Who here hates when school messes with your plans and times when you want to update your stories? Well, me too. I've even created a little jingle:

If you hate your classes and you know it, clap your hands. *clap, clap*

If you hate your classes and you know it, clap your hands. *clap, clap*

If you hate your classes and you know it, and you ain't afraid to show it, if you hate your classes and you know it, clap your hands. *clap, clap*

Well, now that that's out of my system then I hope none of you are too mad at me with this update being a couple days later than expected. School work really messes with things, AND SO DOES HAVING THE FANFICTION SITE DOWN (UGH SO FRUSTRATING!), but I'm happy I am finally able to get this out.

Disclaimer: nothin' mine, but da plot line.

Now here's the promised complimentary chapter!

Laxus watched as Lucy turned away from him to head downstairs, his eye brow twitching with each step she took. I'm a traitor now? Even though she had asked him to go down to the bar with her and help, he knew he had to stay with his team. But a TRAITOR? And I'm going to pay?! Dammit. He did not want to know what was in store for him later, he could already tell that if Lucy was the one behind a plan, that it will be played out to the end no matter what it took, so he was not looking forward to whatever it was going to be. Also, he didn't like how he didn't know when he was going to "pay." Maybe he could change her mind into giving a pleasurable punishment? One involving their lips. Maybe some tongue too? But that was probably pushing his luck.

With an inaudible sigh escaping his lips, he turned his focus back to his team. He was wary. Guarded. Determined.

He was not going to allow his walls to rebuild themselves because of his team, whatever they may throw at him. He had promised Lucy that he would try his best, as much as he hated doing so, he knew Lucy only had good intentions and that she was right in trying to get him to open himself more to at least his guild mates. So he was determined to go through with this interrogation from Team Body Guards, as he liked to call them, and try to keep an open mind.

Seeing as Laxus' attention was back on them, Freed was the first to speak up again. Being the leader came with more responsibilities, making him the one to start the conversation to ensure Laxus' image would not be hurt and that this was the best choice for the man they all adored. "Laxus, you promise that you are quite fine and also okay with this and her nickname for you? Because if not then then I can talk to her about it in a civilized manner and ask her to refrain from calling you such an atrocious name."

Immediately Laxus let out a low growl, and it only increased in sound when he heard Lucy's "shut up" echo around the guild from downstairs. He had heard the chatter of the girls down by the bar as Freed spoke, but he didn't listen to what they were saying, but it must have irked Lucy quite a bit if she resorted to yelling.

But the fact that had him growling the most was what Freed had said to him. He brought up how he was feeling once again, when he was sure that he had made it clear minutes before that he was fine and that he could act any damn way he pleased. Also, Freed would talk to his girlfriend and ask her to refrain from calling him Sparky? What the actual fuck? Lucy was his girlfriend, and as much as being called Sparky annoyed him at first, it was almost cute how Lucy would say it with attitude since she knew it would get a small rise out of him. But if he had a real problem with it, then he would be the one to talk to her about it. Laxus may not be the one to come to for dating advice, but he did know that if there was a problem within the relationship, then it was the two dating that were supposed to talk about it and fix the problem, not send some mediator to solve what was wrong.

Laxus watched as Freed almost unnoticeably moved back in his seat throughout his growl, and it made him a tiny bit happier to know that the man understood already that speaking in such a way was bound to get him in some trouble. Finally he cut off the rumbling going through his chest and gave a hard glare to the team sitting in front of him, he needed them to know that he was going to be completely serious and that they needed to fully understand what he was going to say. "I told you once already that I am fine. Get that through your thick skulls that that is the truth. Next, you will not be speaking to Lucy down there about what she calls me. If I have any problem whatsoever it will be me who talks to her, not any-fucking-one else."

In the silence that ensued his rough answer, they all could hear what Cana said to Lucy downstairs, "My dear, Lucy, who knew you were into the dominating type. Tell me, how good is he in bed? I've always wondered what possibilities his particular brand of magic could bring."

Laxus groaned, but with widening eyes watched throughout what the card mage was saying his team's reaction. Ever diverted her eyes, and opened her fan to flutter in front of her face, a nearly imperceptible blush staining her cheeks. Bickslow's tongue lolled out of his mouth with a pervy shit-eating grin to go along with it, but it was Freed's reaction that he was dreading. The green haired man's mouth slowly started to gap open, eyes unfocusing and widening into saucers as the implications entered his mind, and the half choke, half screech that left his mouth made Laxus wince.

The unfocused eyes then turned to Laxus, "Laxus! You wouldn't try-"

He was not able to finish though, as Bickslow was his ever faithful self and had to insert his own comment, "Laxus, man, I knew you had it in you!"

Not letting the matter continue on its crash course, Laxus let out one more threatening growl. It almost amazed him how his team bounced back from the reserved states he put them in with his first growl, to question him about what he did in bed. Though he had not ever tried doing anything with lightning to a girl, he didn't think they would appreciate it since his team already felt weird about his ability to warm them up through a shock. Though, now thinking about it, Lucy had proved to quite enjoy what his magic had to offer the night before, so he would probably have to look into the possibilities he could come up with later on. But first, he had to set his team straight once again.

Laxus breathed in a deep breath, closed his eyes, and let it out slowly. It would not get him anywhere to constantly be annoyed with his team and reprimanding them for they would say to him. Patience is key. Patience is virtue. I will keep my calm. Opening his eyes once more, he eyed his team with a blank expression. "My relationship is exactly what it sounds like, my relationship. What I do in private is not your business unless it directly influences you or anyone else. Is that clear?" His gruff question was answered by three nodding heads. "Good."

"Laxus," Evergreen started, finally closing her fan and resting it on her lap, "you must understand that as weird as your smiling and laughing is odd for us, we just want to watch out for you as much as you do for us. We want to make sure the girl is not after your name, title, or anything else. She has to prove that she is deserving of you." She gave a huff, opened her fan once again, and fluttered it, seeming to be finished with putting her two cents into the situation

Must exercise patience, biting her head off won't do me any good. Must exercise patience, biting her head off won't do me any good. The mantra was repeated in Laxus' mind until he felt calm enough to respond, but right as he opened his mouth, Cana's loud drunken voice reached them once again, "yeah, it appears our guilds number one jerk may have a soft side he doesn't show to the rest of us."

The scowl that appeared on Laxus' face was enough to get his team backing up in their seats. They knew that look meant that his was angered and it didn't bode well to have his mood turn any more sour. The Raijinshuu just hoped the lightning mage didn't take his anger out on them, they were already testing his short temper, but they were only doing their job.

But then Lucy's harsh voice responded before Laxus could do anything, "don't call him a jerk around me, I suppose he can act like one sometimes but he really isn't that bad if you just sit down and have a normal conversation with him. I bet everyone can attest to the fact that Laxus has changed dramatically since the time he was excommunicated. He is not the same jerk who made up the Battle Royale. He is completely trustworthy now and is one of the most faithful nakama you can find out in the world now. Or did you forget how he defended us against his father's guild during the Grand Magical Games?" There was a pause, and then a quieter voice came from the blonde, "sorry, that was uncalled for. To answer your question, Levy, I was just thinking about how much I already enjoy being with Laxus. He has already proven that he is a great guy and is really sweet to me. I suppose now that I have seen that side of him I am a little protective over how people see him. We have just connected in a way that leaves me happy and I want to continue making him happy so I can see his smile he doesn't show anyone else."

Laxus froze in his seat. Lucy had just mentioned one of the major royal fuck-ups he committed, but that was not what he focused on. He focused on the fact that Lucy said he was one of the most faithful and trustworthy nakama. That alone made his heart start pounding faster. The fact that Lucy believed this was enough for Laxus to catch himself from building up his walls again. He could hear the conviction in Lucy's voice that she truly believed what she had said. How could he not be touched by her saying these things and defending him? In all honesty, if anyone was to truly not trust him, it would be her. His past transgressions against Lucy should have added up to her being the most wary around him. Hell, he said he wouldn't help out with the Phantom Lord incident because she didn't become his girl at the time, then during the time he tried taking over Fairy Tail, she was one of the girls he had turned into stone, he shot lightning right next to her frozen form, and had his arm draped over her shoulders when he threatened to shatter all the girls. Shit, I still don't know what I was thinking then. How could I have been so stupid? He liked to think that he would have never truly gone through with his threat back then, but if for some reason he had, then he would have lost Lucy due to his recklessness, the one girl who has seen through his façade and opened him up.

Laxus' mood started turning more and more depressed as he continued to think about all he had done to Lucy in the past. How could she, of all people, forgive him completely with everything he had done to her? Sure, he was a better man now. Yeah, he could now proudly defend his guild. But even so, what right did he have to be with Lucy? Ever had said that Lucy had to prove that she deserved to be with him, but the real question was: did he, himself, truly deserve to be with Lucy?

One timid voice reached through Laxus' mind, "um, Lucy, you said you were happy, but I want to make sure he really treats you well." The shy voice of Wendy broke through his thoughts and he strained his ears to ensure he heard what Lucy said. "Really, really, Wendy. He wants to make me happy just like I want to make him happy." Lucy's warm voice did not hesitate once when she answered.

And just like that, the stupor Laxus had put himself in was shattered. She believes I treat her well. I make her happy. She finds me trustworthy and faithful. She understands and has forgiven me. She wants to make me happy just as much as I want to make her happy. She really does care. That's right, it doesn't matter to her what he had done in the past, she had forgiven him long ago for what he had done, and was also the first to recognize that he was trying to change himself to become a person that his guild mates could depend upon again. How could he forget such a thing? That Lucy was a beacon of light to all that had lost their way. How could he have not seen this sooner? How could he have passed over all of her smiles she had given him these past months, the clear eyes that looked at him without fear?

It didn't matter what to her that he had committed crimes, all that mattered to her now was showing the world who he truly was; the caring man on the inside who cherished his guild. He may not be the softest person around or the one to openly show his love for his guild, but that did not mean he didn't care. Lucy realized this out of everyone he was around, she figured out that he was struggling with his inner demons and still continued to do so. She challenged him to open up. She didn't care if he deserved her or not, she just wanted to make him happy and to be with him. And that was all that Laxus knew he needed to know to realize that he could let go of his past and what he had done to the guild. He would try to forgive himself, but not forget. He had learned important lessons from what he had done, but now he could feel another small portion of the walls he had built crumble from Lucy's short reassurance to Wendy.

How can such a short response ease my mind? This was the only question running through his mind until he mentally face-palmed, of course, it's because Lucy is Lucy. She does things her own way and doesn't let anyone else tell her what to believe. She truly is the light of Fairy Tail. And she really is mine. That one thought brought a pause to Laxus' inner ramblings. She's mine. That thought. That one thought made his heart skip a beat, almost as if he was just now realizing who his girlfriend truly was.

Laxus was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't realize that his harsh scowl had turned into a slightly despairing look, then into a soft smile during the time he had heard Cana's remark to Lucy's response to Wendy. Bickslow, Evergreen, and Freed all recognized that they truly had nothing to worry about with Lucy being with Laxus. How could they forget what type of person Lucy was? She was the branded beacon of light for Fairy Tail, the light of the guild.

Bickslow looked at his longtime friend and let his face melt into a small smile for the man. Laxus had been there for him for so long that it had seemed like he had always known the lightning mage. He had found him when he first lost control of his magic and brought him back to reality. He was there when he found his first soul and helped him through learning about his magic and the possible dangers that could come with not training himself to be a master Seith Mage. Never once did the man try to turn his back when Bickslow made multiple mistakes while tripping and stumbling to learn his magic. No, the man held firm in his friendship and this earned Bickslow's undying faith and trust. No matter what, Bickslow would always be there for Laxus, just as the man was for him. So now that he finally found a girl that could bring such a smile to the usually stoic man, he couldn't possibly be against their relationship. He would be there to support them even if it was with his pervy comments. Laxus deserved the happiness Lucy already showed to bring out of him, unless the relationship took a turn for the worst, Bickslow would be content to sit back and enjoy the carefree person Laxus was turning out to be. You deserve this man.

Evergreen's eyes widened as she took in the soft smile on Laxus' face. So it's the girl bringing this side out of him, huh? When Evergreen had joined the guild, she had naturally believed herself to be the queen of the fairies, her magic represented her position and she had the poise to be the queen, no matter how many people saw Erza as Titania. But it was Laxus who had become her friend and put up with her haughty attitude. He was the one to bring her into a group of mages that took her for who she was, not caring to question how she saw herself, but instead supported her. It was Laxus who continued to be her friend through growing up that brought her to trust him completely. He was the big brother she never had, and though he may not show how much he cared all the time, he had always looked after her. She would never betray the man sitting in front of her, he had done too much for her and that was why she had followed him in his endeavors. But never had he shown the soft side of himself, the one who laughed and smiled without a care, before today. So who could blame her for being wary and thinking something was off? But now she realized it was Lucy who brought it out of him. The girl was somehow able to pull Laxus from his stubborn self and opened him just enough to show them all that he was more than the façade he put up for everyone to see. How could she be wary of his odd behavior and ask if Lucy was deserving of Laxus? If Lucy was able to produce such a soft smile on Laxus' face then that was all Evergreen needed to care about. She just might be alright for you, Laxus.

Once Laxus' expression shifted into a soft smile, Freed pulled himself upright in his chair and resigned himself to what has come. Freed had once known the life of the sophisticated, it was partially why he was who he was today. But he had quite that life without consequence and became the Fairy Tail mage he was now. Coming to such a rambunctious guild had been a large step for Freed when he was so young, he didn't know exactly how to act when there were many rules to follow and an exact way to present himself. Then Laxus found him one day, sitting in the middle of a guild fight with a book on his lap that he was reading, not caring for the chaos happening around and above him. He had taken him to his table and that was what began the respect Freed had for the man today. His magic relied on rules and poise, it was Laxus who provided him the means to grow and have people to depend upon in an unknown world to him. The sophisticated air about him Freed was never able to drop, but Laxus never once tried to reprimand or change him for it. He took him in as he was and trusted him to have his back in fights. He even accepted his Darkness Magic, which was considered a taboo and also forbidden. Many people feared such magic and would turn Freed away if they ever found out about it, but not Laxus. He was one of the few that continued to be his friend and helped him control the demon part of his magic. How could Freed question Laxus after the devotion the man had shown him within all the years of standing next to one another?

With the smile that was now showing on Laxus' face, Freed understood why Laxus was acting the way he was. Truly, it wasn't acting at all, Laxus was finally allowing himself to let go of the anger and remorse he held against himself with Lucy by his side. Lucy truly was the light of Fairy Tail, and Freed had noticed that she was one of the first few that had forgiven them for the Battle Royale. Now that he was noticing that she was a good influence for one man he trusted the most, he couldn't possibly think to get between their relationship. This was what was truly best for Laxus and Freed would welcome this change with an open mind. He could only wish he was one of the few that was able to get Laxus to realize that he was a good person and deserved the happiness he was now showing. Laxus, you truly are worthy of everything Lucy can bring to you and she is truly deserving of you. I will continue to stand by your side as your friend and watch as you finally become the man you yourself can be proud of.

Laxus was completely oblivious to what his friends were thinking but finally caught what he was doing and brought his expression back to being stern. Finally focusing back on his team he spoke once more, "I understand that you all are just watching out for me, thank you for that," he ignored the surprised expressions he received from such a statement. He wasn't one known to thank people much, "but it doesn't matter who's deserving of whom, Lucy and I are together and that is that. I will not tolerate any ill attitude or intent towards Blondie down there, and I will shock you on the ass if you upset Blondie with anything you say to her or about her. This is the end of this conversation and I hope you all understand."

With that, Laxus stood up and walked to the balcony ledge, looking down to see the large group of girls he knew was surrounding his girlfriend. He internally smirked when he watched Lucy enjoy her smoothie. Everyone knew of her obsession with Mira's strawberry smoothies, it was hard not to when the girl ordered one or two almost every day. As Laxus continued to look down, Mira looked up at him and a soft smile appeared on her face, but he didn't care much for it. It was Lucy his eyes were on and he watched as she slowly looked up to him after sucking her smoothie dry and give him a small smile that Laxus couldn't help but return with a quirk of his lips.

Deciding that they had had enough time with their separate groups, he kept his eyes locked with Lucy's as he jumped from the balcony, only to land right next to her. Now that he was so close, he studied her eyes to see if the girls overstepped their boundaries when questioning her to see if she was bothered by anything. He had heard many comments but tuned out a lot, so he was happy to see that she appeared content and was only looking at him with a slowly widening smile, and her eyes seemed to be brightening the longer she studied him herself. Laxus couldn't help the way he tuned out the guild and the girls that were an arms-length away from him and Lucy, she was the only one taking up his mind right now. He couldn't stop his eyes from softening as he looked at Lucy and for the urge to kiss her suddenly overtake him.

He watched as Lucy's eyes fluttered closed as he slowly dipped his head and closed his eyes himself. He couldn't bring himself to kiss her the way he had earlier, the burning passion and hunger was not right for this moment and the revelations Laxus had just made. As his lips met hers and glided along Lucy's he repeated it once more in his mind as if to really confirm it, she's truly mine. And at that moment he knew he was a lucky bastard.

As the resounding "aww's" registered in his mind, Laxus decided that the guild had seen enough of his soft side towards Lucy for one day, and promptly picked Lucy up from her waist and dropped her on his shoulder, one hand resting on the back of her thighs to keep her in place, then he turned and started walking for the guilds entrance, "c'mon, Blondie, we're getting out of here."

Lucy's laugh was like music to his ears, "whatever you say, Sparky."

A smirk appeared on his face with her comment, maybe being called Sparky wouldn't be so bad if Lucy continued to act her spunky self with him when she said it. As Laxus stepped across the threshold of the guild to the outside world, he walked on renewed. Tranquil. Ready. With Lucy by his side, he couldn't wait to see what the future brought their way.

He missed the way his team of body guards looked on with expressions showing how happy they felt for him, and the softness in his grandfather's eyes that contradicted the scheming gleam that was also present. Maybe Laxus could wait to see what the future brought to his life with Lucy.

So this still isn't as long as I usually write my chapters, BUT I feel as though I left it at a good spot. Going any further and I feel like it would have ruined the atmosphere of this chapter. Do ya'll agree? I hope so, as you all have probably figured out with my other author rants, I don't like to disappoint. I write for all you wonderful followers and readers. Your continued support for this story helps the gears to turn in my head when writing and keeps up the motivation to type the next word. I love you all for the follows and reviews, you guys are the best!

As always, if you find any grammatical mistake or anything you want to point out to me about my story, don't hesitate to leave a comment or PM me. I enjoy any and all you guys have to say or review, and take everything you guys comment into consideration. And it truly does help to hear from all of you guys.

Okay, okay, I'll shut up now. I probably enjoy my little author rants at the top and bottom of my chapters too much. Anywho, I'll see you all next chapter!