Ari'elle slowly opened her eyes, staring at the wood she made out above her. She blinked rapidly, waiting for her brain to process what she was seeing. Wood? Where was she? Slowly it dawned on her; she was inside one of the clan's aravels. How… odd.
Her body ached slightly, enough that she didn't want to move, so she lay as she was on her back. She squinted, trying to remember what had happened last. She had been swaying, rocking back and forth. And she had been talking to people… right? And Cullen…
Ari'elle jerked, wide awake now. Cullen had been here! He had come! She scrambled underneath the blankets, twisting so that she faced the side.
And there her human was, in shirtsleeves slumped against the araval's wall. His hair was tousled over his forehead, eyes closed in sleep. Daylight filtered in from outside, faintly highlighting the edge of one square jaw. He looked exhausted despite his rest, mouth slightly open and lax. Why did he look so tired?
The tension drained from her body and she stayed on the pallet, watching him breathe slowly. The rush of adrenaline dissipated, and in its place worry plagued her. What if he had come to put her under some kind of arrest? Did he hate her now? She frowned, screwing her eyes closed. Why couldn't she remember what he had said yesterday? Had he been angry with her?
Oh, Creators. He had to have read her letter. The one where she had told him she had made a deal with Corypheus. The one where she had told him she loved him. What must he think of her? Would he even acknowledge her confession?
Ari'elle opened her eyes and swallowed. Well, there was one way to find out. Hesitantly she raised her voice, "Cullen?" Her voice cracked, her throat dry. When he did nothing more than shift his shoulders, Ari'elle called a little louder. "Cullen?"
Abruptly Cullen's eyes snapped open, the familiar amber focusing on where she lay. He leaned forward, concern drawing his brows together. "Ari," He said lowly, carefully. He reached forward but hesitated before touching the blanket over her arm. He closed his hand into a fist and braced his elbows on his knees. "How are you feeling?"
She blinked, surprised. Pleasantly so, but she was surprised. The last time they had talked, Cullen hadn't really even seemed to acknowledge her. However now there was worry in his tired eyes. Ari'elle thought that he was truly seeing her, truly cared what her response would be. And he didn't appear angry, an encouraging sign.
So dutifully in reaction to his question, Ari'elle took catalogue of herself. Slowly she stretched, feeling her muscles protest, some slight ache from more than just inactivity. As she rolled her shoulders and neck, a dull throb emanated from her left shoulder, and she frowned. "Stiff. And my shoulder…" She frowned and pondered the slight offending ache. What had happened?
"Your shoulder was dislocated." His jaw clenched tight for a second before he continued. "And you have been asleep for the past two days."
"Two days!" Ari'elle gaped. She had never slept so long before! No wonder she was so thirsty. And hungry. And felt as if she hadn't moved in forever. Because she hadn't.
A whole host of questions sprung to mind. Where was Corypheus? How had they gotten away? Had she just imagined seeing her Keeper? And she had just been senseless when she had seen a mural move, right?
Her mind quieted though when she looked up into Cullen's face. There was a strange play of emotions making their way over his features. Ones she recognized from before Denerim, others she had never seen before. He had read her letter, he knew how she felt. And suddenly there was only one question she needed to have answered. "Why are you here Cullen?"
He gazed down at her with an unreadable expression, finally opening his mouth to speak. Before a syllable passed his lips, however, Ari'elle's stomach roared its anger.
For a second both of them froze. A giggle bubbled from Ari'elle's lips, the moment too humorous to ignore, despite her urgent need for an answer. Cullen's lips twitched. He closed his eyes and shook his head.
"Forgive me Ari. You need to take care of yourself first." The warm honey of his eyes locked with hers once more, the amusement sliding from his face. "But, when you are ready, you and I need to talk. Privately. Just the two of us." For a second, he burned with an intensity that made tingles race up her spine and down her limbs, sending her heart thundering.
Ari'elle gulped, then opened her lips to argue, but Cullen turned away, speaking as he made his stooped way towards the door. "There is water to wash with, and some clothing. Outside we have food and drink for you." He opened the door and turned back to her. "Just take it easy; you are still recovering."
A sudden, unwelcome thought popped into her head, and she sat upright quickly, ignoring the uncomfortableness of the movement and his exasperated look as she directly disobeyed his order. "Cullen, wait! Evangelina! I know you…" She licked her lips then forced herself to continue. "That you and she…" When she faltered again, Ari'elle skipped ahead. "But you must believe me! She is possessed with a demon! Corypheus told me, that she and him did something-"
Cullen tensed, then spoke in a clipped tone. "Evangelina is currently locked up in Skyhold's dungeons. She is not a threat any longer." Ari'elle's mouth dropped open. His features gentled and he continued in a smoother manner, "There is much we need to discuss."
Vaguely Ari'elle nodded, disbelief swirling through her. He had locked Evangelina up? But he had been so… What had happened? Perhaps that meant that she and Cullen could be friends again? Her heart pounded in her chest, far too loud. Surely he could hear it beating. She could feel her words lying between them, a hope she couldn't dismiss. Did he feel them too?
"Maker," he cursed softly, rubbing a hand over his eyes. He suddenly looked even more exhausted, and Ari'elle felt a pang of worry; perhaps he should be sleeping instead of talking. "I'm sorry Ari. So sorry. If I could go back…" He shook his head and pinned her with his stare again. "First, you need to eat.
After I will explain everything."
Then Cullen turned and shut the door. For a time Ari'elle stayed frozen, her thoughts in a muddle. She jumped from Evangelina, to Cullen's apology, to her mix of hopefulness and trepidation, flitting over his words but unable to figure out what they meant.
With a burst of energy, Ari'elle broke from the bed and hurried out of her clothes. All her answers lay outside the aravel, and so she need to get there. She washed quickly, and sort of brushed through her clean curls, tossing the wet mess over her shoulder to dry.
On the foot of the bed lay two sets of clothing. The first was a Dalish outfit… and the second was her clothing, the ones she had left behind. A lump of tears caught at her throat and shimmered in her eyes. A slightly shaking hand brushed over the jacket, touching the Inquisition insignia. Cullen had brought her things for her.
With a watery sniff, Ari'elle changed into her Inquisition clothing, and she felt a sense of wellbeing come over her. No matter what happened, these were hers; they were what she belonged in.
Ari'elle then wrenched open the aravel doors and hopped down to the ground. And was immediately crushed in a Sera-shaped hug.
"You stupid, idiotic… daft…" Sera mumbled against Ari'elle's shoulder, squeezing her ribs in a slightly too-tight fashion. Ari'elle patted at her friend's shoulders as the loving insults continued in the same vein, hoping that Sera's strength would give out soon. Sera finally pulled back with a finishing "Arsehole!" And then not too gently punched Ari'elle in her good shoulder.
Ari'elle laughed, knowing her friend was just concerned with her. Then others enveloped her in gentler affection; Dorian with a gentle one-armed clasp around her shoulders, Varric with his-shoulder-to-her-rib bump, and Bull with a hair tousle that destroyed her previous halfhearted taming attempts.
As they herded her across the clearing, Ari'elle got a chance to see where they were. It was the same spot she had left her clan, only they had all moved on. The single aravel looked lonely without the others around it. There was a small camp set up, a fire burning with food warming over it. A handful of Inquisition soldiers sprawled around the area, giving her encouraging greetings. No one appeared irritated with her, a fact that lifted a weight from her shoulders. Did they know all she had done and why they were here?
Cullen was ladling some stew into a bowl when they arrived at the fire. And next to him-
"Keeper!" Ari'elle cried and flew into Solas's arms.
"Da'len," Solas murmured, gently giving her a squeeze. "It is good to see you."
Ari'elle felt tears burn the back of her eyes, and she held onto her Keeper fiercely. For a moment she was transported back to when she was just a little one, running to him with a scrape, her nose dripping from her tears, or with one of her incessant questions. No one had been more of a father to her than Solas, both as First and as Keeper.
"Keeper," She cleared her throat and pulled back, smiling up at him brightly. "I'm so glad you are here!" Ari'elle paused and then frowned. "But, why are you here? You should be with the clan! And what happened? Where is Corypheus? How did we get back here?"
Keeper chuckled and shook his head. "One thing at a time, da'len." He gently sat down, and Ari'elle followed his example. Within seconds Cullen had pressed the steaming bowl into her hand, a very pointed look between her and her food.
Obediently Ari'elle started shoveling mouthfuls away, conscious again of her gnawing hunger. Cullen passed her a mug of cool water, and she emptied it without breathing, holding it out for seconds as she chewed.
After a few minutes of comfortable conversation and Ari'elle's ravenous consumption, Keeper spoke up. "Now Ari'elle. What was the last thing you remember of your fight with Corypheus?"
Slowly, Ari'elle lowered her bowl, thinking back. "I remember… pulling the Orb to me and throwing it. And…" Ari'elle hesitated, unsure if she should mention she had seen a mural move. It had probably been a figment of her imagination after all.
"Andruil?" Solas asked gently.
Ari'elle jerked her head up, her eyes wide. "Yes," she breathed, then shook her head. "But how can that be possible?"
Solas's eyes took on a faraway sheen, and he suddenly looked ancient beyond his years. "Although they are not what they once were, the Pantheon still lingers, in their way." His eyes snapped back to the present. "It is how I knew to look for you. It is why Andruil chose you, sent her messengers to you. She knew at some point you would have a part to play in her future."
Overwhelmed, Ari'elle just uttered a quiet "Oh." Her hand crept up and touched her chin, the feathers of her vallaslin.
Sera chimed in, "Wa-wa-wait." She crossed her arms and scowled, "You're sayin' elfy people actually got gods? Real ones? Not made up?"
Solas frowned, unamused at her skepticism. "I assure you, the Pantheon was, and is, real." He gave her his best hahren look down his nose, "You should feel it yourself, Elvhan as you are."
Sera shuddered, "Ewww, nope. Nope, nope, nope."
Keeper rolled his eyes, a look so very familiar to Ari'elle she couldn't help but snort. Solas sent her a glare, but Ari'elle just pasted an innocent look on her face and inquired, "So what happened after the Eluvian broke?"
"The Orb broke as well, an unintended consequence, I think, to your goal of keeping Corypheus from gaining access to the power of the Eluvian. That being had been twisting the Orb's original purpose, using it to amplify his power exponentially, to protect himself. When it shattered, Andruil was able to intervene directly."
Spellbound, Ari'elle listened to Keeper tell her the details of the fight she had missed. How Keeper had led the Inquisition band to Andruil's temple and fought their way through the guards in the courtyard. Of the whirlwind tempest, the attempted blood magic, and of Andruil's magic finally killing the tainted Magister.
"Are you sure? Is he really dead?" The paralyzing fear she had felt at seeing Corypheus alive and well after shooting him through the spine echoed through her now. She shivered as she hurried on, "I killed him once before you arrived. My arrow severed his neck; I saw him dying on the ground. I was able to escape from the room, but was caught and brought back inside." She didn't see Cullen tense, his hands fist and flex at his sides, the fear her words viscerally brought to him. "Moments passed, only moments, and yet he was as if I had never touched him!"
Keeper looked her square in the eye, confident and steady. "Andruil had her vengeance. Corypheus will trouble us no more."
Ari'elle looked to Cullen, "So… it is over?" The enormity of what had transpired grew, the truth bringing a giddy elation tingling through her.
Cullen's grin chased the shadows and fatigue from his face, sharing with her the heady rush, "Yes, Ari. It is over."
Jubilantly Ari'elle flopped back on the grass, laughing as a heavy burden melted away. Corypheus was done! The Inquisition's foe was defeated! No wonder everyone was merry. Their lives, everyone's lives, had just become that much safer.
Laughter rippled around the group, and Ari'elle popped back up, looking to Cullen again. The tension he carried around his mouth and in his eyes was gone, something she had seen in him but rarely. She wanted to brush her thumbs along the smile hovering over his delectable lips, taste his happiness.
A sudden, lurching halt spun her back to her Keeper. "Oh! What of the Rifts? Are they gone as well?"
The light conversation around her halted, everyone turning to stare at Solas. Apparently this was not a question they had asked him.
Keeper sighed wearily, "No, da'len, they remain still. The cataclysmic event that brought around the Breach and the subsequent Rifts will not be so quickly healed."
Ari'elle brought her hand up and stared down at her palm. It no longer hurt or guided her, passive as it had been for most of her life. "And the Anchor?"
Solas frowned, "It still resides inside of you. From what I can tell, though, it is stronger. But it is not stable, if it ever was to begin with. I will need to remove it."
Cullen leaned forward, frowning fiercely. "What do you mean?"
"The longer it remains within her, the more it will start to deteriorate her flesh. If we wait too long, she could lose her hand. Or worse."
Cullen straightened, determination stamped on his strong features. "Then you will remove it today."
"No!" Ari'elle cried, her hand clenching around the invisible magic. "You can't!"
"Ari," Cullen shook his head, frowning fiercely. "It is too dangerous. I can't let you take that risk."
She jerked her chin up, stubborn on this point to perhaps her own detriment. "I have to. No one else will be able to close the Rifts, and I can't let them remain. I have seen what comes from them, what evil is inflicted around them. I just can't selfishly ignore that."
Cullen stood and started pacing. "Perhaps we can somehow force Evangelina to help, then you wouldn't need to…"
"No," Keeper cut in. "Her Anchor was only ever for show. She was never able to close Rifts; the magic would not work as it was intended when paired with a shemlan."
Cullen cursed, his stride speeding up before abruptly stopping, looking down at the seated mage. "How long does she have before it starts to affect her?"
Solas's eyes went distant again, and he spoke slowly. "A year, perhaps a little more. But beyond that… Once the degradation starts, it will only increase in speed."
"Then I will just be very busy this coming year," Ari'elle interjected, "And hope that I can close them all in that time. If not…" she shrugged, feeling a little scared at the prospect. She didn't want to lose her hand, but she couldn't let it drive her.
Dorian sighed from where he lounged, "I suppose that means we will be going too. Oh well. I have always wanted to try living a nomadic life style for months at a time." His eyes twinkled sardonically. "Very… robust, wouldn't you say?"
Ari'elle smiled gratefully. "Thank you, my friend. I would love to have you all join me."
Varric chuckled, "Pretty much our thing now, isn't it? Running around after you, one way or another."
Ari'elle blushed slightly, but laughed at Varric's light tone. He wasn't one to hold a grudge; forgiving her for running away.
"Eh, wait!" Sera noisily pipped up, "I wanna come too! No fair you guys havin' all the adventures!"
"We will have to find the most optimal routes." Cullen muttered, seemingly oblivious to the conversation. "Cut out as much time as possible. I need to send out scouts immediately, coordinate with Leliana." He briskly strode off, absorbed with his internal thoughts.
Ari'elle wet her lips and watched him walk away, a thundercloud on his brow. He was not pleased with the news about her Anchor. Perhaps he had been hoping the Rifts would all have sealed with Corypheus's death. Ari'elle knew she had hoped for such an outcome herself. The news about her short deadline didn't fill her with joy either, although a year seemed like it might just be enough time.
"Come on!" Varric burst to his feet. "With Red now awake, I think it is time for a celebration!" His mischievous smirk in place, Varric reached down a hand to her, "What do you say to some of the good stuff, huh?" He winked, and Ari'elle felt her mood lighten considerably.
"Your private stash?" She grabbed his hand and let him pull her to her feet. "You'd really pull out all the stops?" she teased.
Varric shrugged, "What can I say; I'm a generous guy." A general guffawing laugh rippled around the group, and within minutes there was an impromptu party happening.
Everyone clustered around the fire, more food sizzling and adding delicious aromas to the air. Bull, not to be outdone by Varric, shared his alcohol as well, and soon there was relaxed laughter and joviality filling the clearing. Ari'elle stuffed herself, enjoying the company of those who still considered her a friend. Cullen rejoined them soon enough, but there was still an intenseness about him, and he spoke rarely.
Ari'elle didn't know her liquors yet, but whatever she was drinking was potent in the extreme. No one seemed upset by that fact, but Ari'elle took just a few sips, shaking her head at the fire the burned down her throat. She didn't want to addle herself; she and Cullen were still planning on talking. In her many looks to her human, she saw that he was not drinking either. And he was looking to her just as often.
Some time progressed, the sun sinking behind the trees. Warm dusk crept in, groups ebbing and flowing as the party continued. Ari'elle was standing with one of the old soldiers, sharing a mutual interest in the varying forest animals, when Cullen finally approached her.
"Ari," He spoke softly, but there was a hint of the Commander beneath it all. Ari'elle's heart thumped loudly, and the soldier slipped away discreetly.
Ari'elle looked up at his face, the firelight burnishing little glimmering sparks in his curls, along the stubble of his jaw. For a second she was transported back to the first night she saw him, the night she had fallen in love with him, gazing at his sleeping face light by firelight. Hope, trepidation, and anticipation filled her chest, leaving little room for air. "Yes?" She asked breathlessly.
Cullen's eyes bore into hers, and somehow the noise of everyone else dimmed, faded into the background. "Is there some place we can talk? Just you and me?"
Ari'elle nodded, gulping at the lump in her throat, and turned towards the forest. She heard him fall into step behind her, boot clad feet much heavier than her bare ones. She knew exactly where she would take him.
It was a good walk, the light from the fire disappearing quickly, replaced by moonlight. The further they went, the more distant the sound of the party became until the forest noises were all that was left. Ari'elle could feel his eyes on her, could feel the tension crackling in the air. Her racing heart did not slow in the slightest; there were so many possibilities of what he wanted to say to her, and she couldn't help but imagine each horrible, glorious one.
Finally, they broke into a familiar clearing, and Ari'elle let out a sigh of relief. "Here," she murmured, halting in the middle.
Cullen turned slowly, looking around the grassy area. Was he as nervous about their talk as she was? He zeroed in on the vines creeping up one of the trees, making a beeline to where the large white blossoms were just now starting to unfurl in the bright light of the moon. "Your flowers," He touched a finger to one velvet petal, shaking his head. He leaned in and breathed deeply of the sweet fragrance, and then straightened with a sigh. "I remembered this scent. From the night you saved me from the river."
"You do?" Ari'elle's voice came out too low, surprised and hesitant. He knew now that she had told him the truth? That she had come to his rescue that night, not Evangelina? "But you didn't …"
Cullen turned, strong emotions playing over his moonlight features. "Yes, Ari. I do. It was this scent that finally helped me break the spell Evangelina had over me."
"What?" Horror for him filled her and Ari'elle took an involuntary step forward, her hands reaching out to him before she forcefully stopped herself. She clenched her fists at her side, shaking her head. "You were under a spell? What did she do to you? What happened?"
He stared at her, a tender intensity blazing from him. Ari'elle lost her breath again, tingles running all through her body. Creator's, what a look, she thought in a daze. He took the few steps back to the middle of the clearing to her, his eyes never leaving her as he reached inside his mantle and pulled something from a pocket, resting against his heart. "What happened, Ari'elle, is that you saved me once again."
He deliberately, carefully unfolded a letter. A gasped left her lips; it was her letter! And Cullen had been carrying it around all this time! He opened the last fold, and there, perfectly pressed, lay one of her Moon Flowers. "She tried so hard to force me to do what she wanted, and for far too long she succeeded. I'm sorry, Ari. So sorry that I wasn't able to stop it from the beginning."
Ari'elle's eyes flew up to his, saw the misery and the sorrow burning him inside. "Corypheus said she is possessed with a demon of Obedience." Ari'elle shook her head, wishing she could make his pain disappear. "You couldn't have known. None of us could have known."
He closed his eyes and shook his head. "It is still very difficult for me to remember it all, but I can now. It was like I was locked away, watching my actions through a cloud bank that I could not breech." He folded her letter back, and slipped it safely within once more. "Obedience. That makes sense. She would command me to do something, and I would do it. Sometimes I could break through for moments…
A pang tore through her. Poor Cullen! How awful. That sounded worse than anything she could imagine. He had been aware during it? Stuck within his own body and unable to control his own actions? Cullen was not one to sit idly by; it would have been the worst sort of torment for him. She shivered despite the warm temperature, aching to hold him, to offer comfort. She rubbed her arms instead; she was still unsure if he would receive her touch.
Warm knuckles brushed her chin, gently tilting her face up, his eyes roving over her face. "Most of the time I felt what she wanted me to feel, did what she wanted me to do. But even deep in her clutches, there were some things I refused to do." Ari'elle's lips parted, her heart thundering. "She told me to hate you, but I wouldn't. She told me to kiss her, desire her, and I couldn't."
Ari'elle swallowed hard, her trembling increased. She felt hot and cold all over. Oh Creators, she believed him. She could hear the purity of his words in his voice, growing stronger as he continued. He had no mask up, was hiding nothing from her. Ari'elle licked her lips, her breath coming faster. He hadn't wanted Evangelina? Despite being enchanted with whatever demon magic she had imposed on him?
Cullen's voice softened, but none of the potency left his voice. "She commanded me to love her, but it wasn't possible. Because I was already in love with you."
Ari'elle lost all air, "You love me?" She whispered, her world tilting on its axis. She suddenly felt dizzy, giddy, unable to think.
Warmth shone from him, a soft smile crinkling the corners of his eyes, amber glowing down at her. He moved his palm, cupping her face tenderly. "I love you."
Ari'elle squealed, springing into motion. She jumped, her arms flying around his neck and squeezing him tight. Cullen laughed, the rumble of it vibrating through her own body as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in close. A mixture of laughter and tears was pouring from her. Euphoria, wonder, sheer joy filled all the sad, cold spots hiding in her heart, and Ari'elle held on tightly to her human whom she loved and who loved her.
Somehow they ended up on the ground, Ari'elle sitting in Cullen's lap. She kept her arms locked around him, loath to let him go. For long moments they stayed where they were, Ari'elle savoring the real feel of him, the heady scent of his skin. Cullen seemed just as content to remain, one hand rubbing her back while the other gripped her waist.
Ari'elle's sniff was watery when she finally pulled back, her hands coming up to feel his stubbled cheeks. "You love me." She said wonderingly, savoring his look, the one that made her tingle all over.
"I love you," He nodded, gently brushing away the tears on her cheeks. That look, Ari'elle realized, was love. She bit her lip, trying to hold her smile.
"You're sure?" She asked, threading her fingers through his hair, a mischievous light in her eyes.
Cullen chuckled, shaking his head at her fondly. "I'm sure. How could I not?" He pressed his lips to her cheek. "You are so filled with joy," he moved and kissed her other cheek, "and goodness." He kissed her forehead, "And funny." Each trait was sealed with a kiss, giggles bubbling up from inside her. "Playful, beautiful, compassionate, a natural born temptress, steadfast, loyal…"
Ari'elle couldn't contain herself anymore, laughing as her heart was filled, bursting with happiness. "Enough Cullen! I get it! You love me!"
He nodded, merriment twinkling in his brown eyes, sharing her amusement. "I really do."
Ari'elle licked her lips and wrapped her arms around his neck again, raising herself up to his lips. "And I love you," she breathed, just before she kissed him.
Their kiss was slow, languid. Unhurried brushes of velvet skin and drags of tongue, little sips followed by leisurely exploration. It was relearning each other, savoring the realness of their love's bodies, touch, taste after so long of only having their imagination. Constant ripples of warmth flowed through Ari'elle's frame, her skin tingling with sensation. Each brush of Cullen's mouth made her heart fill more, her chest too small to contain how large it had become. Surely she would burst from the happiness.
She sighed contentedly, a miracle that they had made it this far. But there was a sadness dawning in her as she realized something. "I'm going to miss you horribly when I am gone."
Cullen frowned, "What do you mean?"
"I'll be away for a long time, closing Rifts." She dropped her forehead against his shoulder, sighing even deeper. "It will be so lonely without you."
"I'm coming with you."
Ari'elle's head popped back up, gaping up at him, "Cullen! You can't! You're the Inquisitor!"
His jaw set, he shook his head, "And I can be the Inquisitor while traveling with you. Besides, there is still much to settle around Thedas, I can be just as effective fighting from the front lines as I can be sequestered away in Skyhold."
Ari'elle shook her head, a slow smile creeping back over her face, "You can do that?"
He shrugged, "I already sent word to Leliana and Josephine. If anything drastic comes up, and I have to be at Skyhold, then I will have to make the trip. But I'm going with you, Ari. I almost lost you once. I'm not going to let it come even close to happening again."
"Oh, Cullen," Ari'elle breathed, tears springing to her eyes again. She kissed his cheek, "You are the most thoughtful," She moved to his other cheek, following the pattern he had performed on her, "Amazing," She moved again, feeling him smile, "Brave, kind, handsome, commanding-" Cullen chuckled before he caught her face between his hands and kissed her deeply.
This time, the kiss was different, intense and affirming instead of slow. Ari'elle crowded in close to Cullen's body, pressing her breasts against his chest, grasping onto his shoulders. Cullen bit at her lip, suckling her vallaslin then soothing it with a sweep of his tongue. He held her firmly, and she was overcome.
He licked inside, tangling his tongue with her. Deep kisses, stealing her breath away with the hunger she felt. The hunger he showed her. Ari'elle moaned, loving the feel of him after her fears of never being able to touch him again. She returned the fervor, kissed him back, suckling whatever he let her. A glow built in her core, heated her up with each powerful drive. Ari'elle's nipples pearled, the friction from her clothing not enough. Tension coiled in her belly, and she rocked on his lap, groaning as she felt him hardening, bumping against her clit.
Abruptly Cullen pulled away, panting. He shook his head and closed his eyes, dropping his forehead against hers. "Maybe we should go back now." His voice was throaty, as affected as she was.
"Go back?" Ari'elle almost wined, her pout push out her lip. "But why?" She nipped his chin, licking at the rough scratch of hair, "Don't you want to keep going?"
Cullen groaned, rolling his hips up into her, stroking his erection against her, "You can feel that I do." He sighed and looked down at her, his brows drawn in remorse. "But I have so much to make up for, I think it would be best to take things slow, show you my atonement. I haven't even come close to conveying it. I'm so sorry, my sweet, for all that I did."
Oh, Ari'elle realized, the slight panic she had been feeling disappearing. He felt guilty still. She smiled tenderly, using her fingers to trace the lines on his face. "Cullen, you were under a spell."
He shook his head, countenance unchanged. "I should have fought harder, should have been stronger." He swallowed, anguish a low rasp in his voice. "I should never have treated you that way. I'm sorry Ari. I didn't want to, and yet I allowed her to…"
"Hey," she shook his shoulders gently, "You broke through it, right?" Cullen nodded curtly, his jaw rigid, the deep shadows beneath his eyes even starker. "And you immediately set off to rescue me, right?" He nodded again. "Would you ever fall back under her spell?"
"No!" Cullen almost shouted the affirmation. "No, I wouldn't. She tried, after I finally figured it out, with the help of your flowers. But I wouldn't let her get ahold of me anymore."
"Well, there you go." She dimpled up to him, kissing the corner of his mouth. "You broke through, and you will never fall under the spell again." She kissed the other side, then his dashing scar, just for good measure. "And you saved me. I wouldn't have survived Corypheus and his men without your aid." She pulled back and stared into the warm honey of his eyes. "Saving my life buys you quite a lot of good will, you know," she said with a gentle smirk.
"Don't remind me," he shuddered, cuddling her close again. "Racing after you… it felt like we were moving through molasses. Far too slow. And if it weren't for your Keeper Solas…" He shivered, arms banding her to his chest.
"But it all worked out," Ari'elle soothed, rubbing her hands along his back. "We are here now, together, and I want to make the most of it."
Cullen was still frowning, his hesitation clear. So Ari'elle took a page from his playbook. She smiled slowly, sensually, letting all the desire she felt for him show on her face. Then she leaned up to his ear and whispered, "I want this Cullen. I want to feel your skin against my skin, nothing between us. I want to know that it is just you and me. I want to feel your love, want you to feel mine. I'm wet Cullen, achy and empty. I want you inside of me, moving." Cullen shuddered out a breath, not drawing another in. "Not your fingers or your tongue. I want your cock inside of me," she slowly licked the shell of his ear, and he snapped.
With a growl, Cullen grabbed her around her waist and rolled. Ari'elle gave a breathless laugh, heady power filling her as she sprawled in the grass. Dark hunger was stamped on his handsome face, and she quirked her eyebrows at him, pleased it had worked so well. Pleased, and turned on, another wave of desire crashing over her at the need she read in his eyes.
"Ari, are you sure? I've wanted this for," he shuddered out a breath, a curl falling over his forehead. "A long time. I don't think I would be able to stop."
Ari'elle lifted her hands to his shirt, tugging the material from his pants. "You would if I asked, but I am more than sure." She reared up, kissing him. "I love you."
Their tongues tangled as Cullen worked on her clothes as she worked on his. Within moments Ari'elle shimmied from her pants, her torso already bared. Cullen leaned back, the moonlight lovingly burnishing all his skin silver and Ari'elle traced the scars, circled his belly button, walked her fingers down to where he was struggling with the last fasteners of his trousers.
Jerkily, he got them open, and Arielle helped him peel them down his rock hard thighs, his erection straining from his body. Ari'elle wrapped her hand around the velvet length, slowly moving her hand up and down, flicking her gaze between his cock and the pleasure on his face.
Cullen slowly let out a breath as he leaned forward and guided her back down to the grass, kicking off his pants the rest of the way. His big palms moved over her body slowly, feeling her skin, each bump of her ribs, each soft curve. He was reverent, she thought in a heated daze, and she laid her head back, her eyes closed as she soaked up the affection she could feel. He plucked at her nipples, beading them and brushing little circles around them. She felt each movement down in her core, echoes of heat, a prelude to what she wanted.
Her fingers moved along his shape, teasing hints that whet his appetite even more. "You keep that up," he licked along her neck, open mouth suckles and scrapes of his teeth sending shivers down her spine, "And I won't last long enough to enjoy this."
Ari'elle laughed, and she wrapped her hand around him more firmly, giving him a long, slow tug. His hips surged into her hands, cockhead brushing against her belly. His groan pulsed through the air, and he nipped at the soft skin under her chin.
"That's it," he reared back and tilted her face up to him. His mouth crashed down on hers, tongue and lips stealing the breath from her. Stealing her senses, her mind drifting in the physical sensations he conjured in her. Her hand slackened, and Cullen grabbed both of her wrists, bringing them above her head and shackling them there.
He pulled away with a lingering suck of her lip, and Ari'elle whimpered, tried to follow his gifted mouth, but she couldn't break from the power of his hands. His knees locked hers in place, keeping her from moving her legs any more than sliding against each other. He lifted his chest away, and she arched, trying to touch him, but unable to get any play.
"Please Cullen!" She panted, his dark satisfaction thrilling her, made her wetter, "Touch me!"
His hands flexed around her wrists, smirk spreading wider. "I am touching you." Her mouth watered to taste his scar, tongue the silky curve of that look as it sat so well on his lips. She played at her vallaslin with her teeth, just like she knew he liked. His eyes caught on the dark lines, the smirk dropping away slightly as his attention fixed on her mouth.
Then her hands were held by only one of his, Culen moving so quickly she didn't notice. He braced his elbow on the ground, dropping his chest closer to her. "Touch you like this?" He breathed, his lips just out of range. He extended his tongue, the tip just brushing the single line on her upper lip, before he pulled it back. It was whisper light, almost as if he hadn't touched her at all except for the tingling heat branded there.
"More," she groaned, fixated on his mouth. He smirked again, but ignored her entreaty.
His finger touched the arrow of her vallaslin, tracing down her nose, his thumb brushing across her swollen lips, catching at the plumpness. Ari'elle sucked the only part of him she could reach, flicking her tongue at the tip as she suckled. But he didn't linger, following his path down her chin, down her throat.
She struggled against his grasp, tried to break free. She could see the muscles working in his arms, the beautiful ripple as he held her effortlessly. She grew hotter at the sight, hotter at the display of his strength. She wanted to sink her nails into the cut reliefs, grab at his shoulders, hold onto his upper arms, drag her fingers down ever delicious ridge.
"Or like this?" He flattened his palm and drew it between her breasts, deliberately slow and not actually touching her breasts or where her nipples cried out for attention, tight in the evening air. She surged, watching as best she could, loving the look of his tanned, big hand on her pale skin. Desperately she wiggled, tried to get him to move to her breasts. She puffed out her yes, shifting her hips to stimulate herself, a very weak relief. He watched her face, and shook his head.
"No?" he asked in mock surprise, knowing full well that was the opposite of what she had said. "How about down here?" His hand rotated, fingers dipping into her belly button. A throb of heat made her hips buck, a gasp rushing from her, dropping her head for a second before she quickly raised it again, her eyes trained on his hand. She didn't want to miss a second of this slow, exquisite torture.
"Cullen," she whined, shifting as best she could, trying to rock herself up to where his hand was slowly, far too slowly, inching its way down her belly.
"Or perhaps, you want me to touch you here?" His voice was lower, watching her body move, not unaffected by what she was doing, by what he was doing. Lightly, teasingly, his fingers brushed her lower lips, and Ari'elle keened.
"Yes," she cried out, desperate for his touch. Slowly he moved his whole palm down, so he was cupping her sex, but he did not part her, did not dip into the wetness he had caused.
"Maker," He cursed, "I can feel how hot you are for me." He growled, his cock jerking between their bodies, and his teeth found the sensitive tip of her ear, kissing it.
Ari'elle surged again, rubbing her hips against his hand as best she could. The pressure stimulated her more than anything she had done yet, passion rolling through her, but it was not enough. Desperately she moved faster, and slowly she could feel the coiling heat building in her core. She arched, trying to catch his lips, but Cullen kept just beyond her reach.
She leveled to a plateau where no matter how much she moved, she couldn't reach the climax that was simmering within her. It was just out of reach, and she almost sobbed with how badly she wanted him. "Cullen," she pleaded huskily, jerking her arms against his grip. "Please!"
Broken sounds escaped from her as she futilely struggled more, but he held her firm; his thighs trapping her down, callused hands holding her in place. She was so aroused even the silky hairs on his legs stimulated her sensitive skin, driving her crazy. Ari'elle arched again and cried out, "Fuck me, Cullen! Please!"
He froze, the noise he made a verbal defeat, and anticipation burst through her. Cullen finally moved his legs, splitting her thighs apart. His uneven breath played over her ear, and she moaned in excitement. He was finally going to do it! She wrapped her now free legs around his hips, lifting herself up and brushing against his cock, but it was the wrong angle. A small amount of pre-come smeared across her belly, and she cried out in frustration.
"Ari, just," Cullen groaned, grabbed her hip and settled her back down to the ground. He released her wrists and immediately she grabbed onto his shoulders, bringing herself up to his mouth, twining her tongue with his. "Must prepare you." He panted out, but Ari'elle hardly heard him. He reached back down, and finally parted her swollen lips.
She cried out at the first touch of his fingers against her clit, pleasure tingling up her spine. Cullen groaned as he shifted his fingers down and dipped into her wetness, feeling how ready she was for him even without his preparation. But he was undeterred, and he slipped a finger inside. He pressed in slowly, knowing that he had entered her with fingers before, but this time was different. She couldn't feel pain from this; it would break him if he hurt her any further.
So slowly, oh so slowly, Cullen pushed and pulled, feeling her desperately clench around him. He added a second finger, and Ari'elle was exquisitely aware of the movement, her hips rocking as much as he would allow her to. "Cullen," she moaned, sliding one knee along his hip, "More."
He swallowed hard, then slowly worked in a third finger. Ari'elle felt the delicious stretching, the invasion almost what she wanted, but not quite there. Cullen eased in and out, his fingers gently brushing against that spot inside her with each pass, but not pressing. She couldn't keep her eyes open, blinking to catch little glimpses of his face, the intense desire as he watched himself work his fingers inside her, the erotic play of his hand between her thighs. She was wet, still so wet, the speed he picked was not enough, his fingers not enough, and Cullen was deliberately avoiding too much stimulation.
Her begging fell on deaf ears, Cullen shaking his head periodically, expression strained. Finally, Ari'elle could not stand it anymore and she grabbed his cock again. She moved her hand on him at the same too slow speed he was inflicting on her. "Cullen, I'm dying. Give me everything," she moaned out, demanding.
Cullen shuddered and withdrew his fingers. He wrapped his slick hand around himself, gently dislodging her grasp. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. Ari'elle watched down her body as Cullen lifted one of her legs and pulled it up and out. She felt her lower lips part, cool air tingling against where she burned.
"Look at you," his voice pure gravel as he stared down at her. "Wet, open for me. Pink and pouty and so delicious," he licked his lips, and Ari'elle swore she could feel his tongue move along her cleft. Cullen shifted, and he finally brushed his cock through her wetness, blunt head bumping against her entrance.
"Yes," she gasped, eyes slamming shut. Just the feel of him gently probing at her core sent her temperature soaring, and she knew she wasn't going to last much longer.
"Ari," He growled, "look at me." Hazily she opened her eyes and met his gaze, saw the naked desire blowing his pupils wide, how taught his features were. But there was also love blazing from him, an affection she shared in equal measures. "Thank you," he breathed, and kissed her.
At the same time, he slowly pushed inside. The both groaned at the feel, sharing breaths as Cullen pulled out a tiny ways and pushed back in. He moved in this way, coating himself in her wetness and sliding in a little bit more each time. She yielded easily, undulating at the feel of being filled, whole. Of being stretched, all the muscles that had been clamping down on nothing finally grasping his cock. And it was glorious.
With one last shuddering push, Cullen was seated fully inside. He held himself still, breathing hard and trying to catch his breath as Ari'elle continued to shift and tighten around him. He shook his head and dropped down to her chest, sucking at one nipple then the other. Ari'elle cried out, fingers sinking into his curls. Each time he sucked, he rolled his hips, grinding inside her, finally rubbing her clit.
She burned up with sensation. She loved all the other things that they had done together, but this was… everything. All of it wrapped together in one. Powerful, addicting, and she rapidly raced to the cliff's edge. With a scream, Ari'elle dove out into the stars, climaxing and soaring through the waves of pleasure cresting through her.
"Oh, fucking Maker," Cullen cursed, clenching his teeth so hard he felt his jaw would break. He tore fistfuls of grass as he fought to keep himself from pounding into Ari'elle, her climax flowing and squeezing around him. Sweat beading on his forehead as he scrapped at the last of his willpower, desperate to not lose control. Slowly Ari'elle came down, trembling and breathless. He surged his hips once, and she moaned again as it triggered a minor tremor to pulse through her again.
Ari'elle languidly opened her eyes, still keenly aware of where Cullen's cock jerked inside her, insistent and in no way done. He held himself rigidly, eyes closed, barely breathing. A satisfied smirk played on her lips, and she brought her hands to his mouth, tracing his open lips, feeling his panting exhilations. "Creators Cullen," she whispered, "That was… amazing."
His eyes popped open, his hunger so intense it sent a frisson through her. "Perfect," he growled, and he let himself go. His hands snapped to her hips, lifting them for a better angle, raising himself onto his knees. One hand wrapped around her hips, the other slamming to the ground beside her head, and he finally pulled out, leaving just the tip inside of her. His hips pressed back in, and Ari'elle gasped at the thrusting sensation, blunt head of him dragging along her still sensitive ridges. He growled, teeth bared, watching where his cock slowly slid worked into her faster and faster.
Each powerful thrust pushed the air from her lungs, thumping sensations perfectly synched with his. The pleasure she had thought was dissipating built rapidly again, and she groaned constantly. Sweat dripped from Cullen, beads splashing on her breasts, the cooler air making her nipples bead even harder, crying out for attention. She palmed her breasts, her fingers too soft, not like his, but loving as each twist caused more sparks to spiral down to her core.
Cullen reared back, grabbing both of her hips, fingers digging into her skin. He slammed into her, his thrusts growing tighter, more uncontrolled. Ari'elle cried out as this angle made him drive directly against a spot inside of her. She arched, pushing into him as much as possible, feeling him grow even harder, bigger.
Cullen brought his fingers to her clit and rubbed furiously. It was the last straw for her, and her arms dropped lax, a scream tearing from her as this climax tore through her, just as powerful as her last. Cullen felt her rippling squeezes along his length, and his hips stuttered, restraint breaking, and he roared. His orgasm strung him taught, hips jerking as he spilled inside her. Pleasure blanked his mind, the only thing staying with him that he and Ari'elle had come at the same time. They were finally one.
Ari'elle was boneless, unable to move as Cullen slowly came to his senses, hips still moving feebly in her warmth, chasing the last wrings of pleasure. His breaths were raw as he panted, slowly sliding down so that they were chest to chest. He carefully worked his hands under her and with a groan rolled so he was on his back, Ari'elle splayed across his chest.
She mumbled sleepily, after-tingles racing through her as he shifted, pulling from her. Her head lay on his chest, listening to his racing heart slowly calm, feeling his breathes even out. She was exhausted and she knew that Cullen must be too. She could feel slumber dragging her down, but there was one last thing she needed to do.
She took a few bracing breaths, then heaved her body up. Cullen opened his eyes partially, his features relaxed, looking very satisfied and happy. Carefully she placed her lips on his, kissing him tenderly, adoringly. "I love you, vhenan."
Golden warmth blazed up at her, her heart again so full it almost hurt. Softly he brought a hand up and brushed the back of his fingers along her cheek, cupping her jaw and brushing his thumb along her lower lip. "I love you too, Ari."
She kissed him again, softly. A bubble of laughter broke from her and Cullen quirked his brows, his smile never leaving his face. "What's so funny?"
"Do you know," she punctuated her words with little pecks along his jaw, "That we have come full circle?"
"Oh yeah?" His other hand settled on her waist, drawing little wandering figures along her skin.
"This is where I was just before I saw you for the first time, watching the Moon Flowers open. I heard your voice, the fighting, and I raced to you."
Cullen's affectionate amusement was obvious, and he lazily shook his head in mock exasperation. "Of course you did. You are fearless."
She grinned impishly. "I fell in love with you there, as you put your men first. As you stood against demons, strong and brave, fearless yourself."
He leaned up, kissing her, then collapsed back with a sigh. "I'm not sure when I fell in love with you." His eyes took on a distant quality, remembering. "You tormented me first, drove me out of my mind with lust." Ari'elle smirked, but let him continue. "Before I knew it, I looked for you everywhere, wanted to talk to you all the time. I would wonder what you would say, or how you would react." He shook his head, "You were so fascinating to me, even from the beginning, I should have known it was only a matter of time before you stole my heart."
Emotion pulled tears to her eyes, sent one skimming down her cheek. She was overwhelmed, unable to do anything more than kiss him with all the love she felt.
Wordlessly she settled back down against his chest, and together they sighed. Ari'elle could scarcely believe that her grand adventure had led her here, to this moment, with Cullen's arms around her, languid from their love. She breathed deeply, and the delicate perfume of the Moon Flower wafting through the air. She smiled as she fell asleep, knowing that she and Cullen would have so many more adventures ahead of them.
High above their heads, four snowy white owls swooped in on silent wings. The alighted on a branch, big yellow eyes staring down at the couple now asleep in the moonlight. They tilted their heads, seeing more than what was there evident, looking deep into the bright souls glowing with happiness, knowing things would be alright for the two bound together.
They departed one by one, silently disappearing once more into the moonlit night.