
Freed Souls

Mavda held the Oraclos Chain in one hand and the fake one in the other. She mumbled some unknown words and slowly, almost unnoticeable did the fake chain crack and crumble. When only the end part of the chain was left and that as well cracked, came streams of light out of the chain link and they went toward the blue sky, giving Aeron and Allen a warm and gentle feeling.

"Those were... the souls of the people of Helycon, weren´t they, Mavda?" Aeron asked with a sad gaze.

Mavda nodded with a smile and the old man pointed at the stream of light.


Mavda smiled even more and looked towards father and son, who were staring at the beautiful scene in the sky.

"He said that the souls said "thank you" to the both of you and that their now finally happy."

Allen laughed and tugged at his fathers leg, who looked down at him.

"Then let´s go home, daddy, so that mom can be happy, too!"

Aeron placed his hand on the head of his son and smiled.

"Right... Let´s go home, to our own happiness!"

The End