![]() Author has written 14 stories for Naruto, Gakuen Alice, Inuyasha, Sekirei, Skip Beat!, Fairy Tail, and X-Men: The Movie. Well for an profile I don't know what to put cuz the rules say no personal info, but then again it also says no sex scenes and their are plenty of those in stories- so fuck it. My name is... not gonna say because I hate it with a passion, but if I changed it i'd had to listen to my family bitch and they do THAT enough as it is... so SakuraFairy is the best you're gettin', which goes with my email- SakuraFairy1990@. My age... at the moment 29. My location... Rennselaer County, NY, USA My birthday... December 12th. My likes... animals, pizza, tomato soup, Subway, and learning(I know it's wierd but I love school) My dislikes... hypocrites, cheaters, liars, olives(they are gross and feel like your swallowing worms), being poor as hell. My hobbies... reading, writing, baking, cooking, go for walks. My dreams for the future... dote on my neices and nephews, maybe college if I can (Not a likely thing) My favorites books,stories, manga, anime, movies, etc. ... Harry Potter, Twilight, Naruto, Bleach, InuYasha, No. 6, Special A, Rizzoli & Ilses, Bones, Without A Trace, MacGyver, Murder She Wrote, Matlock, Little House on the Prairie, Charmed, Gakuen Alice, Code: Breaker, High School of the Dead, Briana, Hellion, Castle, Elementary, Primeval, Primeval: New World, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, anything from Hannah Howell & Lynsay Sands; I could go on forever really. I just want everyone to know that I apologize for the long spans of time between my story updates I have ADD and my mind likes to skip around alot so I work on each of my stories a little at a time, which is why I don't post many oneshots becuz they are still works in progress. |