Where I Belong
Chapter 10
Song I listened to for this chapter:Birthday by The Beatles
September 10, 1995
Jasper Whitlock POV
"Bella...it's time to wake up, Angel." I murmur to a sleeping Bella, seeing that it's seven am and she has school at eight. "Bella, come on. You have school today."
As soon as I say that, Bella's eyes snap open and she shoots up, stumbling out of bed as I catch her before she falls. Chuckling, I set her on her feet and kiss her forehead. "A little excited, are we?"
Bella blushes and nods her head, running into her bathroom, while the smell of her breakfast is permeating from the kitchen. I stand up and walk out of the room, letting Bella get ready for her day while I walk into mine. I quickly shower and change, before walking downstairs and into the kitchen.
I see Charlotte making Bella pancakes as I take a seat next to Peter at the table. "Little Bit's excited, huh?" Peter asks with a smile on his face. I nod in response as Emmett and Rose walk into the kitchen.
"Baby Bella's first day of school." Emmett says, wrapping his arms around Rosalie from behind.
"Yes, and she's going to be fine." Peter says, motioning to his "knower" with a pointed look in my direction. I roll my eyes in response, knowing that I'm gonna get shit from them for being too overprotective. Bella's footsteps come down the stairs and she walks into the kitchen. Emmett immediately scoops her up in a hug and swings her around.
"Uncle Em, put me down!" Bella giggles, as Emmett complies before she walks over to Rosalie, giving her a hug.
Peter kisses her head before she walks over to her breakfast, digging right in.
"Bellarina, are you excited for school?" Emmett asks as she nods her head, the excitement, but also some anxiety radiating off her.
"You'll do amazing. All of those other kids don't know what's coming." Emmett tells Bella who smiles at him, finishing her breakfast.
"What if they don't like me?" she asks, her anxiety spiking while I reach over and pull her to my lap.
"Don't think like that, Bella. They'll love you, just like we do." I tell her, but she still frowns in worry.
"Yeah, Bellsy, just look at my Rosie. She doesn't like anybody, but she likes you- OW!" Emmett says, Rosalie smacking him on the back of the head which makes Bella giggle.
"Bella, you're such a wonderful person. What's not to like?" Rose asks while Bella shrugs, not really believing her words.
"Angel, don't worry if the other kids don't like you. You're an amazing person, and if they don't like you then they're either bad people, or they're just jealous of you." I try to reassure her. But, honestly, who the hell could not love my Bella?
"Okay, Jasper." Bella nods her head with a smile, while I kiss her cheek.
"Alright, Baby Girl, go get your book bag. We gotta leave." Charlotte says and Bella hops down from my lap, running up the stairs.
Peter pulls up to the school and Bella unhooks her seatbelt, Jasper opening the car door for her as all the vampires get out. "Do you want us to go in with you?"
Bella widens her eyes and shakes her head, "Do you see any other kids my age with their parents walking them in?"
Peter chuckles, while holding his hands up in surrender. When we registered Bella for school, Charlotte and Bella took a tour so Bella knows where her classroom is. Charlotte said she got many dirty looks because of her wearing her sunglasses inside, making some bullshit excuse about the eye doctor. Peter crouches down, kissing Bella's cheek before Charlotte pulls her in for a hug and a kiss.
Bella then turns to me and I kneel on the floor, Bella throwing her arms around my neck as I hug her back. "Good luck, Angel. You'll do great."
"Thank you, Jasper. I love you."
"I love you too, Bella. I always will." I reply, pulling back and kissing her forehead. Charlotte hands Bella her backpack and swings it on her back, taking a deep breath and walking to the doors. Peter places his arm around Charlotte, both of them looking a little bittersweet as I watch my Bella walk towards the school.
Before she walks in, she turns around and makes eye contact with me, flashing a bright smile and waving. I return it before she walks in the school, disappearing from sight.
We all get in the car as Peter pulls away from the school. Thankfully, the pull has gotten better for Bella and I. We can be apart for a bout six hours before it starts to become painful. I just hope that she's okay and enjoys the school. If not, we'll pull her out and continue home schooling her.
The car ride is silent, all of us feeling a little bittersweet about Bella going to school. She hasn't left our sides in four years, so now it's weird. I'm used to keeping Bella close to me, only leaving when I have to hunt. It feels odd not having her at my side, but I know that she needs space. She needs to make some human friends. She needs to be a human child.
I just worry about someone finding out about her. I don't want them to take her away from me. I would do anything, kill anyone, to get her back to me if we were ever apart. Okay, I'll admit, I'm possessive of what's mine. Bella is mine, but that doesn't mean I'll handle her like some toy.
She's my mate. My equal. My love. My happiness. My serenity. My dream girl. Mine.
As a mated female, she will always have a say in decisions, but as the male, I will have the final say. That's just how it goes. In every mated couple I know - Peter and Charlotte, Emmett and Rose, Eleazar and Carmen, even Carlisle and Esme. It's just how it is in vampire world.
As I walk into my study, I try to occupy the time until Bella comes home by organizing all of my important papers that document the various houses and bank accounts I have around the world. I've acquired a vast fortune over the last century, and since I've lived with the Cullens for the last forty years, I never spent much. There's one thing I'll thank Alice for - using her gift in the stock market. That gave all of us more money that we know what to do with.
I try to take my time, carefully alphabetizing everything and meticulously placing it in the right spot. I then open my desk, seeing the special present for Bella. I open the box, pulling out the lovely piece of jewelry.
It's an antique locket, with the Whitlock crest engraved into it. I distinctly remember when I made the crest with Peter and Charlotte, before I practically ignored them at the request of my ex-wife. The red color of the locket represents a warrior, the Raguly line represents difficulties that have been encountered. The symbols on the crest - the eagle representing a noble strength and bravery while the sword is justice and military honor. Finally, the trefoil represents perpetuity and the bow shows readiness for battle. It took a couple of months for the jeweler to make it, but it was well worth the wait. I open it, a smile spreading across my face as I put a picture of Bella and I from last year on one side , and when she's older, I hope to add one to the other side.
I place the locket back in the box and put it back in my desk, glancing over at the clock and feeling some relief when I see that it's an hour until Bella gets out of school. I walk downstairs, seeing Charlotte and Peter sitting in the living room with Emmett and Rose, watching tv.
"Oh, finally you come down. I thought you were going to brood in your room until 3:00." Peter snarks as I smack him on the back of the head.
"I wasn't brooding, asshole. I organized my study." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.
"Idle hands are the devil's playground, huh? Your study didn't need to be organized anymore, you just want to keep your mind off Little Bit not being here. What are you gonna do for the next one hundred and seventy-nine days, Major?" Peter smirks as I glare at him, sending my irritation.
"He's right, Major. You're gonna need something to occupy your time since Baby Girl will be at school for eight hours." Char tells me and I sigh, knowing she's right. I can't just sit around the house, waiting for her to come home.
"Rosie and I were thinking of applying at University of Portland. Why don't you go to school with us?" Emmett tells me.
"You could take a couple of classes in the morning and be back in time for Bella to get out of school." Rose suggest and I frown, considering their idea. It's a good one, and it would pass the time that Bella is at school.
"Alright. We'll apply tomorrow." I tell them and they smile, nodding their heads before focusing back on the tv.
At 2:45, I practically run to my truck to pick Bella up from school. Peter and Emmett snicker at my eagerness, but I just flip those goofballs off, not really caring what they think. I pull into the school and lean against the truck while waiting for Bella. I hear the bell ring and a couple of moments later, a bunch of kids pile out of the school. I look around, seeing a couple of moms looking at me with lust while I grimace, pleading with Bella to get out here. I finally see her exit the doors with a red-headed girl who looks to around her age. They're both laughing with each other before Bella turns her eyes to me, her smile widening as she waves. I return it as the red-head catches this and turns to my Bella.
"Who's that?" she asks and Bella turns back to her.
"That's Jasper. He's my...mom's brother." Bella says, remembering the story we told her.
"So, he's your uncle?" she asks and I can't help the grimace that flashes across my face. Uncle? No way.
"No, I'm adopted." Bella tells the girl who nods, looking over to the school bus.
"Oh, okay. I'll see you tomorrow, Bella!" the red-head says, waving.
"Bye, Kate!" Bella says before turning to me and running over, right into my open arms.
"Ahh, there's my Angel. How was school?" I ask and she beams, her giddy emotions attacking me with a force.
"Jasper, I had so much fun!" Bella exclaims and I kiss her forehead, chuckling.
"Well, I'm glad, Sugar. Come on, tell me all about it in the car." I say, opening the back door and helping Bella up into the large truck. She buckles herself in and I walk over to the driver side, sliding in. Pulling out of the parking lot, Bella starts with her tale of what happened today.
"I made a couple of friends. That girl, Kate, she's new too. She just moved here from Montana. Then there's this boy, Brian, he's really nice. He sits next to me in class and he told me that his dad was in the Army, but he retired so they moved back to Oregon three years ago. My teachers are really nice and Mrs. Audio told us what we're going to be learning this year, and it's all stuff Charlotte already taught me. Then she said we're going to go on a couple of field trips this year. She said in November, we're going to a museum in Portland. We're also gonna go to the zoo!" Bella tells me and I chuckle, listening to and feeling her enthusiasm while pulling up the house. "Jasper, how was your day?" she asks as I help her out of the car, grabbing her green back pack.
"It was pretty boring, but I got some news. Em, Rose, and I are going to be going to school, too."
"Really? Aren't you too old for that?" Bella asks and I playfully glare at her as she giggles, before I scoop her off her feet and sling her on my shoulder. "Jasper!"
"What?" I ask, innocently as she wiggles, laughing all the way to the house. I place her down as she playfully glares at me, only adding to my amusement. Even while glaring, she looks adorable.
"Bella's home!" Emmett yells, Bella jumping at the sound as he and Rose walk over hugging her.
"Group hug!" Peter yells, running over and wrapping his arms around everyone, Bella right in the middle of that vampire sandwich.
"I need air!" Bella says, all of the vampires letting her go as she gasps for breath.
"Sorry, Bellarina. We just missed you!" Emmett says and Bella rolls her eyes. She then runs around Emmett and into Charlotte's open arms.
"How was school, Baby Girl?" Charlotte asks and Bella smile wide.
"I had so much fun!" Bella exclaims, Charlotte smiling even more.
"Come on, I made you a snack." Charlotte says, disappearing with Bella into the kitchen.
The next day after dropping Bella off at school, Rose, Em, and I drive over to University of Portland to apply. After getting all of the information we need, we drive home so I could make a few phone calls to Jenks about Rose and Emmett's information. They're actually going back to being McCarty's, so I need to get them all new documents without the name Cullen on them.
After making a few phone calls, I look through the information I received today. I decided to apply for the Physics program, figuring it's something I haven't gotten a degree in yet. I've gotten a couple in sociology and psychology, but I wanted to take a science and math class.
I do enjoy going to college, though. I just hated that with the Cullens, we also went to high school. It was irritating to be around all of those humans with my siblings who were also surrounded by humans. Luckily for them, I took away their blood lust so they would be fine.
I glance over at the clock, smiling when I see that it's time to go pick up Bella. I grab my car keys and exit my study, ready to go pick up my Bella.
September 13, 1995
"Happy birthday, Bella!" Everyone yells as they walk into my angel's room to wake her up. I'm holding her in my arms as she rubs her eyes, sleepy smile on her face.
"Thank you." she says, and I'm thankful that it's Saturday, so I can spend all day with my girl.
"Get ready and come downstairs so you can have breakfast." Charlotte says and Bella nods her head, everyone walking out of her room so she can get ready. I look down at my Bella, who's smiling at me.
"Happy birthday, Angel." I tell her and she wraps her arms around my neck, hugging me.
"Thank you, Jasper."
"What do you want to do today?" I ask and she shrugs with a small smile.
"I just want to spend it with you guys." Bella replies and I smile. Like me, she enjoys simple things like spending time with family. She's not one for extravagance, and I like that.
So, we spend the whole day together with each of us spend some personal time with Bella. Char cooks Bella her favorite meals while she plays play station with Emmett. Rose sits behind her, braiding her hair.
"Em, stop cheating!" Bella yells as Emmett mocks innocence.
"Baby Bells, I'm offended that you would think I'm cheating!" Emmett says, and I roll my eyes, knowing that he's using his speed to win against her. Peter and I glance at each other and smirk, running over to Emmett and pinning to the ground, as he tries to throw us off.
"Yes!" Bella yells as she crosses the finish line first. Peter and I smirk at each other, getting up off of Emmett, who is pissed.
"That's cheating!" Emmett yells like a child while I walk over to Bella, placing her on my shoulder as she revels in victory.
"I didn't tell them to do that!" Bella says, giggling while I just smirk at Emmett.
"Yeah, yeah, well, I want a rematch." Emmett challenges Bella who crosses her arms, smirk on her face that she learned from Peter.
"Bring it on, Uncle Emmy." Bella says and Peter chuckles.
"That's my girl." Peter says, smug smile on his face while he radiates pride.
"Hey, children and Rose, rematch later. Bella's dinner is ready." Char says and I take Bella down, carrying her into the kitchen. After her dinner, Charlotte brings out her cake and we all sing happy birthday to Bella.
"What'd you wish for, Bellarina?" Emmett asks Bella, who is sitting on my lap and Rosalie rolls her eyes.
"She can't tell you, or else it won't come true."
"I didn't wish for anything. I have everything I could ever wish for." Bella says, looking over her shoulder to me with a bright smile on her face. I smile and place a kiss on her head. I feel the same way. I slip out of the kitchen and walk upstairs and into my study to get Bella's present. Grabbing it out of my desk, I walk back downstairs and into the kitchen when the doorbell rings. All of us exchange confused glances, not knowing who would be here until we catch their scent. Cullens.
My rage grows and the shudders close over my eyes before I hear the door open and a small gasp from Bella, making me flit over towards the door. I grab Bella and place her behind me, Peter, Charlotte, Emmett, and Rose all forming a barrier around us as I hold my Bella close to me, the Major is beating his cage.
Let me end them, once and for all! Let me out, Jasper!
I try to keep my composure, knowing I won't be able to identify enemy from friend under my Major haze, only Bella will be safe. Making sure my mate is safe, I raise my black eyes to the last vampires I ever want to see.
"Happy birthday, Bella." Alice says, with a sickly smile on her face. Edward standing next to her, staring right at my Bella.
What do those assholes want? Lord, it's the girls birthday.
Guess who's going to start a Jasper/Hermione story soon? Jalen is! I've already started outlining it. Yay! And I'm gonna keep the same timeline as Harry Potter so it'll start at the end of Phoenix. Would anybody be interested in reading it? Oh, and while we're on the matter of Harry Potter, anyone know any good Dramione stories? I can't find any that don't make me want to rip my hair out.
Chapter will be posted on Word Press.
Thanks a bunch