Reviews for Our Brother, Niles
Guest chapter 21 . 7/22/2017
Ive read this story three times but this chapter still makes me laugh
Maxcy Leland chapter 33 . 2/18/2017
This was so amazing! Loved every chapter. There were special scenes from beginning to end and lots of love. The solution Xander found to convince Garon was perfect. I was very surprised and at the same time like, "of course!" Wonderful job on that.
The way that Corrin was able to do what she knew was right, despite Niles being...himself, I guess, was really well done. At least I thought so. I loved Corrin's purity and how she was able to bring out the good in her chosen man. Niles was very much the amoral slum lord that his upbringing made him, but also the sweet and even honorable guy that comes out sometimes. I liked how you showed both sides of him and how he interacted with the different characters, especially Xander.
Speaking of Xander, he was awesome. I didn't think he was too OOC, because he is a very protective brother. And considering it's Niles, who can blame him? The one thing that was maybe off about him, was when he accepted that Garon had ordered Elise to be killed. In Conquest, the thing that finally makes him take a stand beside Corrin against Garon, is that Garon is attacking Elise and the others. He says that his father may have been harsh, but he never would have attacked his own children. Other than that, I think he was true to his character. And brilliant and strong and ROMANTIC. That part where he thought everyone had been turned against him was really sad. But the that faced up to his shortcomings and overcame them for the sake of his family was fabulous.
I laughed so much reading this. The character interactions were priceless, like dancing lessons, Elise's reading habits, Leo's trick on Odin, Garon adopting Niles (however briefly), the double proposal, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. And the lines were so memorable. "I hate my life." "Do you find me hot?" And best of all, "You're both dead!"
I liked seeing how the family had its problems, but was loving enough to work together anyway. I see the Nohrian royals as more clannish than the Hoshidans, because they have to stick together against their dad, and this really showed them at their family best and worst. Ties that bind.
I was a little surprised that Leo's magic wasn't powerful enough to stop Iago's, considering that he executes him in both Birthright and Conquest (and maybe Revelation, but I don't know), but I guess you could point out that Iago has already been weakened and defeated by that point in both routes. I also wish that we could've seen an exploration of Niles' feelings about his eye, after that scene with Odin piquing my curiosity. I really liked what he said to Corrin about whether 'it' was so wonderful that it would make people love and leave others. His backstory is so sad! So yeah, I wanted to see if he felt self-conscious about his lack-of-an-eye, and if anyone had rejected him for it before or something. Maybe you could write a followup oneshot? Only if you're inspired and have time, of course. Ever wondered how in the world he's such a good archer with only one eye (and thus a lack of depth perception)?

I think that's enough of me ranting and gushing. I loved this. Thank you for writing and sharing. :)
TheFireHana chapter 33 . 2/3/2017
It was a great story! I have always asked myself how the royal sibling could deal with people such like Niles or Shura as a brother-in-law (Shura's case is probably worst by the way). I was highly pleased how you could make a serious yet funny story and the character were accurate.
At the next time!
Guest chapter 33 . 11/21/2016
Good story but ending was anticlimactic
xxstarsnowxx chapter 33 . 11/11/2016
Aww, I really liked the ending! And yes, the whole Niles vs. the siblings war which ended in them being on the same side was what I really enjoyed. Xander is awesome! XD

Thanks for writing such a carefully put together story and sharing it with us!
Sphinixius chapter 33 . 11/8/2016
Perfect. That is literally the only word I can think of to describe this ending. Yes, I'm sad it's over, because what a great ride it was, but damn, I couldn't've conceived a better ending - the final line just made me go "Awwwww." Definitely worth the wait. Absolutely worth it.

Also, I know I've said it many times before, but I have to say it again - your dialogue is just fantastic. Sometimes I read actual published(!) work (thankfully not too many, but still) and some of the things the characters say... I just sit there thinking, "Real people don't talk like that!" or "No one would say that! (Or at least, say it in that way 'cause it sounds so forced or pre-conceived or something)." But your dialogue just sounds so natural and easy and real. It truly sparkles.

Again, thank you for writing such a fascinating story. I am truly glad I got the chance to read it. I won't be forgetting it anytime soon, and I'll definitely come back to it again and again when I need a good read.
BeautifulPineapple chapter 33 . 11/7/2016
I loved this fic. One of the best ones I have read. Good work. Keep it up.
Guest chapter 33 . 11/6/2016
Beautiful. Thanks for writing this story.
Astrobot1745 chapter 33 . 11/5/2016
One of the best political fanfics Ive ever read. Also really like the fact that you went to the trouble of making all the characters capable of weakness; its refreshing to read characters that feel human. I am kind of disappointed that you didnt have Garon give Niles a Faustian deal, and went with Iago instead, but thats just me. I didnt really like Elise, but then I also dont really like her that much to begin with.

To sum it up, I really liked it. Keep writing good stories and we'll keep reading them.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/5/2016
Great job! I loved reading this so much!
Guest chapter 33 . 11/5/2016
One best fanfictions I've ever read. It was worth wait though!
nhaer042 chapter 33 . 11/5/2016
I'd say that was worth the wait. Definitely one of the better fics on this site aside from an occasional grammar error (honestly though, I'm a bit of a grammar Nazi so that stuff tends to stick out more to me). Anyway, loved the character portrayals and the fact that you didn't take any easy or overly cliche routes either. Good stuff and great job!
StarAF938 chapter 33 . 11/5/2016
Guest chapter 32 . 9/27/2016
Good chapter! I can't wait for the next one.
Sphinixius chapter 32 . 9/25/2016
I really liked the dialogue in this one, especially that between Niles and Iago at the beginning. Very well written! Also, although it would have been sweeter if Iago had bought it, I did like that he got a beat down of sorts from Niles. I'm still holding out hopes that he'll get his due before the last word's been written. Also, also - oh goodness Xander, you've come quite a long way since the beginning of the story - you would have done anything to keep Niles and Corrin apart back then, and now you've concocted a rather humongous lie to help keep them together. I love that dynamic character development. As always, very much looking forward to the next chapter!
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