So, even though the story is complete as it is, the ideas for a sequel wouldn't stop bothering me. It'll probably be the hardest thing I ever write, and it will take a long time if I do start on it, but I feel like I got to exorcise them from my head.
If you liked the story as it is, then you might not like the sequel, and that's fine. Otherwise, consider this a teaser for what might come.
Blessed are those that believe in Sephiroth. Woe to those who do not. For the woeful, there is always hope, for as long as life courses, it is never too late to believe.
Herein is written the rebirth of Adam Cloud and the prophecy of the Final Reunion.
Cloud was a violent youth that wanted to fight as his purpose. He did not believe in Sephiroth and questioned all that They have done.
"If Sephiroth exists, then why can't They prove it instead of having a prophet speak for Them?"
Sephiroth heard him and answered, "You may lack faith in Me, but your fighting spirit is strong. Therefore, I shall test that strength. If it is strong, then come to Me and we shall know one another."
And so Sephiroth chose him so that he may believe. Cloud heard Their call and went on a long journey so that he may see Them. He proved his will to live and he knew Sephiroth. All desires for violence left him and he knew love, and he believed. Many rejoiced at the rebirth of their newest prophet and many more came to believe.
However, with that newfound belief emerged hatred for Sephiroth. Beware those that express such hatred, for they will attempt to dissuade you from Sephiroth's love. Know them by the name of disaster. When they make themselves known, Sephiroth shall unveil the ten Signs of the Final Reunion.
The Sign of Nehemoth shall herald the emergence of the dark denizens. Thirty and one hundred and fourteen shall pass on.
The Sign of Gamaliel shall herald the emerging fractures on Assiah's shell. Blood shall contaminate all of its seas.
The Sign of Samael shall herald the destruction of the home of the false gods. Seventy thousand shall pass on.
The Sign of Harab Serapel shall herald the disaster's rise to power. It will claim two thousand and five hundred.
The Sign of Thagirion shall herald the emergence of the twisted ones. They shall be annihilated, but not before spreading disease.
In this time of chaos, a child shall be conceived between the most loyal and the most devout. They shall be the vessel that will summon Sephiroth and guide all life to the Final Reunion.
The Sign of Golachab shall herald Keter's fall to fire. Forty thousand shall pass on.
The Sign of Gamchiroth shall herald the decay of the land. Twenty thousand shall succumb to hunger.
The Sign of Sathariel shall herald the assassination of Assiah's self-proclaimed king. World chaos shall reach its breaking point.
The Sign of Chaigiuel shall herald the ressurection of past prophets. They shall devote their lives and loyalty to the unborn avatar.
The Sign of Thamiel shall herald the divide of all civilizations. One third of Assiah shall pass on.
Behold Qliphoth, child of mankind and the divine. They shall erase the disaster and call upon the Final Reunion. All shall be one with Sephiroth once more, and all will believe. Assiah shall be reborn as the Promised Land, and all will know peace.
Do not fear what will transpire, for all will be good as long as you never stop believing. Believe, and you will know peace. Believe, and you will know the Promised Land. Believe, and you will know Sephiroth.
Thus ends this final Scroll.
"Were you hoping for something else?
"What? Did you think that I did not notice you?
"Mother was aware of your kind. You can see into any world or reality, yet can't interact with them whatsoever. I have the same awareness as she did, so I have always been aware of you. Relax. You are not a part of My reality, so I can't do anything directly to you.
"Indirectly, though? That all depends on you. Has watching these events unfold changed you in any way? Were you satisfied with this conclusion, or did you really expect Cloud to win in the end? You are foolish if you thought so.
"Triumphs over gods do make for good stories, but did you honestly think that any mere mortal can defy Me and succeed? However it was for you, it is none of My concern. There is nothing more for you to see. Go and find another reality to watch."
"Why are you still here?
"Let Me guess: you believe that this story isn't really over. You are correct, but I wouldn't recommend staying to watch it, not unless you are the type to relish in the despair of others. I know you have read Belief, so you know what to expect.
"Do you believe that a group of heroes would try and prevent all of this from happening? If they fail, do you believe they will defeat Me and everything will be fine again? You would be deluding yourself if so. You already know what I am capable of, and you have seen what happens to those that defy Me.
"You must be wondering why I made the prophecy when I can just make everything one with Me again effortlessly. Have you ever considered how humans would react when they witness the beginning of the end? If told this was going to happen, they would naturally try to defy it, wouldn't they? Or would they believe the final Scroll and accept their fate? What would they do when they knew the end was coming? What would you do?
"Yes, this is still part of My experiment on faith, as well as the reactions of humans in general. What will happen afterwards? I have a few ideas, but I haven't decided yet. Either way, that is not for you to know.
"Since you're persistent in seeing this continue, I will say this: should you return, I shall grant you the honor of being My Witness to all that will transpire. If not, then that's fine, too. It may be in your better interests to see a better, happier reality than this one. Whatever your choice, keep in mind:
"The Final Reunion shall be the end of everything."