Normal POV

Lucy Heartfilia was running from a crowd of paparazzi in the streets of Magnolia. She was on her way back to pay respects to the people who brought her up to be who she is now, a little place called Fairy Tail. She was made famous here because of them. When asked, she often refers Magnolia as her home town. Yet, at the moment she was looking for a place to hide. She turned down another street, left, right, left, left, right. She found her refuge to be an old gym she used to hang around with her friends, Gray Fullbuster and Natsu Dragneel. She quickly bolted inside, hoping to find at least Gray in there. And to her luck, he was doing what he does best, working on his kicks and punches.

Lucy smiled and jogged over to him and threw her arms around him. "Gray!" She squealed. "It's been to long!"

"Lucy? It's so nice to see you, too!" He returned her hug tightly.

"So, tell me. What's new? Are you and Natsu getting along yet?" She asked, sitting down on a bench press.

"You could say that, but I do own this gym now. I've also been drafted to join the boxing league. So, that's a huge honor in itself. Tell me, Lucy, what brings you home?"

"Well, I just finished my latest movie and I figured I should come see my family after all. It's sort of tradition now, that whenever Erza and I finish with a project we come home to you guys for a while." She smiled. "Besides, I think we're close enough for either of us to not be surprised at the fact you got drafted. I think you should go for it. I'll be cheering in the sidelines for you, Gray!" She pumped her fist into the air.

He laughed. "After that little pep talk, I'm defiantly going for it. Also, have you gone to go see Master, yet? I'm sure he'd be happy to see you're still doing alright. Who knows, maybe Laxus and Gajeel are there, too. I heard Gajeel was the one who recommended me, too."

"I'm happy for you, Gray. And no, I haven't gone to the guild, yet. I was kind of avoiding paparazzi on the way there." She smiled shyly.

"Well, I'm happy I'm the first to see you home. If you give me a few minutes to shower, I'll head over there with you."

"Alright. I'll wait. Just hurry up, okay?" She gently pushed him towards the locker rooms.

It's been only two years since her first movie and since then she has starred in a total of six. Most tabloids have been shocked when they ask if she has a boyfriend. She just giggles and shakes her head "no." Yet, she never feels lonely. She looks forward to the breaks between her movies because that means she can go back to Fairy Tail. She hardly noticed Gray reenter the room until he wrapped his arms around her.

"Do you always daydream like this or am I just a special case?" He whispered in her ear.

She jumped away from him and squealed. "I was not daydreaming!"

He looked at her and smirked. "Right. Let's go, Luce."

The two friends walked out of the gym and towards the place they called home, Fairy Tail. It was a few minutes of comfortable silence, before they reached the aforementioned place. The two kicked open the doors in traditional Fairy Tail style and shouted "We came back alive!"

There were shouts of celebration and general happiness. A woman with long white hair and a small tuft of it sticking out on her forehead greeted them with a happy smile. "Welcome back, you two."

"Great to be back, Mira." Lucy and Gray smiled.


In a flash there was a pink-haired man standing in front of Lucy smiling his signature grin.

"Hey Natsu!"

They hugged and caught up on their lives and departed due to a fight that Natsu was late for, him happening to be an easily-distracted boxer much like the other guys in the guild, seeing as that most of them had no other talents except for fighting. Lucy and Gray also parted ways as Gray went to talk to his person of interest, Juvia Lockser. Lucy went over to the bar and smiled at Mira, who is the barmaid of Fairy Tail and a part-time model.

"What can I get for you, Lucy?" She asked, a warm-hearted, motherly smile on her face.

"One of your deliciously famous smoothies, please?" Lucy returned her smile while glancing around the guild to see who else was around.

There was Levy McGarden, a world-class novelist, and Gajeel Redfox, a famous boxer, sitting together, getting awfully cozy, and based of Levy's latest novel, Love in the Ring, she likes Gajeel. Deciding not to interfere with them, Lucy turned her attention to the rest of her family. Her attention landed on the man a two seats away from her. Laxus Dreyar, World Famous Boxing Champion for four years straight. He and Gajeel still duke it out sometimes and it gets kind of scary to be around.

"Here you go, Lucy." Mira, or Mirajane Strauss, handed Lucy her smoothie and walked down a ways to see what Laxus wanted to order. Mira turned and filled a mug with beer and set it on the counter in front of him. He quickly picked it up and drained it in one shot. He turned his focus on Lucy.

"Hey Lucy. You should come see my match tonight. You said last year you wanted to see a boxing match, right?"

She smiled at the man. He always had a soft spot for Lucy since she fought for him to stay while the guild had wanted him to leave. At the time three years ago, she knew nothing of why they wanted him to go, but she insisted he stay because family forgives each other and they're family. "What time do I have to be there?" She asked.

"Don't worry. I'll pick you up at six." He patted her shoulder, waved his good-bye, and headed out of the guild.

"Lucy? Tell me, are you dating yet?" Mira asked, resting her elbows on the bar and propping her head up in her hands.

"Nope. Why do you ask?" Lucy asked her cautiously.

"Because there's a certain someone who's been awfully irritable lately. At least, up until you walked through that door. Going on and on to Freed about how this movie was taking longer than it should." She smirked and eyed Lucy suggestively.

Lucy, however, was blushing like a madman. She looked around and bent closer to the barmaid. "Laxus would never like me like that. We're just friends, Mira."

"I don't know about that, Lucy. You were the one who cracked his shell. You opened him back up to the world."

"So? It was what any friend would do. Besides we're all family. We support each other. It's just what we do." She shrugged trying to play it off as though her heart was not beating erratically. "If I'm the one he wants to open up to, I'm going to support him one-hundred percent."

"That's very mature of you, considering what happened three years ago."

"That wasn't his fault and we all know it." She answered defensively. "Master said that we aren't to hold it against him. It's not fair of us and we all know he wasn't guilty of that crime." Lucy stood and stormed out of the guild hall, promising she'd say hello to Master when she came back later. She made her way to her apartment, the one she had before she was famous. Fairy Tail was humble and didn't brag about money or talents. She kept her humble beginnings close to her heart, or at least after she ran away from her father her life truly began.

And That ladies and gentleman was the first chapter of Starstruck. I hope you like it. The word 'starstruck' inspired me to write this. i'm not good at writing author's notes so uh. Short and sweet right? Well I'll try and update weekly! I hope you enjoyed it.