My vision is compromised. I cant see. I know my eyes are wide open but they refused to focus. Red. The person in front of me is wearing blue, his hair is red. Probably a Turk? I need a better look to be sure so I roughly rubbed my eyes. That dose not seem to be helping.
"Hey..." He said. "You alright bud?" he asked.
When I didn't respond he asked, "Can ya' talk? Are you ok?"
I want to answer him, but when I try to my voice attacks the back of my throat... he sounds a little familiar I think... I am so thirsty and I cant focus. Still, I attempt to ask again despite my current disorientation but, that caused something to break and I ended up tasting iron.
Blood. I can feel it burning on my lips, they must be chapped.
"Just leave him Reno. We have a mission and we do not have time for this person."
{This is all I wrote, I never got around to playing the game again and now I just dont care. Anyway, if anyone wants to finish it... do it. Ill probably read it. The plot was that Cloud joined the Turks and hangs out with Reno a lot. Do whatever you want with that I guess.}