Author has written 17 stories for Tomb Raider, Mortal Kombat, Assassin's Creed, Metal Gear, and Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人. Hey :) You've opened up this page to possibly know more about me.. I can say I'm flattered ;) Lets just say I'm a regular part-time writer (who should write more often for the sake of her own sanity.. Reality is such a bummer, no?) Gender: Female. Hobbies include: writing, sleeping, brain-storming, reading, music, day-dreaming (that should be number 1, actually). Interests: Tomb Raider (the proverbial love of my life), Mortal Kombat, Assassins Creed, MGS, DC Comics (Superman \S/), Resident Evil. Sports/martial arts do interest me, but I'm not actively involved in either of them (wasting myself away at the treadmill ftw; I get a lot of good ideas when running). Mysticism, specifically Sufiism interests me greatly as well - this sort of collides with the political philosophy courses I've studied that exposed me to the likes of Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Kant, Herder and Nietzsche. Not saying I'm good at philosophy or mysticism of any kind (not even going to touch that word - my understanding may as well be rudimentary at best) - but these are all issues and avenues that interest and impact me profoundly. I have hinted on some of these themes in my recent works (recent meaning in the past 4-5 years) - including in the Return of Darkness, Condolences to the Blind, the Hunter and the Hunted, and now will continue to explore them more deeply in the Takahashi Family Saga. I digress. Occupation: Student. Completing bachelors in Political Science, IR and History. Expect to graduate with honours (and hopefully, a high distinction) by 2016. A word on some of my stories - for particularly those who have reviewed continuously for updates: Ending (TR): Oh dear God. What was I thinking when I was writing this - I lost the plot after the first 8-9 chapters, I think. The initial idea wasn't bad at all, but man oh man - it should have ended just there. Period. I'm most definitely not going to work on it. Return of Darkness (TR): A darker retelling of my first ever fanfic from more than 10 years ago. I've almost a 50,000 word background-information/previous retelling/ideas/snippets what-have-you already written for ROD. I definitely haven't written myself into a hole (as I did with Ending), but to be honest - I've found myself lacking the will to sit down and just write it out. Lara has now completely changed, the Tomb Raider franchise has taken a 180 degree turn and gone into territory that is just too unfamiliar, too mainstream-ised, to casual-ised for my liking. Angel of Darkness, as ever, remains my most favourite game of the franchise in terms of story - but it's hard to compel yourself to experience the emotions you did more than 10 years ago to continue writing. Most of all, I'll admit, I haven't frankly had the time to replay the game again and again to get myself in the 'mood' - which I feel has been the biggest hindrance in it's lack of development. BUT - it all changes next year, once I'm done with my graduation. The past 3-4 years have quite literally changed my life - moved into a new country, changes in the family, crippling workload, etc - again, providing me little time to sit down and work on ROD. But I will return to it (oh, the irony...). That is a promise. Hunter and the Hunted (AC): I do plan on finishing it. It's supposed to be a two-chapter series, and I've just one more to write out. But again, too much time has past since I started writing it - feelings, ideas, etc have all been suppressed into almost non-existence in the corners of my stupid, lazy-ass brain. Again, I will continue it - but I'm not giving myself any deadlines. Takahashi Family Saga (MK): Currently, the apple of my eye. It's amazing how Kenshi compels me to write and explore about him (a blind telekinetic ninja swordsman as a muse? You better believe it!). Given the novelty of MKX, I've high hopes with this fic - especially with regards to incorporating some of the raw philosophical ideas I've studied into the characters thought processes. I can't say anything on how readers will feel about those, but as a writer, I feel it is my utmost duty to make such notions accessible to the characters within the framework of the Takahashi Family. Apart from Kenshi and Takeda, one can expect prominent roles to be played by Scorpion/Hanzo, Raiden, possibly Kuai Liang, Jacqui Briggs and the Cages. Also, Suchin is amazing :3 All this, of course, when the story takes off properly - it could be a while before that happens, but from all the stories listed above, I'm most likely to complete this one (for most part) in the span of the next few months. So that is some good news. Yes? No? ;) I believe in constructive criticism and reviewing. Nothing is better than letting the author know how they are faring - appreciating them on a job well done as well as guiding them forward with your own experience is extremely beneficial. Therefore, I have allowed anonymous reviews to my stories - feel free to read, review and criticise my works, in of course a civil manner :) I also happen to have a Tumblr account under the same name. I publish my MK-related works there too, alongside previews with artwork/pictures I feel are relevant - but mostly it's for reblogging everything and nothing ;) |
Acid-Rush (22) E.P.O (8) FloweryNamesLover (11) Gonzo Opera (4) iceangelmkx (25) jaarli (4) | kumulonimbus (12) Lady Faun (0) MagicalMuggle (3) Misura (9) monsterbot (6) Nick.Norma (8) Nienna Tasartir (1) | Obelisk of Light (20) Poe's Daughter (9) tombraidergirl (11) Valleera Angel (3) |