Dragonborn Out

Time passed as time does. The Potter family grew slowly. Their knowledge on dragons spread through the generations. They were soon the most prominent family in the field. Many members of the family were adopted in. There was always at least one person per generation that chose to adopt rather than having their own kids. Most of those children were Mages not witches or wizards, and the few times a mage was born to the families they associated with they would reach out and teach them as well. They were very careful though. A lot of the things they knew could cause mass destruction in the wrong hands. Often they only taught a few branches of magic outside of the family. It wasn't often that they made Masters outside of the family especially after Harry stopped teaching.

Bill Weasley became the Headmaster of Hogwarts eventually, after teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts for a few years. His wife took up the position as the Charms teachers as he became the Headmaster. The school flourished under their kind but firm management with teachers like Neville Longbottom and Dennis Creevy who took over after Hagrid. His years at Nirn Nesting Grounds made him one of the best for the job. While Remus left the school while his son went there, he quickly returned to continue teaching Transfiguration once his son was done. He loved teaching.

Hermione became a member of the International Confederation of Wizards, and under her guidance things changed to be safer and better for not only witches and wizards but many other magical beings and creatures as well.

In the end Draco and Astoria became one of the few Malfoy couples to divorce. Draco cared more about his children then his wife. Once they had grown up though he, to everyone's surprise, started teaching at Hogwarts as the Potions Master. He took over after his godfather, but he actually managed to be liked by his students for a change.

The Mad years came and went while the Potters sat back and watched. They knew what was happening. They would leave Luna and the Mad God to have their fun. They would keep track of things and make sure it didn't go completely out of hand.

And well Harry.

The Boy-Who-Lived to grow up with magic hating people. Who went to Hogwarts and had so much dangerous shit happen to him that it was a wonder he survived. The boy who went to Nirn and learned how to fight using magic and blades. Harry continued down his own path. Many rumours flew around about the raven-haired man. There were those who had noticed the way he had changed over the course of no time at all. So many different theories were out there. The only ones who really knew what had happened was his family. He had written his story down for the later generations. Together with the journals his mother had written during her time at Hogwarts there was a pretty decent recollection of the past.

Outside of the wards of Ennerdale Estate the rumours went wild as Harry and Charlie disappeared one day. Some said that they simply died and were buried on the grounds. They had lived a long and fruitful life together. The only thing their daughter would say after they disappeared was that they would always be together.

Others said that one day as the leaves were turning red and golden two great dragons left the estate: one midnight black and the other sunfire orange. Since no one saw either Harry or Charlie after that some believed the dragons to be the two.

Only their family knew what had really happened. They didn't share their secrets. The Dragon Clan. The Potter Family. In many ways they were harder to learn from than the goblins.

The Mage from Nirn changed everything he wasn't even involved in most of the changes himself.

It is a miracle how things can turn out.

The End