Day Three – Prompt: Dream Rated: G

"Raiden, what are you doing in here?" Laxus asked as he entered what he was sure was his grandfather's office though the were some noticeable differences, the largest being that there weren't stacks of paperwork everywhere. The office was organized and almost spotless, something he didn't remember seeing at all in his lifetime, plus there was a little blondie haired boy about 8-years-old sitting in his grandfather's chair, "I thought you were helping Lisanna and Naomi with their shopping."

"I was but we stopped at the bakery and the baker told Aunt Lisanna she saw mommy going into the hospital," the boy, Raiden said with teary brown eyes, "Daddy is mommy sick? If so is she going to leave like Jii-chan did?" 'Daddy' Laxus's mind kind of rebelled at the thought. 'Wait, does he mean Gramps?' Laxus felt a pain in his chest at the thought, he knew logically his grandfather wouldn't be there forever but the thought of him gone was still painful.

"Mommy's not sick, Raiden." Laxus said, "Remember how on her job last week she ran into the bad wizard that stole magic power?"

"Yes, Uncle Natsu said he beat the guy who hurt mommy up cuz that what Fairy Tail does to people that hurt our precious people." Raiden said smiling, 'The fuck does Natsu think he's teaching the kid?'

"That's right. Well, anyway mommy magic is still acting funny so she went to see the doctor to see what's wrong and have the doctor fix it." Laxus explained.

"So mommy's gonna be fine?" Raiden asked.

"Of course she is." Laxus said, just then the office door bust open and an older version of Lisanna rushed in followed by a little pink haired girl around Raiden's age.

"Master Laxus, *-'The fuck is going on here'-* I don't know what happened one minute he was right next to me and the next he was just gone." Lisanna cried, "Naomi and I looked everywhere but we couldn't fine him. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to lose him."

"Relax, he came back here like always." Laxus said, "He heard the baker and got upset."

"Oh Mavis." Lisanna said, but she was clearly relieved, "She told me he ran off quickly all the time but I didn't think I'd be worse than Naomi, she has so much of her father in her never thinking."

"Hey, I resemble that remark." The little girl, Naomi, cried indignantly.

"I think you mean 'resent', Pinkie." Raiden said, "'resemble' means you agree with Aunt Lisanna."

"No one asked you thunder butt." Naomi said.

"I bet Mika would agree with me." Raiden said, "Maybe we should go ask her."

"I don't care what that popsicle has to say." Naomi said, "She dumber than I am."

"Oh, really. I think I'll go tell her that." Raiden said running out of the office shouted, "MIKA, YOU SHOULD HEAR WHAT NAOMI JUST SAID ABOUT YOU!"

"DON'T BELIEVE HIM MIKA!" Naomi cried out as she followed Raiden.

"There goes the guild hall again." Laxus grumbled, "Once the little kids start the bigger ones will start."

"You know he takes after you," Lisanna giggled, "His mother stops the fights, not starts them."

'I know she reminds me every time," Laxus said, "You want to go watch over them for now and make sure no one gets broken Wendy's still out on a job."

"Of course Master Laxus, have fun with your paperwork." Lisanna said.

"It's your damn husbands fault." Laxus called as she closed the door, Laxus sat in the quiet of the *his* office just staring at the papers, most of which were from Team Natsu; there was even one about a building Lucy accidentally took down while using an ax, laughing he put that aside to talk to her about when she got back. 'Back how did he know where she was?' Suddenly, his door opened and he looked up and was about to grouch about knocking until he saw who it was. The blondie standing in his doorway was clearly the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She had a smile that rivaled the sun, her wide doe eyes were the color of caramel, and the knee-length blue and white sundress she wore hugged every single one of her wonderful feminine curves. He thought the Lucy he knew was great, but this version was prefect; before he could even think about his actions he had crossed the room pulling her to him kissing her deeply.

"Not that I'm going to complain but what was that for?" Lucy asked, "You say me just this morning before we left the house?"

"Do I need a reason to kiss my gorgeous wife?" Laxus asked. 'Wife? I'm married to Blondie?'

"None what so ever my sexy husband." Lucy smiled before kissing him again. "By the way, I have some good and bad news from the doctors, which do you want first?" Lucy asked as she pulled back.

"Bad news? What kind of bad news?" Laxus asked worried.

"Nothing serious, I just won't be able to go on jobs for a while." Lucy said, "So my team is going to be unsupervised, which means more damage reports for you to handle."

"You mean like the one about you destroying a clock tower with Taurus's ax?" Laxus asked.

"I can explain, it was Gray's fault," Lucy said, "I was doing just fine until he got over-zealous with his ice-make floor, I had to do a sudden dodge-and-swing move just as the ice appeared under my feet. You know me, I'm clumsy at my best times."

"True, so what's the good news." Laxus asked.

"There's nothing wrong with my magic," Lucy said, "The doctor thinks its fluctuating so much because of the baby, which makes me think it's a girl this time."

Laxus then sat up right in his bed as his alarm went off, he rubbed his hand through his hair and trying to shake the dream he just had from his head. "Damn alcohol, damn flirty Blondie why the fucked she have to kiss me." Laxus grumbled as he got out of bed for the day, "Weird ass fucking dream."