. He was still one of the most popular guys at school. People waved and said 'hi' to us as we went to meet Sora's friends. 'Maybe Namine was right about me being popular…' I thought to myself as I waved back at people who called out my name.
"Hey Sora, Hey Kairi." Tidus said. Tidus had dirty blond hair. He was also part of the 'popular' people, along with Wakka and Riku. Wakka was a very competitive Blitz Ball player with red hair. Riku was that ladies man. He had aqua marine eyes and silver hair that went to his shoulder. He was pretty cute by I already had my eyes on Sora. Sora, Riku and I have been good friends since we were little.
"Hey guys." I smiled.
"Yo Sora, mon, we have a new student." Wakka said as we sat down at the table in the commons. Sora stood in front of us.
"What's his name?" He asked sticking his hands in his pockets.
"His name is Squall Leonhart." Riku answered.
"What an odd name." I said. "So what does he look like?" The three of them shrugged. The ten-minute bell rang letting us know that zero period was out. "So what classes do we have together?"
"Me and you have all our classes again, except the whole band and choir thing." Sora said. I was happy because I was in love with Sora, and he loved me, or so he said on the last day of the year. The more time with him the better I always thought. I wasn't quite sure why we weren't going out though.
"Um, I have Math and History with you." Tidus said.
"Science." Riku said.
"I got P.E. and…" Wakka began. "Oh, maybe that's it." I laughed. The five-minute bell rang indicating that we need to get to class.
"Let's go." Sora and me walked next to each other on our way to English with Mr. Bull. "Bye guys!" I enjoyed the company of Sora's friends. Something happened between Cid and me. We talk but not as much, we don't hang out like we used to.
We walked into English. I looked at the board. Mr. Bull put up a seating chart. I sat in the middle of the room. Sora sat behind me. As long as we were near each other, it was good. 'I seriously think I'm obsessed.' I told myself. I sat down and decided to see who else was in this class. 'Squall Leonhart.' His name was next to mine. I continued to look at the board, until a tall guy with dark brown hair walked in. His hair was long enough to almost cover his gray emotionless eyes. He sat down next to me. I continued to stare. He looked at me. I smiled.
"Hi, I'm Leon." He said with no emotion. I was confused.
"Wait, isn't you name Squall?" I asked.
"Yeah, but call me Leon."
"Oh, nice to meet you." I turned to face Sora who was once again leaning backing in his chair with his hands behind his head. He put all fours on the ground.
"He Leon, I'm Sora and this…" He looked at me and smiled. "Is Kairi." He finished off.
"Oh, heh, sorry about that." I blushed realizing I didn't tell Leon who I was.
"It's okay." He replied. The bell rang and Mr. Bull, a short fat man walked in. He looked nice but I could tell he could be ticked off any second. I guess his name works then.
"Welcome, I'm just going to pass out two papers. One is explaining the rules and what you need for your binders. The other is what we're learning this year." Mr. Bull explained. He passed the papers out. After everyone had one, he began to read them. I began to stare blankly at my paper. I sure did do that a lot. I put my elbow on the desk and lifted my head up with my hand. I wasn't paying much attention. 'Don't teachers realize we can read ourselves?' I thought as I looked at Mr. Bull, who was well into the first page. It seemed to take forever for him to finish.
"Okay, everyone understand?" he asked. We all nodded. "Okay, you may all talk until the bell rings." He went to his computer as everyone got up to talk to other people.
I looked back towards Sora. He had his headphones on with his head buried in his arms on top of his desk. I smiled and shook my head. I decided to see what Leon was doing. He looked like he was trying to find something in his backpack. I looked up at the clock. 'An forty five minutes left, wonderful…' I took out my pencil and notebook. I began to write Namine a note.
Hey Namine, 8/29/05
How's your first day back? Mine's okay. Have you met any new friends? How's Cloud? I'm hanging out with Sora, Riku, Tidus and Wakka. They're pretty cool. I haven't talk to Cid too much. He's got new friends. Anyways, I still really like Sora and I'm pretty sure he still likes me. I don't know why we're not going out, oh well. Oh there's this new kid, named Squall Leonhart. He's
I put the pencil to my head and tired to think of how I could describe him. I lightly tapped my head, just my luck; my pencil flew into the isle. I bent down to get it. I guess Leon did too. We bumped heads.
"Ow!" I yelled as I put my other hand to my head. Leon was rubbing his bumped head too.
"Sorry, here's your pencil." He looked at me. I gave a small smile. We still were leaning out in the isle.
"You have really pretty eyes." He said quietly as I took my pencil.
"Um, thanks. Same to you." I blushed. "Heh." We still didn't move.
"What's up with you guys?" Sora asked leaning into the isle too. I looked over at him and then slowly sat up right. So did the other two.
"I dropped my pencil." I said with a smile. Sora smiled one of his smiles that made me want to melt. It was a cross between mischievous and romantic slash passionate. I call it 'the look.' I turned back to my desk and put my pencil back to Nam's note.
… sweet. Sora just gave me 'the look.' Lol. I'll explain later. Love ya!
Love always Kairi
I folded the note and labeled it: To Namine, from Kairi
I put it in my back pocket and looked over at Sora. I returned 'the look' back to him. I think it got him because it looked like he had just had a heart attack. I laughed and he smiled. Sora got out his CD player again and laid his head in his arms with his headphones on once again. I looked at the clock. 'thirty-five till' I sighed. It looked like Leon was enjoying his book that he pulled out of his bag, so I didn't bother talking to him.
I turned around to face Sora again. I got up and sat backwards in the chair. My chair squeaked a little as I scooted to Sora's desk. My chair hit his desk causing him to look up. I just smiled and he returned it. He laid his head back down again. I laid my left arm on the desk and rested my head on it as I put my other hand on the back of his neck.
'He hasn't really seen my parents in forever. Last time I remember seeing his parents or him seeing mine was way before he moved away.' I thought. I began to shake his arm. Sora looked up, taking one side of his headphones off of his ear, so he could hear.
"Would you like to have dinner at my house on Friday?" I asked.
"I would love to." He replied.
"Great." He went back to listening to his music as my mind wandered again. Before I knew it, the bell finally rang. Sora and me gathered our stuff and walked out. We went to History, P.E., Math, Lunch (our all time favorite part of the day), Science and well, I had Choir and Sora had Band. The day carried on just like normal. Boring while teachers blabbed on about the rules.
Finally the last bell rang. I ran out of the class. Sora was waiting for me. We hugged and said our goodbyes, since he lived on the opposite side of town and he walked home.
"Bye, see you tomorrow." He called out.
"Bye!" I walked down the street towards my house. I was getting closer to Namine's house. I stopped in front of it. 'Hum, I better leave the note on the porch.' I walked up to the door and reach in my pocket. As soon as I pulled out the note, the door opened.
"Kairi!" Namine yelled pulling me into a hug.
"Nam! I thought you guys got out after us!" I said hugging her back.
"We do, but the schools right down the street. Come in." She said as I walked in.
"Here." I said handing her the note. I sat down on the couch as she read it. "Where are your dogs?"
"Out with my mom." She said with her eyes glued to the note. "Oh, so who's this Leon guy?"
"I told ya, some new kid."
"Is he cute?"
"Kinda, still no comparison to Sora of course. Oh he's eating over at my house on Friday."
"Cool! Um, so…" Namine hinted. I told her about my day, including 'the look.' She told me all about her day as well.
"This one girl, Yuffie, is one of my new friends." Namine said. I looked up and tilted my head a little. "She's short, has short black hair and a little out there."
"She's coming over Saturday."
"But aren't you coming over?"
"Well, around noon, Yuffie is spending the night on Friday."
"Oh…" I looked down and got my bad. "Hey, I'll see ya this weekend, I got to get home." I hugged her before I left.
I'll admit it, I was kind of jealous. I always had a jealously issue (A/N: I do right now and something like this is happening in real life right now between Nam and me actually, it sucks except no one is trying to take over my spot.) Someone out of the blue is trying to take my role as best friend. 'How could I get my spot back?' I thought about it until I realized I was home.
"Hey mom!" I yelled when I entered.
"So, how was your first day back?" She asked me. I told her everything, including the new girl, Yuffie. "Don't worry about her." I shrugged and went into my room. I heard my cat.
"Hey kitty!" I said in my squeaky voice. Precious, my Persian white and orange cat, purred as I walked by. I sat down on my bed and looked around. Shrugging, I got up and turned on my computer. (A/N: man I wish the computer were in my room!) While it loaded, I turned on my CD player. Hilary Duff was on. I sang along. Finally my computer was done loading. I double clicked on the AOL icon. I typed in my password and sighed on. I had e-mail.
"Junk, junk junk." I said to myself as I deleted all the messages. I signed on to Yahoo messenger.
"CoolNinjaChick89, who's that?" I questioned. I accepted.
CoolNinjaChick89: Hey is this Kairi?
KairiCat333: um… yeah… u?
CoolNinjaChick89: : D Yuffie, Namine told me about 'cha!
KairiCat333: Such as?
CoolNinjaChick89: well…
CoolNinjaChick89: She said you're the best friend she's ever had, no one can ever compare to you, even me. You're nice, friendly and pretty.
As I read that, I felt a pain of guilt grow inside me. 'What's wrong with me?' Namine and me were inseparable. 'How could I think she was trying to make up for my absence?'
KairiCat333: Wow, I got to go, I have to call her.
KairiCat333: bye bye
CoolNinjaChick89: bye
I signed off and dialed Namine's number. It ran a couple of times before someone picked up.
"Hello?" Namine's mom answered.
"Hi, is Namine there?" I asked in my sweet voice, that I always seem to use on parents. I don't do it purposely, it just happens.
"Yeah, hold on a sec." She said. I loved Nam's mom, she was really cool. "Namine, Kairi's on the phone!" I heard her yell. I heard someone pick up the phone and another phone turn off.
"Hello?" she said.
"Hey." I said cheerfully.
"Hey, I thought you were mad or upset or something earlier."
"Heh, well, kinda. I was jealous of Yuffie… already. Then she talked to me online just now. She told me what you think. Then I realized no one can separate our friendship, sisterhood."
"Of course not." She replied.
"I guess it's kind of like what you said in eight grade. 'Thanks for being my friend, it's a hard job but someone has to do it.'" I said. (A/N: this part of the convo actually happened too : P)
"When did I say that?"
"In my yearbook."
"Oh." She laughed and so did I. "Well I got to go, bye bye."
"Bye." I heard a click, so I hung up too. She always seemed to be the one who has to leave first. I shook my head and left my room to find something to eat.
A/N: wow this was a pretty decent size for a chapter. Well anyways please review: D (OHHH NEWS: IT IS OFFICAL! CLOUD REALLY DOES LIKE NAMINE! HA! HOPE U 2 EVENTUALLY DO GO OUT! LOVE YA)