![]() Author has written 14 stories for Blood And Chocolate, Howl's Moving Castle, Final Fantasy VII, Porco Rosso/紅の豚, Kaze no Stigma/風のスティグマ, Black Blood Brothers, Kuragehime/海月姫 〜くらげひめ〜, Dance In The Vampire Bund/ダンスインザヴァンパイアバンド, Cowboy Bebop, Yondemasuyo, Azazel-san/よんでますよ、アザゼルさん。, and X-Men: The Movie. Hey there the names Daine Salamin, well the pen name is anyway. i'm an aspiring animator and author and i want to put out my creations. if you wanna see my artwork go to http:/// and plz comment i enjoy any kind. i absolutely love almost all manga/anime/books in existence and i spend most of my time reading about my favorite characters online. Update #1 Dec. 23, 2013 I just wanted to let everyone know why i've been MIA for the past year to two years. To be honest, college has taken a lot out of me. Whenever i have free time i'm either sleeping, working on cosplay, working on my art, or reading fanfiction by other people to just relieve my stress. But that does not mean i haven't been working as diligently as i can on stories. I have a ton of ideas in my little Idea Book and have been outlining some of the details and paragraphs. "A New Dawn" my Black Blood Brothers Fanfic, featuring Zelman Clock and an OC i created for him, is more than halfway done, i just have to finish up the last half and proofread before i begin posting chapters. I'm also working on a larger piece for Treasure Planet, Rise of the Guardians, and the random oneshots that come to mind, during my boosts of inspiration. Hopefully i'll be able to start posting again soon once i have a little spare time. Like i stated above, there's not a lot of that since i do cosplay and go to conventions. Check out some of what i've done in the link above, though the artwork hasn't been updated in quite a while. Well that's all for now! TA! Update #2 July 21, 2015 Wow more than a year and a half since my last update. I can't tell you guys how sorry I am. Like I said, my life gets busier and busier by the day and since this is my last semester of college...perhaps, I'll be overwhelmed once again. Which is why I'm trying to get A New Dawn out to you guys before I get super busy again. It's almost all completed and I feel that there won't be many changes if any to the earlier chapters, which is why I'll release them sporadically over the next few months/weeks. So be on the look out! My ideas have only grown with the addition of the various new anime i've watched recently and my reoccurring love for Disney. Once again be on the look out for any one shots or other stories I may be posting. Read and Review as everyone says! Update #3 February 8, 2016 I've graduated! And entered the real world :( , but seriously this is the reason I haven't updated my stories nor posted as much. I will be doing a haul on my account and for the most part be moving my fanfics to wordpress. I've learned that a lot of my fanfics along with practically everyone on here have been stolen and are being used for profit. It's not something I'm entirely bothered with unless I see it published somewhere, which is highly doubtful. You can find me at Hope to see you there! |