Desire and Destruction II

Taishakuten x Ashura-oh

Banquets were the most boring things in his life the Thunder God decided. Nothing but talk and food and idiots who didn´t know the difference between a sword and a dagger. He sighed and was about to stand up, when someone entered the grand hall and the air almost left him. He had a hard time not to stare, as the man walked up towards Tentei with a gentle smile and an elegant bow, his jewelery producing almost musical sounds while his black hair seemed to be like a leaf in the winds.

Not even reluctant sat Taishakuten down again and glancing discretely over to the War God that captured his attention. As much as he wanted to see the man covered in blood and roaring like the beast he was, had the docile version of him certainly its charms and seductions. The General bit his lip as his eyes roamed over the man´s appearance. A light, white tunic and golden jewelery. Nothing else. There was not much left to the imagination he decided. Of course the God looked not like a whore, but the tunic fitted him perfectly and seemed to almost lean into the body for the touch of skin.

Shivers ran down his spine when their eyes locked onto each other for a short moment and the object of his desire in exactly that moment slightly smiled. It was so fleeting that one could think to have imagined it and Taishakuten shivered. He abruptly stood up, much to the surprise of his neighbors, and left the room hiding himself in the shadow of the wall and pillar. Outside of it, he really just wanted to waltz right back inside and drag the black-golden beauty out with him, devouring him like a wild animal in heat. Perhaps he was precisely that: an animal in heat and he sighed in frustration.

The God of Destruction looked blankly ahead as he dragged himself towards the banquet room. Nothing was there that could hold his interest, he knew, nothing could in fact except for wracking havoc perhaps or being ruined himself. He knew he was twisted beyond belief: gentle on the outside and kind while inside waiting for a chance to kill all who he had smiled at just moments before.

He was afraid of his own self and that was the reason why he let himself being imprisoned so willingly, sealed and made not as dangerous as he could be. His soul was always torn between his good part and his evil part, not knowing which one had more influence. It was a tiring struggle, a battle he could not win nor lose and by now was it mind numbing.

He reached the large doors to the banquet hall and entered without a sound. He was silent death and it was actually quite amusing how every single person in the room was happy to see him, while his blood screamed for their death in a sweet song that roared constantly in his ears. Of course was he used to it, but it was nonetheless a challenge every time to suppress it to the point where it was only a quiet murmur of disappointment.

In respect he certainly did not feel for the man did he bow to Tentei and smiled. He knew of the ugly soul of his ruler, but what could he say? It needed a dark soul to reckon another he supposed. As he chatted away without even knowing what it was, wandered his eyes over the hall for a moment and they locked onto silver and blue which made a small smile grace his lips at the recognition, barely there before it faded again. His inside churned as his spark of desire flared.

The one he wanted was here, so maybe this wasn´t such a pointless waste of time as he had thought it would be. As he saw him leave a smirk appeared upon his features and he too slowly raised from his seat, to excuse himself and turn towards the doors in anticipation. He wanted to burn tonight and only one person could ensure that he would.