Author has written 2 stories for Digimon, and Naruto. Hello and thank you for stopping by my page. I'm Mangagirl18, and I'm mostly here to read. I do have my one Digimon fic which was the first one I ever wrote, and have kept it up, both for nostaligic reasons and due to the fact that quite a few people seemed to like it. I am finally working on the last chapter, but it's a slow process as life away from the computer tends to throw all sorts of crazy things my way. But I hope to have it finished before christmas this year. My current hobbies include reading (mostly fanfics, but I do enjoy a good book now and then. currently I'm trying to get myself in the mood to finish The Amber Spyglass, which is the thrid book in Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy), drawing, hanging out with friends, watching movies, anime, and reading manga, and also the ocassional internet series and webcomics. How old am I? well my date of birth is 14/11-1988 you do the math. ^^ I have many favorite anime/manga, movies, and books, but only a handfull of worlds have gripped me enough that I actively seek out fanfics. In the beginning Digimon held my interrest and Harry Potter soon followed. I had a short Bleach period, and am now obsessing over Naruto. I still like Digimon and HP fics, and have ton of them to finish (yes I have an annoying tendancy to pause one and search for another, especially if my obsession shifts). I'll read the ocassional fic for other categories, but those are my ones. Funny thing is that though I may love a series deeply, I won't necissarily read fics about it. Naruto and Digimon aren't really my favorite anime per say, but they make for great fanfics, and the worlds have captured me enough for me to obsess over them. I have a DeviantArt account which I fairly often, but I don't have facebook, twitter, etc. only an old unused Myspace account. I don't intend to change that either. My favorite pairings for Digimon, Harry Potter, and Naruto will be listed below: DIGIMON: RyouxRuki, TakatoxJuri, YamakixReika, TaichixSora, YamatoxHikari, TakeruxHikari, MiyakoxDaisuke, MiyakoxKen, IkutoxChika, RenamonxImpmon, WizarmonxTailmon. NARUTO: NejixTenten (the only pairing I'm really truly set on), NarutoxSakura, KakashixSakura, ShikamaruxTemari, TsunadexJiraiya. Though I'm actually quite flexible on pairings when it comes to this series. I'm not too fond of SasukexSakura, but I can tolerate it if the fic is written well. HARRY POTTER: All cannon pairings (especially HarryxGinny), and DracoxHermione. Favorite Characters: Digimon: Human: Ruki. Digimon: Terriermon. Adventure: Hikari, Yamato, Sora, Wizarmon, Tailmon. Zero Two: Ken, Taichi, Wormmon, Chibimon, Tailmon, Fladramon. Tamers: Ruki, Takato, Juri, Yamaki, Impmon, Ryou, all the main Digimon actually. Frontier: Kouichi, Kouji. Savers: Ikuto, Chika, Kudamon, Gaomon, Agumon, Yukidarumon, Piyomon. Naruto: Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, Gaara. (I prefer arc two). Harry Potter: Luna, Snape, Remus. |