Okay, so this is no chapter. It's a note^^ (even if you have seen it, I just wanted to say it again)

I would like to thanks the people who gave me a review. I'm sorry about my english, but I really can't help about conjugation's mistakes. I have difficulties with tenses even in french!!! Yes! Since elementary school! Some things'll never change... and it hurts T_T"

I helped myself with translators like Reverso(really good one) and Voilà but you can understand that I just can't put what was translated on the Word page, because it really didn't make sense sometimes... So I write it to make a little more sense... Think I failed^^"

Hime Cullen Tsukiyomi asked me to upload the french version of "Mine". Actually, it's already on . If you look in my profil, it's in "Compilation: La clé et le cadenas", it's chapter 3 "Mienne" (it look alike, isn't it?) For those who understand french, you can take a look to the other stories. It's all about Amu and Ikuto. Please check them^^

I'm seriously addicted to this couple... if the anime ends up like Avatar the last Airbender, meaning no Zutara/Amuto, I think I'm gonna kill myself... No, I don't hate Tadase, but I can't stand seeing him hang out with Amu... Come on! I really don't think he's gay like a lot of people(and I'll never ever think he is) but Ikuto is just so much more interesting! I like complexe characters, bad boys, rebelious guy *think about Yamato from Digimon*, etc... You get the idea?

About Bokura Pichu Brothers' request... I'll think about it. Translating is difficult when you're still learning like me, even with a dictionnary and two translators. But yeah, it'd be interesting to train myself during the vacation, since I start for 3 years of english in university in september. I'll try with little stories, like "Mienne" and will see for the others. But I probably won't translate "An Amuto Story" because it's a 10(maybe 11) chapters long fanfiction...

So, the next translated will be "Comme une poupée de porcelaine", because I just love it and it's also a cute one^^