Author has written 17 stories for Tomb Raider, X-Men, X-Men: The Movie, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age. Writer, weirdo, imaginary friend... I'm just an odd little turtle. Science fiction is awesome. I'm 32, a geek, and married. I write for my own enjoyment as well as the enjoyment of others. Feedback/reviews/comments are loved and appreciated. I respond to any feedback given (unless RL gets in the way and I'm unable to). Contact stuff: Fan journal thing on Livejournal: oddlittleturtle (NSFW, crack, humor, science) Watch me reblog fandom-related stuff on Tumblr: oddlittleturtle (NSFW, crack, humor, science) Twitter: @oddlittleturtle (public, NSFW, drunk tweets, fandom and writing related) Writing Workshop and Constructive Criticism: Concritters @livejournal (original fiction only, I co-mod here with waiting4morning) Space and fandom 'art' on Deviant Art: TheOddLittleTurtle (SFW, can't draw) My fics are as follows: Current Stories Guardians of the Gate - Pre-Mass Effect 2, Post-Mass Effect (Currently ignores ME3) - A character exploration of Joker and Ashley set just after the events of the Mass Effect 2 prologue. Spoilers for ME2. Rated M for violence, adult situations and language. Also, medical technobabble and Cerberus plots. Because nothing throws two people together like politics and Kelly Chambers. Joker/Ashley Williams pairing. Insert your own Spacer femShep (Spacer required for plot). Not related to Redundant although some OCs from Redundant are mentioned. Odd Little Shorts - Mass Effect - Drabbles written for the weekly me_challenge community on Livejournal. Rating varies per drabble -- but since when do I write stuff for kids? Spoilers throughout. Complete Stories Eliza - Mass Effect 'verse - In-game just after the Luna mission. Alenko reflects and ELIZA reacts to the death of her "offspring". Not related to Redundant. Questionable Edibles - X-men, comic style - set in the Warrior with No Name Universe - Mostly humorous drabbles that have no place in the current stories, but are fillers and are canon to the universe. Kiotr Odd Little Words - X-men, various - one word, one sentence challenge written after discovering a random word generator. Pickles and Cheese - X-men, drabbles/fluff/whatever tickles my toad - Gimme words, I make them into short little pieces and post here or to my livejournal. On Hold (To be edited and reposted at a later date) Discontinued |