The Night of Destiny Part 9: Power of the Spirit

                Akira kept his gaze completely focused on Seiji, despite the thunder occurring around them. The sky had become weakened by the first break of limbo's boundary, the second tear that destroyed limbo's boundary, the second tear that destroyed limbo and made the Digital World visible to earth only made matters that much worse.

                "Hear the roar of power?" Seiji laughed,"Can you feel the energy?"

                "The energy of Armageddon?" Akira's Agumon asked,"Both worlds are doomed, and it's all your fault!"

                "I haven't doomed anything!" Seiji shouted,"Except for the humans and Digidestined!"

                "Its genocide!" Akira shouted, then glanced at his partner,"You ready?"

                "Let's do it! Agumon digivolve to Greymon! Greymon digivolve to Cyberdramon!"

                The dragon shot forward, but his fists were blocked by Galfmon's open palm. The demon's grip was like a vise, and he twisted Cyberdramon's arm upside down, turning Cyberdramon's body to face the opposite direction. Akira's partner brought his foot up into Galfmon's stomach, breaking him free. He did not waste any time while Galfmon was still recovering from the last attack. He quickly slammed his hands into Galfmon's neck, then crashed his knee into the demon's face. Seiji's partner slammed his fist into Cyberdramon's face. Akira's digimon twisted around, then crashed into the roof.

                As the battle continued, the Elder Digidestined on the castle roof watched with great anticipation. Every punch Cyberdramon scored, they cheered, every attack from Galfmon, they held their breaths. "Come on, Akira," Davis said, struggling to place his back against one of the crumbling towers,"Don't give up..."

                Next to him, Matt and Sora glanced at the Digidestined Regent, then nodded. "Akira, you can do it!"

                "Akira!" Izzy shouted,"Akira!"

                Off to side, Tai helped Kari sit up against the wall. She was extremely weak from when Seiji drained her off her energy to open Digital Gates. Tai glanced around and found that all the captured Digidestined were now free, but extremely weak.

                Tai knelt down and rested against the bottom of his crumbled tower. He watched his son as he fought against the evil that threatened both worlds. He held his breath with Cyberdramon's every punch. The Digital Deities had failed, it was all resting on his son.

                He turned his head when he heard a group of footsteps. He tensed slightly when he saw Oikawa and Mummymon limping towards them from deeper in the castle. "You're alive," he said.

                "Of course," Oikawa growled, falling down next to the Master of the Digidestined,"We're not so easily defeated." He turned to the battle overhead,"I see that your son is facing his destiny."

                  "Hard to believe how far this whole thing has come," he thought,"It all started when Azulongmon appeared to give us a warning, and now it appears his fears have come true. I just hope that Akira's strong enough to save us all."

                As the battle to determine the fate of earth raged in the sky, the demon reign continued

below.Digimon from the evil Dark Ocean tore into Tokyo, destroying buildings and terrorizing the citizens. Inside a simple warehouse another battle was about to begin.

                Hyouriki Ichijoji refused to back away from the massive creature in front of her. The rest of the Digidestined kids stood their ground. They would be here for Hyouriki if she needed them, but this was her fight. Dragomon frowned at her. "Why do you stand against me, my Queen?"

                Hyouriki's eye were stone cold as she stared at her enemy. "I am not now, nor have ever been, your bride!"

                "But you are! No matter how many times you deny it, it isn't going to change!"

                Hyouriki remained unmoved. "You've been hounding me ever since I was born. I want you out of my life now!"

                Dragomon sighed, then shook his head. "I did not want to do this, but I will force you if I have to."

                He reached forward with his slimy tentacle, but it was flung out of the way by Waruseadramon's head-butt. "Hand's off!" Hyouriki's partner growled.

                Dragomon roared with laughter. "You really think you can stop me? He raised the Trident that was in his hands. "I am the Master of the Oceans! This trident, with the Aquatreft inside, grants me the power of a Mega! You can't stop me!"

                "We're going to try," Hyouriki simply said.

                Dragomon's tentacles wrapped into a fist. "Bring it on!"

                Waruseadramon coiled into a corner, then shot forward, ramming his horn at Dragomon. The squid wrapped his tentacle around Waruseadramon's head and slammed him into the floor. The serpent quickly shot his tail around one of Dragomon's leg and pulled. The Master of the Ocean fell over onto his side, allowing Waruseadramon to slip free.

                Behined Hyouriki, her younger brother was so nervous that he was practically cutting off the circulation to his hands. "Sam?" his digimon asked, "Are you alright?"

                "No," he said,"I'm worried."

                "Don't," Dan Motomiya said,"Your sister's very powerful, she'll be him."

                "I hope so," Sam sighed.

                "She will," Leyu Ishida nodded,"I never root for a loser."

                Dragomon slammed his fist into Waruseadramon's head. Hyouriki held her breath as her digimon blasted a stream of dark lightning into the squid's face. Waruseadramon jumped aside and smiled."That should do it."

                "Hardly!" Dragomon laughed. His face remained completely un-harmed,"Was that the best you could manage?"

                "We've got a few more moves!" Hyouriki said.

                Waruseadramon shot straight up into the sky, then dive bombed Dragomon. He waited until he was a few feet from Dragomon, then behind Dragomon, slamming his tail into the squid's head, then firing his electrical blast into the Dark Ocean's master. Dragomon was completely unharmed, and grabbed Waruseadramon by the tail and tossed him into the far wall.

                "What's going on?" Shiro's Gabumon asked,"He's giving Dragomon his best attacks, but he's just shrugging them off!"

                Waruseadramon turned his head to face his human partner,"Hyrouiki, I don't understand..."

                Dragomon laughed,"You don't understand? Well, let me make it clear to you. As long as you depend on that dark digivice, you'll never be able to defeat true evil."

                The other digidestined kids gasped, and Hyouriki glanced at the digivice in her hand. "My digivice...?"

                "That's right," Dragomon smiled,"You might as well give up now."

                "Hyouriki!": Leyu shouted,"You can't!"

                "Don't beileve him!" Scott shouted,"My grandfather always said,"Don't give up!"

                "Your grandfather was a movie star," Chris pointed out.

                "It doesn't matter."

                "Hyouriki, don't give up!" Scott shouted, ignoring Chris,"You've got to believe in yourself!"

                Hyouriki closed her fist over the black digivice. "Chris is right. I can't give up! I've got to believe in myself."

                "And what are you going to do without your digivice?" Dragomon grinned,"You can't beat me with it."

                "Then I renounce it!" Hyouriki shouted, throwing the device through the warehouse skylight and into the thundering sky,"I renounce it, and all the evil it brings!"

                The digivice flung into the sky, where it lit brightly for a second, then exploded. "No!" Dragomon shouted.

                Outside, all of the invading digimon from the Dark Ocean were suddenly pulled away from the city. Like a vacuum, they were pulled back through the massive portal in the sky, sealing it tight. The Demon reign was now over.

                Back inside of the warehouse, Hyouriki fell to the ground, moaning in pain. "Hyouriki!" Sam shouted,"Hyouriki!"

                He watched as his older sister's body suddenly began to glow in a bright light. Her Digimon Empress outfit melted away, replaced by a brilliantly white dress, with a flowing white scarf behind her. In her hands, a new digivice appeared, bright blue, like the color of the purest water, while a bright white crest appeared around her neck. " digivice?" she asked, staring at it,"And a crest?"

                Waruseadramon moved over to her,"It's the digivice you were always meant to have. Your true digivice."

                Hyouriki nodded,"And my very own Crest. The Crest of Purity." She grinned, then held both out so Dragomon could see."You're finished!"

                "Waruseadramon digivolve to Pleciomon!"

                Dragomon backed away slightly as the ancient dinosaur. "You do not intimated me!" he warned.

                "Give up now, Dragomon," Hyouriki said, stepping forward,"Surrender, and we will do what we can for you."

                Dragomon snorted. "You mean spend the rest of my life in a Digidestined prison? No thank you! Besides, I am still your superior in battle. I'm...." He suddenly looked to the sky as a beam of light shot through the roof right behind him. He shrugged slightly. "It appears that we will have to discuss this later. My master is calling me."

                "Your master?" Dan asked,"You mean Seiji?"

                Dragomon just chuckled as he stepped into the beam. "No, don't let him get away!" Pleciomon shouted as he and Hyouriki dove after Dragomon. The other Digidestined kids followed, and soon the warehouse was empty.

                Galfmon blasted his head into Cyberdramon, sending the dragon digimon crashing into the roof. Akira held his breath as Cyberdramon slammed his palms together and fired a blast of energy into Galfamon, which spun him around in circles. When he finally stopped, he glared down at Cyberdramon. He screamed in a menacing voice, firing a ray of red towards the ground. Cyberdramon was able to dodge out of the way before he was hit.

                "Your digimon isn't doing so good!" Seiji laughed.

                "We're just getting started!" Akira shouted back.

                Cyberdramon slowly got to his feet. He stared at Galfmon for a few seconds, then shot back into the sky, swiping the demon with his claws. Galfmon staggered for a second, before slamming his fist into Cyberdramon's head. The dragon slowly started to fall to the ground, when Seiji's digimon placed both of his hands together and pounded the top of Cyberdramon's head, sending him like a bomb into his human partner. When the smoke cleared, Koromon and Akira were lying motionless in the crater.

                "He...lost?" Davis asked, gasping.

                "It...can't be!" Matt shouted,"He was suppose to save us all."

                "This can't be happening!" Sora gasped, then glanced at Tai. "What can Tai be thinking? He was so sure that his son would be able to surpass us all, now his great hope has been defeated. Poor Tai."

                "Akira!" Tai shouted,"Akira, talk to me!" He was responded by a loud moan. He started to run over to where his son was lying when Galfmon fired a red blast into the ground right in front of him. Tai glared up at his evil nephew. "Get him!" he screamed.

                "Agumon warp-digivolve to Wargreymon!"

                Tai's faithful partner flew up to attack Galfmon, but the demon backhanded Wargreymon. Seiji chuckled,"So, Uncle Tai, you think you can stop us?"

                "We're going to try!" Tai shouted back.

                "You're not alone!" Davis said, slowly standing up.

                "That's right," Ken said, standing next to him.

                "We're here to help," Veemon said,"Veemon digivolve to Exveemon!"

                "Don't forget us," Wormmon said,"Wormmon digivolve to Stingmon!"



                "...DNA digivolve to Paildramon! Paildramon digivolve to Imperial Dramon! Imperial Dramon mode change to Fighter Form!"

                "And us!" Matt and Sora shouted.

                "Gabumon digivolve to Garurumon! Garurumon digivolve to Weregarurumon!"

                "Biyomon digivolve to Birdramon! Birdramon digivolve to Garudamon!"

                "Tentomon digivolve to Kabuterimon! Kabuterimon digivolve to Megakabuterimon!"

                "Hawkmon digivolve to Aquillamon!

                "Patamon digivovle to Angemon!"

                "Armadillomon digivolve to Ankylomon!"



                "...DNA digivolve to Shakkoumon!"

                "Gommamon digivolve to Ikkakumon! Ikkakumon digivolve to Zudomon!"

                "Attack!" Tai shouted. All the Digimon shot to the sky, blasting every one of thier energy attacks, tearing and clawing at the demon floating in the sky.

                At Tai's side, he heard his sister start to cry. "Kari?"

                "He's my son," Kari sobbed,"Don't hurt him!"

                Tai gasped,"But Kari....You know that this is the way it has to be."

                "He's my son!" Kari shouted, staring at the ground,"My son...."

                Tai reached his hand out to his sister, but he twisted his attention back to the battle when he heard a thunderous blast. Shakkoumon was once again spilt into Angemon and Ankylomon. Zudomon swung his hammer at Seiji's digimon, but Galfmon sent it flying back with a wave of his hand. Seiji laughed uncontrollably. "You are doomed!":

                Tai looked down to the crater where his son was slowly moving, then back to his evil nephew. "Kari, I'm sorry." He started running to where the other Elder Digidestined were standing. "Please don't hate me, Kari."

                The Elder Digidestined continued fighting against Galfmon, but they were not able to bring the evil digimon into the ground. He had too much maneuverability in the sky, and he was the fastest digimon there. Weregarurumon jumped onto Garudamon's back as she flew towards Galfmon. "Get a little closer," Weregarurumon ordered,"A little more....a little more...."

                Garudamon flew until she was a few feet in front of Galfmon. "....Now!" Weregarurumon shouted as he jumped off of Garudamon. Sora's digimon fired her Wing Blade at Galfmon, then Weregarurumon executed his Garuru Kick into Seiji's digimon.

                Down below, Oikawa pointed to the floating demon. "Help them out!"

                Mummymon swung his gun to the sky and fired a bolt of red energy that shot to the sky. Galfmon easily recovered from Garudamon and Weregarurumon's attacks. He glanced down in time to see Mummymon's attack, and backhanded it back into the castle's roof directly in front of Mummymon and Oikawa. The force sent the human skidding past Tai and right towards the edge. Tai quickly ran after him; when Oikawa slid off the edge, Tai dove towards him and was able to catch Oikawa by the trench coat.

                "Look who I'm saving," he mumbled as he pulled Oikawa back onto the castle roof,"You'd think I was Yolei or something." Once Oikawa was safe, Tai charged back towards the crater where Akira had managed to move himself onto his back. "Hang on Son!" Tai shouted,"I'm coming!"

                "I was wrong to put so much pressure on him! He's never had a normal childhood, because my damn pride made an obsession over the fact that my son was going to save the world. Now he could be dead, and it's all my fault!"

                Tai glanced up at the sky and watched as Galfmon sent Garudamon and Weregarurumon flying towards the city street. "Biyomon!" Sora shouted, running to the castle edge.

                "Gabumon!" Matt shouted, stopping his wife before she dove after their digimon.

                "Wargreymon!" Tai shouted, glancing at the sky, "Where are you?" He was abruptly answered when his digimon slammed into Galfmon from behind as Aquillamon distracted the evil digimon. Tai only hoped that Hawkmon's injuries were worth Wargreymon's sneak attack. As Tai watched Galfmon quickly turned around and slammed Wargreymon into ground, he decided that it was not. Tai started to run out of the way, but when Wargreymon slammed into him, he went flying off of the room and towards the ground. He was sure that he was about to turn into a splat on the street, when he felt something catch his foot and stop his momentum. Quickly twisting around, he saw that Mummymon had caught him with one of his bandages.

                "Look who we're saving," Oikawa chuckled slightly,"You'd think we were Ichijoij's wife."

                "Ha ha ha!" Yolei shouted,"You guys are sooo hilarious! Not!"

                Up above them, the Child of Darkness crossed his arms and roared with laughter as even Imperial Dramon had to back away from the battle. "You can't beat us! You never could! And now I will complete my vision, and you all will see how powerfu-ahh!" He was abruptly cut off when Galfmon was hit by a missile then sent him crashing into Seiji.

                Down below, everyone turned their attention to the missile's origin and saw a familiar blond haired young man with a dog creature on his shoulder limping onto the roof, "Someone had to shut him up!"

                "Willis!" Davis shouted,"You're alive!"

                "Yeah," he chuckled,"Diaboromon almost got us, but we bounce back."

                Seiji screamed in anger. "We are going to kill you all!" He then grinned and turned to the crater where Akira was still lying. "Staring with my cousin!"

                Akira heard Seiji's threat and his father's warning, but he did not move from his position on the castle roof. "Why should I bother trying to run? he thought,"I lost, I failed. Everyone counted on me, and I let them down. I can't beat him, and I guess I never could. It was just some stupid idea that my father somehow got into his head. He had such faith in me, and I let him down. Why should I even bother fighting? What did I ever have to fight for? I corrupt and destroy everything that I come in contact with.  Leyu hates me, my father is so disappointed in me, my mother is dead, Hyouriki unleashed this demon reign onto the city because she was following my orders. There's no one that wants to be with me, no one, not even..."


                Akira's eyes shot open wide. "Erika?"

                He twirled his head around and saw a pink Tentomon hovering over the edge of the castle roof. Hanging onto the female digimon was Izzy's daughter. "Akira!" she shouted.

                "Erika!" Akira thought, jumping to his feet,"I fight because she needs me!"

                "Back on our feet, I see," Seiji chuckled,"We defeated you before, why even try?"

                "Because you have to be stopped!" Akira shouted,"And I'll never give up!"  He suddenly became aware that he chest was glowing brightly. He glanced down and saw that an object had mysteriously materialized around his neck. "A crest?" he asked, shocked. He then smiled slightly,"I understand, Mom."

                "Talking to yourself?" Seiji laughed.

                Akira just held up his Crest. "Just to my mother."

                "Is that a new trinket?"

                "It's the Crest of Spirit!" Akira shouted proudly,"Together with my White Digivice, they spell your doom!" He turned to Koromon, "Ready?"


                Akira's Crest and digivice glowed in unison. "Now!"

                "Koromon mega digivolve to...Goldramon!"

                A giant dragon with a massive torso appeared in the sky in front of Galfmon. The demon digimon backed away slightly, but kept his gaze locked on Goldramon's face. "So you've got a mega now?" Seiji said,"It doesn't matter, I'll still...." He trailed off when he noticed that all of the demons that had been falling to the city, where suddenly being pulled back into the black portal. "What is going on here?" Seiji demaned,"The Demon Reign is moving in reverse?"

                "Hyouriki?" Akira asked, glancing around the sky.

                "You idiot Dragomon!" Seiji screamed,"Your so called bride has betrayed you! You failed me in your invasion, you won't fail me now!" He swung his attention back to the Digidestined below him,"I summon to my side my remaining followers!" A group of figures suddenly appeared at his side,"Daemon! Malomyotismon! Barker, Skull Satanmon! And Dragomon!" When the Lord of the Dark Ocean appeared, the Digidestined children appeared a second later, crashing into the castle roof.

                "Dan?" Davis asked.

                "Hey Dad," Dan said, jumping up and brushing off his clothes,"How's it going?"

                "Hyouriki!" Yolei shouted,"What happened to your clothes?"

                "It's a long story, Mom," Hyouriki sighed,"And I don't think we have time for it now!"

                "Enjoy your little reunion now!" Seiji laughed,"In a few seconds you may all be in different after lives, if you catch my meaning. HA!"

                From where she was resting against one of the castle towers, Kari glanced up at Seiji. "How could you turn out like this?" she sobbed,"I tried so hard to raise you right, how could this have happened?" She turned her attention to where Tk was laying unconscious next to her,"This is all our fault, we'll never be able to redeem ourselves. Oh Tk, what have we done?"

                The ones who were still able to fight lined up next to Akira as they stared at their enemies. "Ready for this?" Akira asked.

                "My stomach is full of butterflies," Hyouriki chuckled.

                "Me too," Akira said,"But at least I've got my best friend with me."

                Hyouriki blushed slightly.

                Down at the end of the line, Tai glanced at the assembled fighters. "Alright, Wargreymon and I want Daemon."

                "I'll take Dragomon," Hyouriki nodded.

                Oikawa crossed his arms,"Barker and I have a debt to repay."

                Davis and Ken silently marked off fighters from their position on Imperial Dramon's shoulder as their digimon stared at Malomyotismon,"Leftover's are fine with us."

                Akira's fist closed tightly as he glared at Seiji,"This ends now!"

                The combatants shot apart to give each other the proper room to engage with their enemies. Goldramon and Galfmon shot into each other, their fists crashing into each other. Galfmon fired a purple blast from his mouth, Goldramon was hit in the shoulder, but he ignored the pain and pounded Galfmon in the face. "You're not winning!" Goldramon shouted,"I've been waiting sixteen years for this night, and I'm not going to let Akira down!"

                "I've been waiting this long as well," Galfmon grinned,"I'm going to enjoy burning every human in the city! Can you imagine it? Every human in the city, dead, rotting in the street! I can't wait!"

                "I'll never let you do that!" Goldramon screamed, slamming his head into Galfmon, crashing him into one of the remaining towers.

                Down on the ground, Akira threw his first into the sky,"Score one for us!"

                Dragomon grinned as he gripped tightly to his trident. "My offer still stands," he said,"Become my bride. I can recreate your black digivice, all you have to do is give into your dark side, your hate. What do you say?"

                Hyouriki's face remained unemotional as she stared at the demon lord in front of her."You know my answer.I will never become your bride!"

                Dragomon nodded,"As you wish." He suddenly slammed his fist into Pleciomon's head, crashing him into the ground. Hyouriki called out her partner's name, and was relived when he flung back into the sky.

                "That one was free," Pleciomon growled. He fired two beams of light from his eyes at Dragomon, but the Dark Ocean lord flung the attack aside with his trident. He cracked his whip tentacle at Pleciomon. Hyouriki's partner shouted out in pain, but he was able to slice his flipper across Dragomon's stomach. The demon lord was about to slam his fist into the top of Pleciomon's head, but the holy mega fired his eye blast again, which was successful this time and brought Dragomon to the ground.

                While Pleciomon and Dragomon battled in a more graceful manner, Imperial Dramon and Malomyotismon used their brute strength to ferociously tear into one another. Ken smiled as Imperial Dramon's Positron Laster tore through the vampire's Crimson Mist, slamming him into one of the few reaming towers. "I've got Deja Vu," he grinned.

                "My partner's right!" Davis shouted,"We kicked your butt once, and when Akira destroys Seiji's Black Digivice, nothing will be able to bring you back again."

                "No so," Malomyotismon laughed,"For this time, I shall be victorious!"

                Barker, leader and last of the Child of Darkness's elite Hunters, glared at Oikawa with amusement in his eyes. "Why are you laughing?" Oikawa demanded.

                "It's humorous, you thinking you can defeat us," Barker chuckled,"Give up, old man, your time has passed. We are the future. Don't try to fight for a world that is dying."

                "You must be stopped!" Oikawa shouted,"Besides, I owe you for before."

                Skull Satanmon jumped in front of Barker,"Bring it on!"

                Mummymon cocked his gun,"I've ready! Snake Bandage!"

                "Nail Bone!" The two attacks exploded on contact, filling the small area with a blast of light and smoke.

                Wargreymon ripped his claws across Daemon's arm, but the demon slammed his fist into Wargreymon's head. "I've been waiting 15 years for this battle!" Wargreymon shouted,"I'm not even going to give you the slightest chance to win!"

                "Ha!" Daemon laughed,"I think you're in denial! Allow me to enlighten you!" He pounded his fist into the dinosaur mega's stomach, then quickly into his face. He continued attacking with his fist in the lighting manner until Tai's partner fell to the castle's roof, panting heavily.

                Over on the side lines, the other Digidestined watch with hopeless looks on their faces. "They're losing!" Sam said.

                "They're too strong for them!" Leyu shouted.

                "We have to do something!" cried Scott, who was standing next to his unconscious mother Mimi.

                "Like what?" Joe asked,"Face it, our digimon have been so severely beaten, I just hope they'll be alright. They won't be fighting any time soon."

                "But we have to do something!" Sora said.

                Everyone looked to the ground, ashamed to show their fear. Erika, however, stepped away from her father, held her head up high, and began shouting. "Akira! Akira! Don't give up! I believe in you! I know you can win!"

                "Hyouriki!" Sam shouted,"Dad, we're all counting on you!"

                "Come on Dad!" Dan shouted,"Kick his butt!"

                "Mr. Kamiya!" Sam and Serena shouted,"Beat him!"

                Even Miura, one of the Dark Seed victims, found herself cheering for the man that infected her, Oikawa. Kari, who was still resting against the stone tower, stared up at Seiji. "Oh Seiji," she mumbled,"Please forgive me. Akira...Akira..."

                "Come on, Wargreymon!" Tai shouted.

                His digimon slowly got up, using his gauntlets as support. He glared up at the grinning Daemon."Have you realized yet that you don't stand a chance?"

                Wargerymon panted a few more times, then swallowed. He launched into the sky, quickly backhanding Daemon with his gauntlet which sent him twirling in a whirlwind. Wargreymon slammed his claws together above his head,"Mega Claw!"

                He shot into the demon mega, tearing through his stomach and shattering him apart. The Digidestined cheered and Tai nodded approvingly. "That was for my wife!"

                 Mummymon could not help but smile as he heard Miura cheering for Oikawa and him. He heard Oikawa tell him a plan of attack in a low enough voice that Barker nor Skull Satanmon would hear. The mummy nodded. He turned to face Skull Satanmon, who was gripping his staff tightly. The skeleton digimon suddenly leapt forward intending to slash out with his staff, but Mummymon whacked him in the side with his gun, which sent him crashing back to the ground. He quickly fired streams of bandages that wrapped around Barker and Skull Satanmon, bonding them tightly together. "Oikawa!" Barker shouted,"Don't be foolish! Join our side!"

                "Ha!" Oikawa laughed,"You're the one in denial! Finish them!"

                "Roger, boss!" Mummymon shouted, firing a massive blast from his gun that dissolved Skull Satanmon and annihilated Barker.

                Oikawa grinned,"That's two!"

                Imperial Dramon gripped Malomyotismon's arm and flung him into the sky. The dragon digimon shot after the metallic vampire, aiming his gun barrel right at his stomach. "Positron Destroyer!" The spiraling beam of light tore through Malomyotismon's stomach, ripping him into pieces.

                Davis started cheering. "That's three!" Ken shouted.

                "Come on, Pleciomon!" Hyouriki shouted, her Crest of Purity glowing brightly around her neck,"You've got to beat him!"

                Her digimon twisted to avoid a jab of Dragomon's trident,"I'm trying, Hyouriki! He's not making it easy!"

                "Of course I'm not!" Dragomon laughed, whacking his trident down on top of Pleciomon,"Although it pains me to do this, I will not be betrayed by my own bride, Digimon Empress!"

                "I am not the Digimon Empress!" Hyouriki shouted, her crest glowing even brighter,"I'm going to make sure you never hurt anyone ever again!"

                Dragomon used his trident as support. "Oh really? You'll never be able to hurt me as long as I am able to wield my trident!"

                "Then I'll make sure you can't!" Pleciomon shouted. He breathed a mist of white over Dragomon's trident and arm. Suddenly, a thick sheet of ice appeared, one which spread over his entire body, leaving only his head unveiled.

                "What are you doing?" he demanded.

                "You're finished, Dragomon," Hyouriki glared,"Your reign is over, and once you're gone, I'll make the Dark Ocean into a realm of peace."

                Ignoring the protests of Dragomon, Pleciomon shot like a rocket through Dragomon's frozen body shattering him into pieces that soon dissolved into the air.

                "He's gone!" Hyouriki cheered,"That's four! Akira, it's all up to you now!"

                Seiji glared with hate as his remaining generals were destroyed. He stared at Akira, then roared with anger. "I'll kill you all!" He jumped onto Galfmon's back, then shot into the sky. "You're dead, do you hear me! Dead, all dead, then this world will be mine!"

                Down on the castle roof, Akira jumped from around Golddramon. "No!" he screamed,"This planet belongs to no one!"

                "You're dead!" Seiji shouted, as Galfmon dive bombed towards Akira.

                Akira jumped onto Goldramon's back as he shot into the sky, directly towards Galfmon. "No! I'll stop you!"

                The Digidestined below all held their breaths as Akira and Seiji shot in a collision course towards one another. Both of their digimon had their fists out, acting like horse with javelins. They moved closer...closer...closer...closer, until they both met each other each other in a blast of light, then continued on their paths.

                Glafmon landed on the castle roof, while up above them, Goldramon stopped his momentum and spun around. Akira stared down at Seiji and Galfmon. The Child of Darkness, who was still on his partner's back, slowly turned around. Galfmon seemed to be frozen in place.

                Seiji looked up at his cousin from over his shoulder. "Well Akira," he thought, "Well meet, cousin." With that, Galfmon dissolved into nothing, and Seiji, the Child of Darkness, fell to the ground, lifeless. Akira had won the Night of Destiny.

                Kari suddenly screamed, launching towards her son's body. Tears were streaming down her face,"My son!" she screamed,"Seiji! Seiji!"

                Tai was about to walk over and comfort his sister, when the entire castle started shaking. "What's going on?"

                "Seiji was the conduit for your Digital Gate powers that was keeping the Digital World and Earth connected!" Izzy shouted over the roar,"Now that he's gone, everything's going back to normal! We've got to get off this roof!"

                All the Digimon that were able to fly digivolved to their larger forms. Everyone helped, placing the injured and unconscious fighters on their backs. Tai went over to lift up Kari, but she refused to leave. He hosted her over his shoulder, despite the pain she was causing him by slamming her fist into his back and her feet into his face. He finally got her onto Aquillamon's back as they flew from the roof.

                Tai glanced back to the sky and saw that the Digital World was suddenly covered by a thick blackness. "The Digital World side of limbo is back!" he shouted. Then, like watching a movie in reverse, the shards of Earth's quickly reappeared, sealing the Digital Limbo away.

                After everyone was back on street level, Tai charge over to his son and gripped him so tightly that Akira was afraid he was going to be crushed to death. "Dad!" he shouted,"What are you doing?"

                Tai broke away from the hug, and Akira saw that his eyes were moist. "Akira," he said,"You will never know how proud I am of you right now."

                Akira started blushing,"Dad..."

                He hugged him again,"I love you." He looked over his son's shoulder and saw Erika standing a few feet away. "But, I'll praise you later. Right now, I think there's someone else that ones to talk to you." Tai quickly spun his son around so that he was staring at Izzy's daughter.

                "Oh..ah..Erika," Akira said," you, up there, I mean. I...I was almost about to give up, but...then I heard your voice and...." He looked up and saw that there were tears on Erika's face,"What...?"

                Erika lunged at him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "Akira! I thought I lost you! I thought you were gone, before I even got the chance tell you how I really feel!"

                Akira felt his heart start to pound. "Erika," he said, pushing her away so he could stare her in the face," was you, you were the reason that I kept on fighting. Erika, I...I think the feelings you have fro me, might be the same ones that I have for you."

                "Akira!" she shouted, hugging him once again.

                Tai was leaning against one of the buildings, staring at his son,"Well, it looks like our son finally completed his destiny. He can finally start to live his own life, huh, Miriya?"

                He turned to where a transparent image of a red-head woman was standing. "You did a very good job of raising him, Tai," the woman said,"I think he's going to make a fine young man."

                "I know he is," Tai smiled,"I love you Miriya, and I always will."

                Miriya grinned."I know, but you need to move on. I don't want you to spend the rest of your live alone. That Catherine girl seems nice, and I know that she really like you."

                Tai chuckled,"Maybe, but you'll always be in my heart."

                "Talking to yourself?"

                Tai slowly turned and saw Oikawa and Mummymon limp over to him. "Just to my wife."

                "Ah," Oikawa said, leaning against the same building.

                "Tell my something," Tai said,"Did it really seem so odd, fighting side-by-side?"

                Oikawa smiled slightly,"No, it did not. And maybe, it would be possible again."

                Akira and Erika broke their embrace just as Dan and the other Digidestined children ran over. "Way to go, man!" Dan said, slapping his back,"You did it!"

                "Yeah," Leyu laughed slightly,"You did save us all, just like you said."

                "Yeah," Shiro sighed,"Even I've got to hand it to you."

                Akira just nodded, then looked to where Hyouriki was standing with her family. He walked over to her. "Nice job up there," she said.

                "You too, you're finally free of him."

                Hyouriki nodded,"I know. He's not going to be looking over my shoulder anymore, but, with him gone, the Dark Ocean can finally begin to change. I'm going to go there and try to help make it a better place. I would really like my best friend to help?"

                Akira laughed. "Of course, it will be the first mission of the Children of the Digidestined."

                Hyouriki laughed,"It's going to be tough."

                "It doesn't matter. We've beaten our destines, no one is telling us what we have to do, or what we have to be. This is the first day of the rest of our lives."

                Hyouriki smiled and stood by Akira's side as the sun slowly came over the horizon.

                A few weeks later, Akira was standing in a cemetery, in front of a headstone that read:Seiji Kamiya, we will remember you in brighter days. Akira sighed, and dropped a rose on the grave. "I hope where ever you are, cousin, you've found peace. Maybe when I finally reach the other side, the two of us can battle again." He grinned,"I'd like that."

                Akira Kamiya then walked out of the graveyard, his whole life spread before him.

                THE END

                Well guys, this story is finally over. I was planning on doing an epilogue, but now I am thinking of maybe doing a sequl. Would you guys read a story just about the Digidestined kids and their battle to purify the Dark Ocean? Let me know.