Chapter 10 – The Return
I don't own Star Trek the Next Generation or Voltron Legendary Defender. I'm just taking the characters out for a spin.
Sorry, it's taken so long to get back to writing this last chapter but besides my aunt's passing my allergies have gone haywire and my eyes became very sensitive to bright lights and the color white.
The Paladins stood inside Picard's Ready Room as Princess Allura, and Coran sat on his couch. Riker had finished giving his captain his report when a chime came from his door.
Picard wanted nothing more than to try to get back to work, but the patches on the side of his head were the last vestiges of the physical reminders of what the Borg had done to him. He knew that it would take time for his mental health, but he was throwing himself back into his work. He couldn't show weakness at this moment.
"Come," he spoke.
Commander Shelby stepped into the room and approached his desk, "Request to permission to disembark, sir." She spoke to Riker.
Riker caught her eyes with his and silently but pointedly turned his head toward Picard.
"Permission granted," Picard spoke brusquely. He stood, "They picked a fine officer for the task force, Commander."
"We'll have the fleet back up in less than a year." She pointedly turned her attention back to Riker, "I imagine you'll have your choice of any command, sir."
Lance stifled a giggle at Riker's almost shocked gaze that he tore away from Shelby and turned to Picard.
Riker sucked in a breath and gazed back at Shelby. "Everyone is so concerned about my next job. With all due respect, Commander…" he turned his attention back to Picard for a moment, "sir my career plans are my own business and no one else's. But it's nice to know that I'll have a few options."
Commander Shelby replied, "I hope I have the fortune of serving with you again, sir." She smiled at Riker and then nodded to Picard, "Captain." She turned and strode out of the ready room.
Riker exited the room after getting the order to take the Enterprise to Earth Station McKinley for repairs.
Picard stood and gazed out the window at the Earth below.
Princess Allura quietly cleared her throat.
Picard turned an apologetic smile tugging at his lips. "Now we need to figure out how to get you back to your reality."
A bright flash of light appeared in the room, as Q stood there clapping. The skin around his eyes crinkled as a smile lit his face. "Bravo, all of you. You do know how to relieve boredom. How exciting that was."
Picard's face changed to that of barely contained rage as red flared on his cheeks. "How dare you take these people from their reality and transport them to ours and put their lives in danger just for your amusement!"
Q held up a hand as he wagged his index finger back and forth and shook his head, "Don't lose your temper, Picard. I'd hate to have to turn you into a single-celled organism."
Princess Allura glared at the alien. "I didn't find it humorous or fun. We are not toys for you to play with. If my father were here…"
Q smiled at the young woman, "You are your father's daughter. Oh, the stories I could tell."
"I don't," Allura settled her hands on her hips as she stared at Q. "We must get back to our reality to defeat Zarkon and free the universe of his tyranny."
Q sighed as he raised his hand, but before he could do anything, Pidge grabbed his arm. "Wait. Before you send us back, I need to say goodbye to someone."
She ran out of the ready room and found Data on the bridge. "Data, I just wanted to say goodbye," she said in a rush.
Data glanced at her for a moment, "I have something for you," he said as he handed her a disk. "I believe you can find how to read this information. Here's the schematics on how to create a positronic brain. Also, Commander La Forge has added information on how to create a food replicator based on Guinan's information about something called food goo."
"Thanks, Data." She replied as Shiro stuck his head out to call for her to hurry back. "Gotta go," she cried out, and a huge smile lit her face as she raced back in.
Q stared at the smallest Paladin, "Ready now?"
There was a bright flash of light and the Paladins, Allura and Coran found themselves back on the bridge of the Castle of Lions. They glanced around not seeing the Enterprise or Earth.
"Coran," Allura said, "Where are we?"
Coran checked his console and turned around to face her, "We're back on course for the Blade of Marmora's base."
Allura sighed in relief, "I hope that's the last time we see that vile creature."
Q's head materialized from the side of the bridge by Pidge. "Maybe, maybe not," he replied as his head disappeared.