
Remnant's shattered moon illuminated the courtyard of Beacon, all the students were in their beds and only Glynda Goodwitch patrolled in this cloudless night. She was just going to the foot of Ozpin's Tower when a emerald green flash at the foot stopped her in her tracks. Her eyes widened as two figures appeared before her. One she recognized easily as the graduating Huntress Ruby Rose, the young adult had her limbs wrapped tight around a tall man with shaggy silver hair. Both were wearing strange black leather armour, and both carried a sword clearly custom made. There sudden appearance stunned Glynda into stillness and silence.

Ruby removed her face from Oz's neck, she could feel his cold breath on her check and knew he was still in his Fae shape. She looked up and saw the cracked moon she had dreamed off, her chest swelled. "We're home love."

Oz cracked his eyes open, he found he could see easily in the night as if it was day. He saw the foot of his tower and found his neck craning back to see the rest. He smiled and purred, tightening his grip on Ruby and kissing her cheek.

The Silver eyed maiden giggled and turned to kiss him properly. Her thumbs petting his shoulders as she let him lead the kiss, she could feel his claws receding as the adrenaline of fleeing Wonderland faded.

"Ozpin?!" Glynda said the word slipping from her mouth as she stared in complete shock at the pair.

The kiss broke with an audible wet sound and the pair's gaze snapped to Glynda in unison. Ruby felt Oz's claws return as he started to tense up under her, his skin paled again with frost. Oz's heart hammered in his chest as he put Ruby down, though he wanted to run away with her again. He swallowed and took a step towards Glynda extending his hands for a moment. "Glynda! Uh, I can explain." Blush dusted his snow white cheeks.

Glynda stared at the white blue claws of ice from his finger tips, saw the frost drift off his body her eyes tracked upwards to his alien feline eyes, a bright gold with green. She took a step away from him raising her riding crop. "Who are you?" Her brain refused to see this creature before her as Ozpin.

"Glynda please, you know who I am." Oz glanced down at his hands and saw the claws, he quickly tucked them behind his back.

This was not going well, Ruby walked up and looped an arm through Oz's it came so easily to her now and pulled him to face her. His brows flew up and she stood on her toes and pressed her body against his, running her hands over his chest up to his shoulders. "You need to calm down, you're scaring her."

"Ruby!" Oz's hands came up and he fought against the urge to hug her for a moment before giving in.

"She already knows, so you might as well take the opportunity we have." She leaned up and kissed his neck, the frost disappearing under her lips. "Soo shhh," She cooed just as she had when he was growling at the Red Queen. "We're safe, calm down, you're magic will stop acting up when you do. Focus on me."

Oz couldn't help but obey dipping his head to rest his cheek against hers and closed his eyes. He breathed deeply of her scent, so calming and familiar he kissed her cheek and Ruby turned her head to kiss him again.

Glynda watched in silence as the two embraced, she couldn't help but notice as the ice claws retracted oh so slowly, the ice faded from his skin it returning to its normal colour. Finally when they parted on their own this time, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as the copper eyes of her friend were back. She approached as quietly as her heels allowed and Oz looked over to her, his grip tightening on his partner. He stared her down, his eyes flicking over to feline for one moment before returning to normal as Ruby nuzzled his neck.

The fact that it was Ruby was calming Oz was not lost on the elder woman. It was far from appropriate or acceptable, but she wanted the full story before she passed judgement. "I think we should head up to your office." Glynda said she had a feeling anyone else catching these two would not be near so forgiving.

Ruby drew away and Oz very reluctantly let her go but had to smile when she wove their fingers together standing beside him. As they walked into the tower Oz's mind was going into overdrive, would Glynda try to take Ruby from him? Winter rose up in him and frost started to creep over his skin, that was never happening. He's sooner drop everything and run with her then let that happen. Well he'd rip Cinder's heart out first. Wow, what the heck? He shook his head trying to banish that thought, where had that come from?! Yeah he was going to kill her but that was a bit savage, he could do it much more cleanly.

As they got into the elevator Ruby could feel the cold coming from Oz but it didn't not bother her. Glynda on the other hand stood as far away as she could to avoid the dipping air temperature. She watched as Ruby pulled Oz to her and into another kiss, again the cold dwindled but didn't fade away entirely.

The door dinged open and Ozpin was out of the cramped space instantly, he worried what Glynda was going to say or do? What had happened to his school while he had been gone, how long had it been? At least his office was the same, though found he couldn't sit still. Didn't want to sit still, he started pacing back and forth before the windows. His eyes turned gold and to a cat's again, he looked through his glasses and got a headache almost instantly. He yanked them off and put them on his desk as Ruby and Glynda walked into the room.

Glynda stayed back as the temperature started to dip through the whole room. She could see fog when she exhaled, just what had happened to Ozpin? Watching him was very worrying. What had happened to her calm collected Headmaster? The man before her felt wild and dangerous, she hugged herself trying to keep warm.

Ruby walked straight up to Oz and grabbed his hands. "You need to calm down, or you're gonna turn Professor Goodwitch into Prof-si-cle."

Ozpin laughed a smile blooming over his face and his cheeks heating. "Sorry." The magic calmed slightly, Ruby pulled him over to his chair pushed him into it which caused another chuckle then sat across his lap resting her head on his chest.

"Where have you been what happened? It's been a month." Glynda chose not to comment on Ruby's position, the temperature in the room was crawling upward again, she'd take that as a good sign.

"Would you believe me if I said a neighboring dimension filled with magic? That I learned my father was from there, that my mother journeyed there?" Oz let out a sigh of relief, only a month for them, that was good. He couldn't help but smile thinking back over his time in the Library. "I learned I have a full name."

"It's not Ozpin?" Glynda asked, come to think of it he had never given them more in the past. Had he just not known?

"Ozpin Blackstone Valen." Ozpin liked how the syllables rolled off his tongue. He lifted his hand and whispered. "Flickum bicus." A small orange fire leaping to life in his palm before it turned white and blue. Oz frowned feeling his magic twist in him, he did not like this new magic of Winter. It did whatever it liked with him the unwitting conduit. "I learned there that I have magic from both sides of my family and that Ruby has it as well. She is Summer Court Fae while I am Winter Court Fae."

Glynda's mind was spinning with all the new information, she gestured at the two of them. "So it's Ruby's magic that keeps you from… changing."

Oz shoved his bangs back with a hand, he really needed to get a cut. "After a fashion, this whole cold thing is new as of around five minutes, I don't know what's going on. It's been two months for us." He bit his lip, he wasn't sure what to say or how to explain what he had with Ruby. There was the obvious truth, but it probably wouldn't be so obvious to Glynda.

Ruby piped up. "Magic is tied to and powered by a person's physical stamina and emotions. You freaked him out, so he started to panic hence the magic running amok. We just came from running from our lives so we were both full of adrenaline. More magic rising as a response, we've been together long enough that I can calm him down." She leaned up and kissed his jaw, reaching up to trace along his jaw.

Glynda found herself taking in the details of Ozpin more, his hair was longer but it was his skin that caught her attention. Not one worry or age line, it glowed with youth in a strange way. His hair shined silver rather than a muted grey, she reflected on how fast he moved getting out of the elevator how he paced, coiled and the sharp powerful movements in the simplest of actions. He had yet to even mention his cane, he sure didn't need it. She shivered, yes her Ozpin had not come home, now she had to learn a new young, wild one with next to no control over his magic.

She turned her attention to Ruby, the changes within her were not so obvious, again her hair was longer falling past her shoulders how rather than at them with a little more curl in her red waves. Her cheeks were sharper as if she hadn't been getting enough to eat, whatever had happened to her had removed the last remnants of baby fat from her cheeks. She looked like she'd fit in upon her peers at her gradation now, something had hardened her. Though Glynda mused, not in a bad way, like Ozpin Ruby moved different, more grace, more power though it was much better hidden. Clearly her magic wasn't turning her inside out the same way Ozpin's was. Glynda rubbed her eyes, she still had so many questions so many terms she hadn't understood even if the truth to their words was staring her in the face. "I take it you two are… engaged?" It was the nicest word she could think of for an affair with a student.

"Not yet, but as soon as I can figure out a way to get a ring without the whole city knowing we will be." Oz said casually dipping his head so he could kiss Ruby's forehead.

Ruby pulled away from him her jaw dropping. "You didn't mention wanting that to me!"

Ozpin's eyebrows rose then he blushed brightly. "Oops." He had not thought before speaking, he just took Glynda's word choice and jumped on it. He bit his lip worrying it, looking into her eyes then down at the floor then back up again. His bangs falling forward to hide his eyes as his cheeks turned crimson. "Uh, will you?" He asked softly, feeling very nervous and rather happy he could hide behind his bangs as he peered out from under them.

Ruby covered her mouth with both hands not completely able to muffle her happy squeak. Her eyes wide as she stared at him, she wasn't sure they would be able to keep it up in Remnant but that he was asking her this at all. Set all her fears to rest, they'd make it work, they'd find a way. Her heart swelled with joy and she pounced on him with a chorus of. "Yes, yes, yes!" Weaving her hands into his hair and kissing him for all her worth.

Oz let out a barely audible, "Ooof." as Ruby clobbered him, his hands going instinctively to her waist. Parting his lips and letting her command the kiss, his brain was still trying to catch up with the fact she said yes. It had just kinda slipped out, not that he regretted that, no siree. They both forgot about Glynda for a long minute, but when Oz pulled her down straddling his crotch and flexed upwards. Ruby only just managed to abort the moan when Glynda coughed. They broke apart and blushed in unison when it occurred to them they were making out like a pair of very randy teenagers. Well they were a pair of astoundingly horney engaged young adults, so it still fit.

A smile pulled at Glynda's lips, she would have never guessed it but they were cute together. "Why don't you two start from the beginning." With a flick of her riding crop she summoned a chair from the corner of the room.

Cheshire "Well this is a surprise."
. . .
Cheshire "Hello? Is anyone there? Well I suppose the girls are busy."
Ardy & Kry "We're here!"
Cheshire "Wonderful. Very nice to see you both again and so soon too."
Kry "Here we are everyone, 'Ripples' is the second story in the series."
Ardy "We hope you enjoy the first chapter and thank you for all the support from 'Ruby in Wonderland'"